Lin Shuangyue, as the last generation of the Queen of Jingjue, once obtained the power left by the snake god in the bottomless ghost cave - the ghost eye.

Her eyes can make objects disappear out of thin air and turn yellow sand into gold.

In fact, the truth of this ability is material replacement.

Replace the materials in the imaginary space and the real space with each other!

The scene happening in front of her was familiar to Lin Shuangyue.

Ji Changsheng reacted immediately. Could it be that the invader hiding behind the scenes also has the same ability?

He asked after a moment of hesitation.

"Ayue, can you do it?"

He meant that if the other party used the same ability and the two large ships were replaced in the imaginary space, then Lin Shuangyue should be able to use the ghost eye to replace the ship back to the real space.

Lin Shuangyue shook her head helplessly and whispered.

"The two ships are too big, beyond my ability."

"In addition... I don't know the specific location of the ship, so I can't use the ghost eye."

The imaginary space is an extremely huge place, and no one knows how big it is.

If you don't know the exact location, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find two ships in the imaginary space.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly when he heard this.

He is indeed a strong enemy from the imaginary space.

Before the two sides met, he was already at a disadvantage in the first round of the contest.

At this time, Hong Beihai next to him was so scared that he almost peed his pants, and said in a trembling tone.

"We... won't be hit too?!"

These words expressed the concerns in everyone's hearts. If the other party can deal with two Wanmi-level large ships, they can also easily deal with them!

What's more terrible is that this ability is launched without any signs, and it is almost impossible to defend. Even if you know the other party's ability, you can't do anything!

Lin Shuangyue shook her head quickly.

"I don't think so. This ability consumes a lot of energy. It takes a long time to recuperate after each use."

"Not to mention that there are two ships that big. It is unlikely that the opponent can use it continuously, unless its mental power is more than 10,000 times greater than mine!"

Lin Shuangyue is a peerless master who has practiced for more than 2,000 years. Her mental power is so strong that it can be said to be the ceiling among humans.

Even Ji Changsheng, who has the wisdom of God, can only exceed her by dozens of times at most.

The only one who can exceed her by 10,000 times is a snake god!

If the opponent really has the strength of a snake god, he will not hide in the South China Sea to do something sneaky. He can just push forward without thinking.

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The man's expression moved when he heard this.

"If this is the case, it must have a purpose for doing this."

"There must be something on those two ships that poses a threat to it, so it is worth consuming so much energy."

But the problem is that among all the people who came to the South China Sea this time, Ji Changsheng should be the biggest threat to the enemy.

Although there were many experts on the two ships, their combined strength was not as good as Ji Changsheng.

Why didn't the other party attack Ji Changsheng, but targeted the two large ships?

Lin Shuangyue immediately thought of something.

"Is it the bronze coffin?"

The man shook his head immediately.

"I don't think so. If it was the bronze coffin, it would have had plenty of opportunities to attack before we came, and it wouldn't have waited until now."

"It should be something else on the ship, or it could be someone."

Ji Changsheng suddenly understood after hearing this.

The most special person on the two ships was the young man who carried the holy blood of the Zhang family!

The young man's holy blood, plus the bronze ware of the Hate Heaven Kingdom, is the ultimate nemesis.

The purpose of the invader is to eradicate the ultimate. It is very likely that it will kidnap the young man and use the holy blood to deal with the ultimate!

Thinking of this, his face gradually became cold.

"No matter what the reason is, let's go and see first."

Everyone took a small boat with fear and rushed to the sea area where the incident occurred.

Along the way, everyone was very alert and kept a close watch on every move nearby. Although this might not be of any use, if the other party really used the ghost eye to attack, it would be impossible to defend against it.

Fortunately, during the more than one-hour voyage, the wind and sea were calm and no accidents occurred.

This confirmed Lin Shuangyue's speculation that the other party did not have the energy to use this ability continuously, so there was no need to worry for the time being.

After arriving at the sea area where the incident occurred, Ji Changsheng threw out the nine-foot demon silk.

The demon silk quickly grew larger after encountering water, turning into a 100-meter-long black dragon, circling and flying hundreds of meters high in the sky.

Ji Changsheng jumped up and jumped onto the dragon's back.

Artifact: Suzaku Sword!

A dazzling flame rose from his hand, rushed into the sky, and illuminated the sea area of ​​dozens of miles.

With the light of the flame, Ji Changsheng looked at the sea surface intently.

The sea surface was sparkling, without wind or waves, as if nothing had happened.

Skill: God's Wisdom is activated!

Ji Changsheng replayed the scene in his mind, observing it frame by frame.

With 500 times the brain power, he magnified the picture dozens of times, not missing any details.

Ordinary people's memory is impossible to be so clear. As time goes by, it will become more and more blurred and gradually forgotten.

Only the wisdom of God has such a powerful computer-like function.

Only superhuman vision can take in the scene dozens of kilometers away.

What happened more than an hour ago was presented in the mind in the form of an ultra-high-definition movie.

Ji Changsheng could even see the position of each person and their expressions and movements.

Wu Xie at the stern was on the phone, reporting the situation to Ji Changsheng.

On the deck not far from him, Fatty and Wang Kaixuan were pointing at the sea, with smug expressions on their faces, probably bragging after the victory.

A little further away, Shirley Yang and Hu Bayi were squatting on the deck, studying the body of a mermaid, while Jack and Aning were standing by and discussing.

At the bow, Zhang Yingchuan and the captain were directing the soldiers to carry the body of the mermaid and clean up the battlefield.

There seemed to be no problem on the warship, so Ji Changsheng turned his attention to the Neptune.

Since the Neptune was half covered by the warship, only the stern could be seen.

Captain John and Black Glasses were on the third floor of the navigation building, watching dozens of soldiers cleaning the deck.

Chen Yulou and the little brother stood in the higher-level observation tower, overlooking the sea in the distance, and seemed to be talking about something. Ah Sheng stood quietly on the side, looking around vigilantly.

The situation on both ships was normal, and there was no abnormality.

As the picture continued to advance, it would soon come to the time when the incident occurred.

Ji Changsheng concentrated and held his breath, quickly scanning every frame in the picture, hoping to find some clues.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the stern of the Neptune.

The man walked out of the cabin, quietly avoided the crowd, came to a secluded and deserted place, and looked around vigilantly.

The man's sneaky behavior was very suspicious, which immediately attracted Ji Changsheng's attention.

But when the man turned his head, Ji Changsheng was stunned.

It turned out to be Xiaowu!

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