Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 815 It's just behind

When the little brother saw Xiao Wu for the first time, he suddenly had a feeling.

The little girl with a beautiful smile in front of me doesn’t look like the same person as the usual Xiao Wu!

In his impression, Xiaowu was a kind and lively little girl with a cheerful personality, but with a hint of girlish shyness.

But there was a hint of evil in the smile of Xiao Wu in front of him, and there was even an indescribable viciousness in his eyes, like a poisonous snake that could bite at any time!

"Brother, if you look at me like this, people will misunderstand you. Do you like me?"

Xiaowu smiled, jumped down from the candlestick, and came to the little brother.

The little brother obviously noticed that she was different from usual, and he was already on guard.

But he didn't show it on the surface, he just asked calmly.

"Did you see anyone else?"

When Xiao Wu heard this, he couldn't help but frown and said with a displeased face.

"You didn't even ask me if I was okay. You are such a stupid idiot who doesn't know how to care about others!"

The younger brother said expressionlessly.

"You look okay."

The implication is that you obviously have nothing wrong with you, so what else do I need to ask?

Xiao Wu's face turned red with anger, he stamped his feet and said.

"What an idiot. No wonder you've been a bachelor for the rest of your life. You deserve it!"

After thinking for a while, the little brother had no choice but to ask.

"Then are you okay?"

Xiao Wuyi turned around and replied angrily.

"It's okay! Thank you very much!"

After saying that, he strode forward, no longer paying attention to the little brother, and looked like he was really angry.

The little brother scratched his head, shrugged helplessly, and had no choice but to follow.

The two of them walked forward silently, one behind the other, without anyone speaking.

The air was almost freezing with embarrassment.

After walking for five minutes, Xiao Wu broke the silence.

She suddenly stopped and turned back to stare at her brother, as if she was seeing him for the first time.

"Hey, are you really not going to ask me anything?"

The younger brother still had a sullen face and replied to her.

"What should I ask?"

Xiao Wu raised his fist and swung it hard into the air.

"I'm going to be so angry with you!"

"Such a big thing happened, why didn't you even react at all? You should at least give me a surprise or a surprised expression, right?"

"Ask me if there's anything wrong, why I'm here, where this is, etc."

The more she spoke, the angrier she became, and she reached out and pointed at the little brother.

"But you are good, you look like you are not worried even if the sky falls, as if nothing has anything to do with you!"

"Are you really a wooden head?"

Facing her barrage of questions, the expression on the boy's face did not change at all, and he just waited quietly for her to finish.

After Xiao Wu complained a lot, he crossed his arms and looked at the younger brother angrily, waiting for the other party's response.

After a while.

The younger brother said calmly.

"You will tell me even if I don't ask."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wu's expression finally changed.

The guy obviously meant what he said!

A trace of surprise flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes, along with a hint of doubt.

Could it be that this guy who looks like a piece of wood can not only act cool, but also see through everything?

Although she has been with Ji Changsheng for almost two years, she doesn't know her brother very well.

The little brother has a mysterious life experience, and because he is taciturn and unsociable, not many people really understand him.

After all, he is the person Ji Changsheng values ​​the most, and as the patriarch of the Zhang family, this man named Zhang Qiling cannot be underestimated!

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Wu finally calmed down.

"Okay, you win."

"As you said, I have no intention of hiding anything from you. As long as you ask, I will tell you everything."

"But you didn't ask anything. It's really annoying."

The younger brother nodded, still cherishing words like gold.

Xiao Wu frowned, turned around and strode away.

"Forget it, come with me."

This inscrutable wooden person wasted the lines she had been preparing for a long time!

After the two of them walked forward for a while, the sound of splashing water came from ahead.

This made the little brother slightly stunned. There was the exit of the tomb passage in front of him. Why was there water?

Is it an underground river?

But not long after, the little brother denied this speculation because he smelled a unique smell wafting in the air.

It's seawater!

Water is originally colorless and odorless, but seawater has a faint smell that only my superhuman sense of smell can detect.

"Is this an undersea tomb like the Xisha Tomb?"

With such doubts, I walked forward for more than a hundred meters.

There was some light ahead, flickering like fire.

At this time, Xiao Wu slowed down and whispered.

"Step softly, don't wake it up."

The little brother was stunned, what is it?

He suddenly remembered that dragon, could it be that dragon!

But when he reached the exit of the tomb passage and looked up, he didn't see the shadow of the dragon.

What appeared in front of him was a magnificent and strange sight.

At the end of the tomb passage is a huge bronze door, about fifty meters high and thirty meters wide.

A few dozen meters above the bronze door is a huge space with no end in sight.

The space is filled with sparkling sea water, and there are various aquatic animals swimming around in the sea.

Octopus, shark, jellyfish, sea crab, turtle, to name a few.

They seemed to be in the deep sea, with an invisible glass cover blocking the seawater outside.

The young man looked carefully and was surprised to find that there was no glass cover or anything like that.

The seawater actually floated on it out of thin air!

The young man, who was always calm and composed, was finally moved.

"What's going on?"

Xiaowu couldn't help but smile complacently and made a gesture of silence with his hand.

"Shh, keep your voice down."

"I'll tell you when we get out, the fun stuff is still to come."

As he said that, he took the young man's hand and walked towards the bronze door.

The young man suppressed his shock and shifted his attention to the bronze door.

There is actually a bronze door here too!

He walked to the door and took a closer look, and was surprised to find that this bronze door was almost exactly the same as the one built by the Zhang family!

Only some tiny details were slightly different, and it looked older than the Zhang family's.

This suddenly reminded him of the Kingdom of Hate Heaven, from which the Zhang family learned the technology of casting bronze ware.

Could this be an ancient tomb of the Kingdom of Hate Heaven? !

He finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked for the first time.

"What exactly is this place?"

Xiao Wu answered while groping on the bronze door.

"Chief Zhang, welcome to the Undersea Dragon Palace."

As he said that, he reached out and gently pressed on the door.

I saw a crack on the bronze door, and a small door appeared.

The small door slowly opened, and a sea breeze with a fishy smell blew in from outside.

At this time, a low and heavy breathing sound came from behind, like the groan of an ancient giant.

Xiao Wu's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly took the little brother's hand and walked quickly out of the door.

"Don't look back, it's behind."

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