A jade Buddha that spans hundreds of years in time and space appears in an era that does not belong to it.

There seem to be more secrets hidden in this ancient tomb than people imagine.

After thinking for a moment, Wuxie suddenly thought of a possibility.

"It was brought in by later generations!"

The Dan people are the descendants of Hattian Kingdom, and only they can enter and exit the ancient tombs freely.

This jade Buddha was most likely brought into the ancient tomb by the Dan people!

This should be the only reasonable explanation.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Xiao Wu.

Facing people's questioning looks, Xiao Wu shook his head gently.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Although she is a Dan citizen and can enter and leave the ancient tomb freely, she has only been here three times in total, and the total time she has stayed in the ancient tomb is no more than a month.

Her knowledge of this ancient tomb is not much better than the others.

The fat man saw this and grinned.

"Isn't it just a Buddha statue? There are more important clues on it. Why are you so anxious?"

This tower has eighteen floors. The higher you go, the more important the information stored is.

They had only reached the tenth floor, and they already found it incredible. There were even more shocking secrets hidden in the eight floors above!

After sorting out his thoughts, Wuxie nodded.

"The fat man is right. Since you can't figure it out, don't waste time here. Go up and take a look first."

Everyone's curiosity was aroused and they immediately came to the eleventh floor.

When people first stepped onto this floor, the sight they saw shocked everyone.

What is stored on this floor is actually a corpse!

There were not only humans, but also animals and some weird creatures, totaling more than a hundred mummies.

The internal organs of these mummies were hollowed out and supported on metal frames, and they were all made into specimens.

In addition to these mummies, there are a dozen large cabinets lined up against the wall.

Stored in the cabinet are some specimens of small animals and plants, as well as some body organs, teeth, bones, internal organs, fur and the like.

As a biologist, Jack regarded these mummy specimens as more valuable than gold and diamonds, and he was immediately attracted to them.

"This seems to be... a craftsman, and this is a flesh-splitting beast!"

The craftsmen he talks about are not craftsmen, but a kind of ancient human beings who lived 1.8 million years ago.

The carnivorous beast lived even further back in the Late Eocene, and was a large beast 37 million years ago.

Jack looked at each specimen with wide eyes, as excited as a child coming to a toy store for the first time.

Every specimen here had a huge impact on him.

"Oh my god, this is actually a Velociraptor!!"

After watching for a while, Jack realized something was wrong again, and his excitement turned into confusion.

"These are specimens made from living animals, but they have obviously been extinct for a long time!"

The animal and plant specimens on this floor are all mummies made from living bodies, not plaster models!

They range from hundreds of thousands of years to as many as 100 million years ago, and they are all extinct species!

Where did the Hatetian Kingdom people get living bodies back then?

After Wuxie stepped forward and looked at the specimen of Velociraptor, he suddenly thought of something.

"Wang Zanghai has a baptizer under his command, and its body is a dinosaur!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately thought about it.

Wuxie is talking about Mr. Long whom he met at the Medog Lanza Temple. Mr. Long’s body is a velociraptor that can transform into a human form!

Later, because Wang Zanghai was sealed, this mystery has not been solved until now.

The living specimen of Velociraptor in front of them reminded people of this matter again.

Could it be that Wang Zanghai is also related to Hentianguo?

Thinking of this, people turned their attention to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu is a descendant of the Hentian clan and once worked for Wang Zanghai. She is the link between the two!

Seeing people's questioning looks, Xiao Wu quickly expressed.

"It's none of my business. It's impossible for me to tell Wang Zanghai the secret of my ancestors."

The fat man never let down his guard against her, and immediately turned cold and asked.

"Then how do you explain this? It can't be a coincidence!"

Xiao Wu replied helplessly.

"You all forgot one thing, which is the real key."


Wang Zanghai said that he has mastered the ultimate power.

One of the ultimate abilities is to transform living things!

The living specimens of Hate Tianguo and Mr. Long, these ancient creatures should have been extinct long ago.

There seems to be only one explanation for their reappearance in the world.

The ultimate transformation ability!

After thinking about it for a while, the fat man was still dubious and said again.

"The Zhang family is the one fighting the ultimate battle, not the Hentian family."

"What does the Hentian clan have to do with Ultimate?"

When Xiao Wu heard this, he smiled softly and replied proudly.

"Of course there is a relationship, and it's a big relationship!"

The ancestor of the Hentian clan was Hou Yi, a hero from ancient times.

The legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun is well known to everyone, but in fact what he was fighting against was not the sun in the sky, but the ultimate!

The first human being to defeat Ultimate was not the Zhang family.

But Hou Yi!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

This was the first time they heard this statement, and they couldn't believe it for a while.

Fatty was the first to express doubts.

"How do you prove that claim?"

This statement is so bizarre that no one can believe it without evidence.

Xiao Wu pointed at the top of his head.

"The evidence is up there."

When everyone heard this, they immediately dropped the specimens and went to the twelfth floor.

They all wanted to witness the truth of the ancient legend with their own eyes, which was more shocking than the extinct ancient creatures!

When people came to the twelfth floor, the scene on this floor was completely beyond imagination.

Everyone was deeply shocked and stayed on the spot.

This floor was very empty, with nothing else.

There was only one corpse!

It was a man sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his back to the people at the staircase.

The man was shirtless, and although he had turned into a blue-gray mummy, you could still see the block-like muscles, like steel sculptures.

This man had a very majestic figure. Even if he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was a head taller than an ordinary person. It was estimated that his height was at least three meters, even taller than Wuling King!

After a moment of stunnedness, the fat man asked hurriedly.

"Could this person be Houyi?"

Xiaowu nodded, walked towards the corpse with admiration on his face, and said.

"Yes, he is the ancestor of the Hate Heaven Clan, the first human to defeat the Ultimate."

"Hou Yi, the hero of the ancient times!"

No matter how precious the historical relics are, or how extinct the paleontological specimens are, they pale in comparison to this mummy.

Hou Yi is a household name in China!

In myths and legends, he is a great hero who saved mankind!

This corpse is a living history, as if it brings everyone back to the ancient times.

When everyone came to the corpse, the young man's expression moved.

On the floor in front of the corpse, there was a bronze vessel that looked like an eggshell.

There is also such a thing in Wang Canghai's tomb.

A bronze container used to imprison the Ultimate!

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