Looking at the distorted world in front of him, Ji Changsheng first thought of Van Gogh's "Starry Night".

Then, he realized that this was a dream!

"Haha, I didn't expect that I still have artistic cells. It would be nice to be a painter after retirement."

While he was daydreaming, he suddenly felt his body floating up.

With a gust of wind, he floated towards the deep universe and starry sky.

Various bizarre blocks of color passed by him, and Ji Changsheng suddenly had a very strange feeling.

He seemed to have entered the world of an oil painting.

The distorted space made him unable to perceive distance and time.

The whole world became muddy.

I don't know how long it has been floating, and finally a ray of light appeared in front of him.

To be precise, it was normal light.

Ji Changsheng then floated into the beam of light, as if passing through a door.

The scene in front of him changed again, this time it became familiar to him.

Huge golden steps, with patterns carved on the steps that he had never seen before.

Ji Changsheng stood under the steps, as small as an ant.

"This place looks so familiar, as if I've been here before."

As he thought, his body involuntarily floated up the stairs.

The speed of flight was very fast, so fast that it was unbelievable.

Hundreds of thousands of steps reached the end in an instant.

At the end of the stairs was a wide golden avenue.

A familiar voice came from the other side of the avenue.

"It's finally here."

This voice was also so familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.

Ji Changsheng stepped onto the avenue and walked quickly in the direction of the voice.

After walking for a while.

At the end of the avenue, there was a huge throne.

On the throne sat a god who was thousands of feet tall!

There were thousands of golden lights shooting out from behind the god, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Ji Changsheng suddenly remembered that when he was in the Kunlun Temple, he sacrificed his life to prevent the snake god from resurrecting and experienced death.

When he died, his consciousness came to this temple and saw the god on the throne!

"Am I dead again?"

No, he was clearly asleep and in a dream, but he didn't die.

Why did he come to this place again?

What is this place?

No matter how rational a person is in a dream, his mind is always confused, not fully awake, and unable to think normally.

Ji Changsheng was thinking hard, and heard the voice of the gods.

"This is a higher dimensional space, not your original world. Since you are here, come here."

Higher dimensional space?

Ji Changsheng wanted to figure out this concept, but unfortunately his brain didn't listen, and he just drifted towards the throne in a daze.

When he came to the throne, he looked up at the tall gods, but still couldn't see the gods clearly.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

At this moment, his mind was only enough to think about these simplest questions, which was almost the same as instinct.

The gods smiled and said.

"You asked the wrong question. You should ask who you are."

Ji Changsheng said without thinking, following the other party's tone.

"Who am I then?"

The spirit laughed and answered.

"You are Ji Changsheng, a person born in a low-dimensional world."

Ji Changsheng's current state obviously cannot understand such complicated words.

He repeated the previous question almost instinctively.

"Who are you then? Where is this place?"

The spirit laughed.

"Of course I am from a high-dimensional world."

"This is the junction of dimensional space, and in my world, it is also called a wall!"

Ji Changsheng was stunned and blurted out.

"What wall?"

The spirit answered slowly.

"The fourth wall."

If Ji Changsheng heard this answer in a sober state, he would be shocked and his three views would be shattered, and his whole body and mind would collapse.

It is precisely because his mind is not so clear that the spirit will tell him the truth.

"You are now facing a higher dimension. I know you have encountered some troubles and you have many questions in your heart."

"You came here because of the arrangement of the Supreme Will and the inevitability of fate."

"Therefore, I can answer you a question, a question beyond the world."

Ji Changsheng obviously could not understand the deep meaning of this long paragraph and could only understand one sentence.

"Can I ask a question?"

He suddenly remembered that he entered the dream to seek a certain truth, but he could not remember what the truth was.

Since he could not remember it, he simply did not think about it.

Ask whatever you can think of.

Only in this state can a person look directly into the deepest part of his heart.

Without any distractions, without any worldly shackles, look directly at the source of the problem.

"Who am I?"

Who am I?

Where do I come from?

Where am I going?

These are the three fundamental questions that humans cannot answer.

The gods seemed to have been prepared and spoke slowly.

"I finally asked the right question this time. Your name is Ji Changsheng. You were born in a low-dimensional world and are a special existence created by the Supreme Will."

"You were an ordinary worker in your previous life, but that is just one of your many identities!"

"Under the arrangement of the Supreme Will, you are a child of destiny, a person chosen by God, and a collection of many wills!"

"You are not just you, you are also everyone else, everyone!"

Ji Changsheng was immediately confused.

"What do you mean? Please explain."

The god smiled softly.

"To put it simply, many people want to be you, but they cannot come to the low-dimensional world and can only overlook you in the high-dimensional world, so they place all their thoughts and wants on you. body."

"You are the embodiment of their collective will and the existence that brings together everyone's expectations."

"You are Ji Changsheng, and so are all of them!"

Ji Changsheng's forehead couldn't help but darken, and he waved his hands quickly.

"Stop explaining. The more you explain, the more confused I become."

"I am me, how could it be someone else? I am Ji Changsheng!"

The god couldn't help laughing and waved his hand gently.

"You finally understand, just remember this is enough."

"Go back, go back to your own world!"

Ji Changsheng still had a problem with his head and didn't want to leave just like that.

"Wait a moment!"

But as soon as he said it, his mind suddenly came to his senses.

He opened his eyes suddenly and forgot most of everything he had just experienced.

Lie hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? You look like you've had a nightmare?"

Ji Changsheng waved his hand to indicate that he was fine and hurriedly recalled the experience in his dream.

But no matter how hard he tried to recall, he could only recall one sentence.

"You are Ji Changsheng, and so are everyone!"

What does this mean?

At this moment, he suddenly saw the sword in his hand.

There are five characters engraved on the hilt of the ancient sword.

Sword Fairy Fairy lives forever.

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up and he seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Could it be that there is not just one Ji Changsheng in this world, but many? !

This ancient sword left by the ancestors of the Zhang family belongs to another Ji Changsheng!

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