Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 877: The Legendary Ladder of Returning Souls

The last floor of the Spirit Tower symbolizes the Hell Road, and the password to open the door is the Heaven Road.

Heaven and earth are reversed, and yin and yang are combined.

This is another Taoist formation.

The Heaven Road of Buddhism and Taoism has completely different meanings.

Which Heaven Road is the correct password?

The young man thought about it for a long time, but he was not 100% sure in the end. He didn't know what the ancients thought more than 3,000 years ago.

But this door must be opened, and he can only do his best.

Under the attention of everyone, the young man took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and slowly wrote a word on the door.

Heaven Road!

But he didn't use Chinese characters, but the characters of the Hentian family.

Hentian's text is very special. It is a dynamic text.

Dynamic text can express the meaning that other texts cannot express.

For example, combining two words with different meanings can not only express the original meaning, but also derive a third meaning!

As for this third meaning, it cannot be expressed in other languages!

It's like, when you want to explain something to others, every word you use needs other words to explain it, and so on, you will eventually find that some things cannot be expressed in words, and can only be understood by heart!

Other human characters have this limitation.

Dynamic characters have a self-explanatory function, and do not need to be explained by other words.

It can even be said that as long as you learn this kind of characters, even the way of thinking will be completely changed!

The little brother has a vague feeling that the reason why Hentian can invent this special character must be related to the secret of Guixu!

"I hope my guess is right."

After writing, he immediately stepped back two steps and waited for it.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the door nervously.

The surroundings were ethereal and quiet enough to hear their own heartbeats.

If the little brother's guess is correct, there is hell behind the door!

What will hell look like?

Everyone's mind is quickly imagining the horrible scene after opening the door.

The short few seconds of waiting seem as long as a century.


Accompanied by a slight sound.

The door opened!

Everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back and tightened their weapons.

As the door slowly opened, everyone's heart was in their throat.

But when the door was fully opened, the scene in front of them surprised everyone.

Behind the door was a very ordinary staircase, the wooden planks had long been rotten and covered with dust.

The other end of the staircase was quiet, without any sound.

There were no ghosts crying and howling as imagined, and no gusts of cold wind.

Everything was so quiet that it made people suspicious.

The fat man blinked and said with courage.

"Brother, did you guess wrong? There is no hell behind this door, it just looks very ordinary."

Wuxie did not relax his vigilance and said nervously.

"If the brother is wrong, how can the door be opened? Maybe... the real hell is not what we imagine."

After all, no one has seen the real hell, and the description of hell is all human imagination.

The brother thought for a while and walked in first.

No matter what is behind the door, they must try it!

Everyone followed carefully and walked up the last staircase together.

The staircase was not long, only more than 20 meters.

When people walked out of the end of the staircase, they finally arrived at the 18th floor of the Spirit Tower!

The fat man took out the flashlight impatiently and shone it around.

When the flashlight illuminated this floor, the scene that appeared in front of people stunned everyone.

Before coming up, they imagined it countless times in their minds, almost thinking of all the possibilities.

But none of them thought that the 18th floor would be like this!

The fat man walked forward for a while as if he didn't see it clearly, and rubbed his eyes again.

He shouted in surprise.

"Damn, is this an illusion?!"

Others had the same question as him, is this an illusion?

I saw a tall statue of Guanyin sitting on a lotus platform, holding a half-meter-high porcelain bottle in his left hand, holding a willow branch made of jade in his right hand, and wearing a cassock inlaid with gems.

Pearls and jewels, solemn appearance.

It is exactly the same as the Guanyin statue on the thirteenth floor!

After Wang Kaixuan took a closer look, he hurried to the back of Guanyin and saw eight words engraved on her back.

Guanshi Zizai, Pudu Cihang!

"Damn, it's really the one downstairs!"

Everyone hurried to the front of Guanyin and observed it carefully. The more they looked, the more shocked they were.

They all have extraordinary observation skills. From various tiny details, they can be sure that this is the Guanyin on the thirteenth floor!

Aning couldn't help but look shocked and looked up.

"Even other places are exactly the same, look!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground.

There were a lot of messy footprints on the ground. From the patterns on the soles of the shoes, it can be seen that these footprints were left by them before!

In other words, they are back to the thirteenth floor!

Hu Bayi's expression changed and said.

"Could it be the Stairway to the Soul?"

It is said that there is a mechanism called the Stairway to the Soul, which uses a long corridor to make people lose their sense of direction and create a spiral maze. No matter which way you walk, you will return to the original place.

They clearly entered through the door on the 18th floor, but returned to the 13th floor. This was very similar to the legendary soul-returning ladder!

The fat man waved his hands hurriedly.

"It's impossible. We've been walking upwards. How could we go back downstairs? It's impossible no matter how you think about it!"

Wuxie thought for a while and said.

"I think it's possible. Have you noticed that this ziggurat is missing something important?"

Just when Fatty was about to ask what he was missing, Aning said with a surprised look on his face.


There is no window in the entire tower. Except for the entrance door on the first floor, it is an almost completely enclosed structure!

The fat man said immediately.

"This is deep underground, and there is no sunlight. It doesn't matter whether there are windows or not. What's all the fuss about?"

Wuxie immediately shook his head.

"Although there is no sunlight in the ancient tomb, there is a light source. Have you forgotten the giant bronze tree?"

The giant bronze tree that stretched across the center of the ancient tomb emitted soft golden light, illuminating the entire ancient tomb like the sun.

It’s not that the Ziggurat didn’t have windows because there was no light. There must be another purpose behind the design!

Hu Bayi nodded with a heavy expression.

"Tianzhen is right. Natural light has the function of determining direction. Although the giant bronze tree is not natural light, its position remains unchanged and has the same function."

"The purpose of not letting in the light is to prevent the people inside from judging the direction and lose their sense of direction!"

The fat man immediately objected and pointed at his feet.

"Even if there is no light source, the gravity will not change. How can we lose our sense of direction?"

At this time, the little brother who had remained silent finally spoke.

"How do you know gravity hasn't changed?"

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