Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 932 Is this an empty city plan?

Tie Slave's words reminded everyone that there were not only sacred bones in this giant bronze tree, but also buried the king and the great wizard of Hatantian Kingdom.

These two people are not only the enemies of Tie Nu and Hei Jing, but they are also the masterminds of the Guixu Ancient Tomb. If they are caught, they may be able to learn the secret of the divine bones!

Ji Changsheng said immediately.

"Don't rush to kill them yet, wait until I finish asking questions before killing them."

Tie Nu nodded.

"I also have something to ask them."

Heijing licked his lips and said with a strange smile.

"I have waited for more than three thousand years, how could I let them die so easily? I am happy to let them suffer more!"

He must have thought of hundreds of torture methods.

After saying that, everyone came to the gate.

I saw a tiger head carved on the gate, which is a relatively abstract image and conforms to the style of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Tie Slave couldn't help but be stunned.

"Why is there only the king and not the great wizard?"

It turns out that the tiger head is a totem symbolizing the identity of the king, and the great wizard's totem is a crow.

There are only tiger heads and no crows on the gate of the Spiritual Palace, which means that only the king of the country is buried inside.

Black frowned in surprise.

"Did that guy escape?"

Lin Shuangyue thought for a while, then shook her head.

"No, this spiritual palace should be composed of two parts. We are in the southwest and there is a gate in the northeast."

When people heard it, they remembered it.

There are three most important buildings in the Guixu Tomb, the Pantheon, the Bronze Giant Tree, and the Ziggurat.

The three buildings are located in a straight line, with the giant bronze tree in the middle and the Pantheon and Ziggurat at either end.

They started from the Pantheon and followed the tomb passage to the giant bronze tree.

In other words, there is a tomb passage at the other end of the giant bronze tree, leading here from the ziggurat.

Heijing and Tie Slave breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then the great wizard's tomb should be on the other side, but how are we going to get there?"

Lin Shuangyue pointed to the door and replied.

"It should be right behind this spiritual palace."

In fact, there are two spiritual palaces in the Bronze Tree, facing the northeast and southwest respectively, which correspond to the Pantheon and the Ziggurat.

These two spiritual palaces are back to back. As long as you pass through the spiritual palace in front of you, you can reach the other end.

Heijing couldn't help but laugh ferociously and stepped forward.

"Then it'll be easy to handle. Let's deal with the king first, and then catch the great wizard."

"Everyone, let me open the door. I have been studying it for a long time!"

After he escaped from the Pantheon, he ran around outside for thousands of years, collecting clues about the divine bones and the Hattian clan. In addition, he was originally from the Hattian Kingdom, so he had a lot of clues in his hands.

It is estimated that no one in the world understands the king and the great wizard better than him.

While he was talking, he solved the mechanism on the door with just three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

With a dull sound, the door slowly opened.

There was no expression of joy on Heijing's face, but a trace of suspicion.

"I just tested it, and it opened so easily."

"With the character of the king, his spiritual palace should not be so lax."

Tie Nu immediately reminded.

"He's not really dead, he's just sleeping inside. Be careful, there's probably a trap inside!"

Everyone immediately heightened their vigilance and took two steps back.

A moment passed.

When the door was fully opened, it was quiet and without any sound.

Shining a flashlight into the door, I saw a front hall, about two to three hundred square meters.

There are more than a dozen stone pillars in the main hall, and there are some lamp slaves beside the stone pillars.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

After looking at it, Hong Beihai couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"This ancient tomb is so huge, but the spiritual palace is so shabby?"

Spiritual palaces are luxurious ground-level buildings. Only wealthy and wealthy families would build spiritual palaces on their fiefdoms to carry out sacrificial activities.

In the simpler spiritual palace, ancestors' spiritual tablets will be enshrined, as well as various tomb beasts and warrior figurines used to suppress evil and exorcise demons.

High-end spiritual palaces will also have various furniture and facilities, which are almost exactly the same as normal palaces.

But there is nothing in this spiritual palace except stone pillars and lamp slaves.

It was as if tomb robbers had emptied it.

The problem is that no one has entered this ancient tomb in Guixu since it was built. How could it be looted?

Hei Jing frowned and said harshly.

"There must be something fishy about being so empty. There must be a trap set up!"

Lie was a little impatient as he waved his hand and said.

"If you're afraid, I'll go in and take a look. There's not even a ghost in sight. I'm afraid of a ball!"

Ji Changsheng did not stop him, but just told him to be careful.

Lie walked in carelessly and walked around the front hall, but didn't find any mechanism.

Then he waved to everyone outside the door.

"Come in, everyone. This is an empty city. There's not a single person inside."

Heijing and Tie Slave breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that he had gone through every place without triggering the mechanism.

Everyone then walked in cautiously.

After entering, I looked around and saw a door on each side, leading to the side hall.

There is also a door behind the front hall, which leads to the main hall.

Heijing and Tie Nu went to the side halls on both sides to check. There were only some burial objects inside, which were the daily utensils of the tomb owner during his lifetime, as well as weapons and armor. They didn't see any gold, silver or jewelry.

It seems that all the valuable funerary objects are in the main hall at the back.

After checking around, everyone returned to the front hall and looked at the door at the back.

It was a wooden door that looked very ordinary. It was not locked and could be opened with a slight push.

Hei Jing was about to push the door forward, but was stopped by Tie Nu.

"Don't move. I always feel something is wrong."

The king was suspicious, cruel and fierce, but there was no mechanism set up in the place where he was sleeping. This was obviously not in line with common sense.

Hong Beihai thought about it and said.

"Maybe it's because the scale of the ancient tomb is too large, and the national strength has been exhausted, and it is no longer able to build sophisticated mechanisms?"

Hei Jing immediately shook his head.

"No, the king has made long-term plans to sleep here. I don't know how long it will take for him to wake up. In order to prevent tomb robbers, there must be powerful mechanism traps here!"

There are no traps in the front hall and the side hall, so it must be in the main hall at the back!

This half-closed wooden door is most likely the mechanism to open the trap!

Everyone looked at each other in surprise. This is the only way to the main hall. How can we enter the main hall without triggering the mechanism?

Just as people were thinking, Lie couldn't help but suddenly farted loudly.

Lie said embarrassedly, holding his stomach.

"As the saying goes, a full stomach produces a fart. I'm hungry, boss."

Ji Changsheng had a helpless expression on his face and was about to conjure up some food to fill his stomach.

But at this moment, the half-closed wooden door suddenly opened automatically!

There were only a few puffs.

More than a dozen lamp slaves emitted strange white flames, illuminating the entire front hall!

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