Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 935: The Man of Divine Inspiration

Ji Changsheng saw that the Lord of Hentian Kingdom was in some abnormal condition and quickly waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, what is going on? When did I become a messenger?"

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom stopped and explained excitedly.

"You are the messenger of the gods' revelation, and only you can revive the gods!"

"Everything we have done is to wait for this day, to wait for your arrival!"

Ji Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed to the top of his head and asked.

"Is the god you are talking about the divine bone?"

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, that is the remnant body of the god. Only you can wake it up and give this world a new order!"

"When the time comes, we will all receive God's gifts and become gods!"

At that time, the great wizard communicated with the divine bones through divination and obtained a prophecy of revelation.

Only a person named Ji Changsheng can resurrect the gods!

But Shengu didn't say when this person would come. It might be hundreds of years later, or it might be thousands of years later.

In order to wait for the messenger of divine enlightenment, the Hentian family built this immortal city at all costs and obtained the art of immortality from the Zhang family.

All they have done is waiting for this moment!

After hearing this explanation, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but frown slightly.

According to his previous inference, the Divine Bones were not some prehistoric intelligent race, but the incarnation of heaven.

But why does the incarnation of heaven have anything to do with him?

There is also the Xuanwushe left by the Zhang family, which contains an ancient sword engraved with the words "Sword Fairy Ji Changsheng".

Huo Ling and Chen Wenjin also engraved the sentence "Ji Changsheng is the person who can master the ultimate" on the stone tablet excavated under the Zhangjia ancient building.

These messages from distant time and space are all related to him.

What the hell is going on! ?

As there are more and more clues, the truth has not come to light, but has become more and more confusing.

Even Ji Changsheng himself was a little confused. He vaguely felt that the truth behind all this seemed to be more shocking than he imagined!

Seeing that Ji Changsheng didn't speak, the Lord of Hattian Kingdom continued.

"You must have received a revelation from the gods to come here, right? What are you still hesitating about?"

"God is waiting for us!"

After Ji Changsheng thought for a moment, he turned around and looked at the others.

"What do you think?"

The others did not enter the Taixu space and did not know the communication between them, so they all looked at him blankly.

Lie scratched his head and said.

"What do you think? Boss, what are you talking about?"

Ji Changsheng immediately explained the matter and asked their opinions again.

After everyone heard this, they were shocked and disbelieving.

After thinking about it carefully, Lao Zhou said.

"I think you can go take a look."

There were clues related to the ultimate buried in the Guixu ancient tomb, and of course he wanted to take a look.

Lin Shuangyue and Lie Ze said that they would listen to Ji Changsheng in everything and they had no objections.

Ji Changsheng nodded and smiled.

"Okay, then let's go together and see the true face of God!"

After saying that, he turned around, waved his hand, and said to the Lord of Hatred Heaven.

"Lead the way."

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom looked at everyone and asked immediately.

"Are they going too?"

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Of course, any questions?"

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom immediately shook his head and said.

"No, they can't go!"

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

"Why not?"

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom replied with a disdainful tone.

"Only those chosen by the gods are qualified to enter the palace. They are not the prophesied messengers and are not qualified to enter!"

Ji Changsheng snorted coldly and said firmly.

"Bullshit! Even you can get in, why can't they?"

"It's okay if I say yes!"

Although the Lord of Hatred Kingdom is in awe of the divine messenger, his attitude on this matter is very firm.


Ji Changsheng finally lost his patience and started to move his hands and feet.

"Since you are disobedient, I have to ask you to be more honest."

The Lord of Hatian Kingdom immediately understood what he meant, and his tone became serious.

"You want to use force?"

Ji Changsheng raised his fist and nodded.

"Isn't it obvious enough?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards him.

He could have used the artifact to kill the opponent easily, but for the sake of abundant vitality, he had to capture him alive.

Before the Lord of Hatian Kingdom could react, a cold fist had already hit his chest.


A crisp sound of fractures came from inside the golden jade clothes.


Accompanied by a scream, the Lord of Hatian Kingdom was knocked back dozens of meters, and hit the wall like a cannonball, knocking out a deep human figure.

Ji Changsheng didn't want to kill him. This punch just broke all the ribs and made the opponent incapacitated.

"Don't eat the soft ones, you have to eat the hard ones."

"If you were obedient, you wouldn't get beaten."

With that said, he walked over.

The Lord of the Hateful Heaven laughed wildly, struggled a bit, and jumped out of the wall.

"Although you are a messenger of divine enlightenment, don't underestimate me!"

"I am also the one chosen by God!"

After saying that, he let out a roar.

I saw the golden jade garment exploded instantly and turned into thousands of fragments, scattering in all directions.

Ji Changsheng was slightly stunned. The other party had broken dozens of ribs, so why did he still have such a strong power?

The Lord of Hate Heaven, who broke free from the golden jade clothes, revealed his true face.

Everyone looked at him carefully and was shocked.

Lie frowned and showed disgust.

"What kind of monster is this!"

The Lord of Hate Heaven looked very scary. He was naked and all his skin was exposed.

There were layers of wrinkles on his bright red skin, just like pine bark.

There was no hair on his bald head, and half of his two red eyeballs were outside his eye sockets, and there was no eyelid covering them.

There was no lips, revealing two rows of sharp teeth, like a beast.

He didn't look like a human being at all!

What was even more terrifying was that he exuded a strong aura of death, exactly the same as the aura of the iron slave Hei Jing!

Ji Changsheng finally understood.

"So you all turned into undead vampires. No wonder you hid here to sleep."

The Lord of Hate Heaven twisted his limbs, and there was a crackling sound in his body, which was the sound of bones healing quickly.

Then, he laughed sinisterly.

"Hehe, this is God's test for us. Only by offering you to the gods can the curse be lifted."

"But this curse has brought us powerful power!"

After saying that, he stepped down fiercely.


The ground immediately cracked into dozens of cracks, spreading in all directions and covering the entire palace!

The power of this kick was enough to collapse the mountains!

"Even if you are a messenger of divine revelation, you can't resist the power of the curse!"

"Bastard, pay the price for your arrogance!"

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