Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 94 The game has just begun

A large avalanche may be a spectacular sight to onlookers.

But for those who were there, it was a complete disaster.

A catastrophe like the end of the world!

Millions of dense snow swept in with the force of thunder!

Wherever the avalanche passes, even towering trees dozens of meters high are vulnerable, let alone tiny humans?

Park Duangen and a dozen of his men were all frightened out of their wits by the scene in front of them.

"How could an avalanche happen? It's over!"

Jack was much calmer than them, and he quickly looked around.

He reached out and pointed in the distance.

"Go there, quick!"

It was a huge rock protruding from the mountain. The extended part was seven or eight meters long and two or three meters wide.

A natural shelter forms beneath the boulder.

A dozen mercenaries ran towards the boulder, only regretting that their parents had lost two legs.

The speed of the avalanche is getting faster and faster, reaching speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour, and it is still accelerating!

If they want to survive, they have to race against death!


A scream sounded.

The last mercenary was hit in the head by a flying stone and died on the spot.

Countless flying rocks shot down like a hail of bullets.

Jack yelled, "Don't look back, keep running!"

But the people under him were not as skilled as him.

One after another, the mercenaries fell behind, making no sound anymore.

Park Duangen was so frightened that he could only urinate and urinate. Fortunately, Jack pulled him to run wildly, otherwise he would have died long ago.

Fortunately, the two of them finally hid under the boulder at the last moment, along with their eight remaining men.

There was a loud bang.

Countless piles of snow passed overhead and around us, like the roar of thousands of troops and horses, whipping up a gust of cold wind.

Everyone huddled together, shivering under the power of nature.

If you are a person with poor psychological quality, you may be frightened and faint on the spot.

The avalanche continued for several minutes before gradually losing momentum.

Just when people heaved a sigh of relief, Jack's face turned grim and he immediately gave the order.

"Get out and roll down the mountain!"

Park Duangen suddenly trembled with fright and looked at the avalanche that had not yet ended.

"Are you crazy! If you go out now, you will die!"

Jack replied coldly.

"There is still a chance of survival if we go out, but if we stay here, we will die!"

"Do you think this is a natural avalanche?"

As soon as these words came out, Park Duangen trembled all over, and then he suddenly woke up.

"Did they cause the avalanche?!"

If this is the case, then the group on the top of the mountain will definitely conduct a search, and they will be found and killed if they stay here!

Jack stopped talking nonsense to him, bent down to gather strength, and only said the last sentence.

"It's up to you whether you want to go or not!"

After saying that, his body flashed and he rushed into the rolling snow flow.

Park Duangen and his eight men took one look and had no choice but to rush out.

Fortunately, the momentum of the snow falling has been greatly weakened. After a group of people rushed into the snow flow, they were not buried underneath, but were rolled down the mountain.

This is their only way to escape. Even if there is danger, they don't care so much.

Although the impact speed of the snow flow has slowed down, it still maintains an extremely fast speed. They are like dancing on the tip of a knife. They may hit the big trees or rocks in front of them at any time, or they may be swept under the snow layer.

It would probably take more than an hour to walk from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

But with the snow flowing down, it only took a few minutes.

After the snow rolled down the foot of the mountain, it finally stopped, only to push them far away.

Jack quickly climbed out of the snow and counted the number of people. Two more people were lost.

Now there are only eight of them left in total, and this avalanche killed ten of their companions!

After Park Duangen narrowly escaped death, he looked back and saw that the appearance of the entire snow-capped mountain had completely changed.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said through gritted teeth.

"These people are simply devils! I will never let them go!"

Jack spat out a mouthful of blood and said disdainfully.

"I'm lucky to have saved my life under that man."

"We'd better finish the mission before them. I don't want to meet him again!"

The "him" in his mouth naturally refers to Ji Changsheng, that man who looks like the god of death!

Park Duangen said harshly.

"Jack, have you forgotten your boss's instructions?"

"That woman has betrayed us, we cannot let her live!"

"She knows too much!"

When Jack heard this, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and said coldly.

"Mr. Park, although you are the commander of this operation, I am the captain!"

"I will not let my brothers die!"

"I won't let you touch her!"

Park Duangen frowned.

"Do you also want to betray your boss? Just for a woman?"

The muscles on Jack's face twitched, he walked up to Park Duangen, stared into his eyes and said.

"Whether Aning betrayed the boss has not yet been confirmed."

"Even if she made a mistake, she must be taken back and put on trial!"

"I don't allow you to touch her!"

Park Duangen seemed to be shocked by his murderous intent, and then nodded.

"Okay, let's complete the task first."

Jack then snorted heavily, turned around and strode away, and the remaining six men quickly followed him.

Park Duangen walked at the end. He looked at Jack's back and a hint of murderous intent appeared on his face.

He thought to himself: "Stinky boy, when I complete the task, I will kill you and that girl together!"

"I still have a secret weapon that I haven't taken out yet, don't underestimate me!"

At this time, on the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the avalanche had ended, the fat man cheered.

"It's so exciting! So fun!"

"Those people must have been buried underneath!"

With such a big avalanche, the possibility of escaping is extremely small.

At this time, Chenpi A Si said.

"I don't think so. We should be careful about everything and don't capsize in the gutter."

"Mr. Ji, why don't we split into several groups and go down the mountain while searching."

Ji Changsheng smiled and shook his head.

"There is no need for this. Don't waste our time. Let's go."

He just wanted to teach the other party a hard lesson. It would be best if he could kill him. If he really let the other party escape, he didn't care.

So, everyone packed up and went down the mountain.

An hour later, when they came to the foot of the mountain.

The young man had sharp eyes and soon found clues in the snow.

He picked up a discarded backpack.

The fat man searched for it but found nothing valuable.

"It's that group of people. Mr. Ji was right. That group must have suffered a great loss!"

Shunzi squatted down and counted the footprints.

"Leaving less than an hour ago, there are eight people."

"It looks like they are all injured to varying degrees."

"I guess we can catch up with them before sunset!"

Ji Changsheng grinned.

"No hurry, I want to have fun with them."

"The game has just begun!"

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