After a long time, it turns out that the World Will and the Ultimate are not only enemies, but also competitors.

They both want to devour each other to prolong their lives!

But with their own strength, they can't do it.

The Ultimate is an outsider, unfamiliar with the place, and in a weak position.

And the World Will is too old, its power is rapidly declining, and it can't kill the other party.

So they all want to use Ji Changsheng's power to win this war.

Although the truth is incredible, it is not too unexpected.

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"I understand."

He is a pawn and tool used by both sides.

But from another perspective, he is the leader of this war.

The final result is in his hands.

In other words, who will be the future master of the world will be decided by Ji Changsheng!

In this way, the situation becomes subtle and interesting.

Ji Changsheng turned his head and looked at Lao Zhou.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Lao Zhou thought for a while and said.

"It's right, the truth of the incident is exactly like this."

"Mr. Ji, I just want to complete my mission."

The Ultimate was summoned by the Ancient God.

In the eyes of the Ancient God, the World Will, the Ultimate, and all the species in this world are all its test subjects.

The World Will has existed for billions of years. In the eyes of the Ancient God, the World Will has lost its qualifications as a test subject. It can't find the answer from it, so it summons a new World Will to replace it.

Eight hundred million years ago, the Ancient God destroyed the world with his own hands and summoned the Ultimate, just to create a brand new world!

Therefore, the Ultimate replacing this world is the mission given to it by the Ancient God!

This is exactly the truth that Lao Zhou has always wanted to tell Ji Changsheng.

After listening to Lao Zhou's words, Ji Changsheng fell into thinking.

As a new god, the fate of the world is in his hands.

Where should the world go?

Is it to eliminate the outsider Ultimate and keep it as it is.

Or help the Ultimate replace the old world?

This is a very difficult choice.

Just as he was thinking, the World Will also hurriedly said.

"Mr. Ji, although I am dying, as long as I gain new vitality, I can continue to protect this world."

"If you let it replace me, the world you are familiar with will be gone forever!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but frown.

The ultimate comes from a completely different world. Once it becomes the will of the new world, what will this world become?

Will it enter the mythological era again, with monsters rampant and gods and Buddhas everywhere?

The order established on the basis of scientific and technological civilization will end completely, and everything familiar to people will become history.

Is this really good?

Seeing this, Lao Zhou hurriedly said.

"Whether it is the mythological era or the technological era, leading people to a better future is the most important thing."

"I can make everyone immortal, birth, aging, illness and death will be far away from humans, and a new order will be established!"

Under the guidance of the ultimate, humans will enter the era of immortality!

Isn't this the goal that Wang Canghai has been working hard to achieve?

It turns out that while Wang Canghai was using the ultimate, he was actually affected by the ultimate, or in other words, he was used by the ultimate!

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng immediately realized something and asked.

"What's the price?"

The immortal age described by Lao Zhou seems beautiful.

But everything has a price, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

The price for Wang Zanghai to achieve the immortal age is that 90% of people will be eliminated, and only 10% of people will be eligible to enter the new era.

This price is too heavy, so it was vetoed by Ji Changsheng.

What price will people pay for the ultimate with stronger power?

Lao Zhou thought for a while and answered.

"I don't know."

He didn't deliberately hide it, but he really didn't know.

When everyone achieves immortality, the existing order will be completely broken.

Laws, morals, and rules will be rewritten.

The immortals have no need to reproduce, so marriage will disappear, there will be no family concept, and family affection will disappear with it.

Whether in the East or the West, family ethics is the cornerstone of morality.

Once the concept of family affection disappears.

People will become purely interested in each other, just like robots!

Of course, this is just one possibility, and there are many other possibilities.

No matter which one, it will be completely different from the current world.

Even Ji Changsheng, who is a god, cannot predict what the world will become.

Everything will go to the unknown!

This is the price people have to pay.

Lao Zhou continued.

"I only know one thing, nothing in the universe is immutable."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Changsheng's heart moved.

The world is fluid and constantly changing.

From the Hadean Era to the Cambrian Period, and then to the Cenozoic Era.

In the billions of years of history of the earth, organisms are constantly updated and iterated, and the appearance of the world is constantly changing.

It is natural for new things to replace old things.

There is no eternal thing!

The little brother looked at Ji Changsheng's thinking and suddenly had a strange feeling.

It's like a debate, the world will and the ultimate are contestants, and Ji Changsheng is the referee.

Both contestants were expressing their own opinions, trying to win the approval of the referee.

The young man was sitting in the audience, following the thoughts of both contestants and falling into thought.

Now both contestants have stated their own opinions.

Should the future of the world maintain the status quo, or completely overthrow and rebuild?

The final result is in the hands of the referee.

Everyone's eyes turned to Ji Changsheng.

After a long time.

Ji Changsheng relaxed his frown, as if he had an answer.


As soon as these two words came out, the contestants and the audience were all stunned.

It's a draw? !

Lao Zhou hurriedly said.

"But this is a choice of life and death. It's either it or I. How can there be a draw?"

The world will and the ultimate, only one can survive.

Ji Changsheng grinned and shrugged.

"Because I don't know the answer, so let's leave it like this for now."

Lao Zhou was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Ji Changsheng slowly said four words.

"Let it be."

After thinking about it just now, he understood one thing.

In this debate, he is not only the referee, but also the one who sets the questions.

This is a multiple-choice question, but also an experiment.

An experiment left by the ancient god.

As a new god, Ji Changsheng will not intervene.

Let it be.

The war between the world will and the ultimate will continue.

He wants to see the final result of this experiment without interference!

Everyone immediately fell silent. No one expected that Ji Changsheng would make such a decision.

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