Eternal youth and immortality.

This is the ultimate dream that humans have been pursuing.

The rebirth system developed by the Zhang family can achieve this goal, but it is a failed design.

The mutant gene of rejuvenation cannot be suppressed.

Once you drink the Fountain of Youth, you will be trapped in the cycle of rebirth forever.

Although immortality has been achieved, every time you are reborn, your memory will be formatted, which means that you have to start your life over again.

And the truly precious things of people are in their memories.

Emotions, knowledge, and beautiful memories.

It is these things that make up a rich personality and thought. Once you lose these, even if the body is immortal, the mind and soul will die.

What is the meaning of such immortality?

After the old man stole the rebirth system, he has been trying to solve this defect, but ultimately failed.

At this point, the man couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that I overestimated myself. This is not a problem I can solve."

The young man was shocked and immediately thought of a question.

"But Ah Chun and I both drank the Fountain of Youth back then, why didn't we have any side effects?"

The man answered calmly.

"Because what you drink has been improved by me, and it has been diluted hundreds of times to minimize the side effects."

"The result of doing this can only extend your lifespan, but cannot achieve true immortality."

When Zhang Qiling and Achun left the top of the mountain, they quickly aged like ordinary people and finally died of old age. This is the reason.

The young man asked again.

"But in my impression, you have never become younger. Why is that?"

The man smiled bitterly and answered with four words.

"Fight poison with poison."

It turned out that in order to resist the side effects of the Fountain of Youth, the old man prepared a special antidote for himself, which can temporarily prevent rejuvenation.

But this antidote will bring a heavy burden to the body. If used for a long time, it will cause the body's functions to decline and gradually die, which is no different from chronic poison.

In fact, he was experimenting with his own body!

For thousands of years, a large amount of toxins have accumulated in the old man's body, and this antidote can no longer be used.

This is another reason that prompted the old man to go down the mountain. He must find other ways to live forever before he dies.

After stopping taking the antidote, the suppressed side effects began to take effect.

Since two hundred years ago, the old man's body has begun to rejuvenate. According to this progress, he will turn back into a baby in another hundred years.

When he turns back into a baby, because his body is too weak to resist the toxins in his body, he will eventually be poisoned to death!

The man couldn't help but sigh and said with a sad tone.

"I have lived long enough and have long looked down on life and death."

"It's a pity that I have lived for thousands of years in vain, but I still can't find the answer I want!"

In the past thousand years since he came down the mountain, he has traveled all over the country, disguised himself, and traveled around while avoiding the pursuit of the Zhang family.

At first, he did find some longevity techniques, but these longevity techniques were not what he wanted.

The golden jade clothes of the Queen Mother of the West can only turn people into living dead.

Wang Canghai's corpse pill has more terrible side effects. Once it fails, it will turn into a monster.

The symbiosis technique of the King of Ten Thousand Slaves turns into a half-human and half-ghost appearance, and merges with the insects.

Feng Shigu's Pangu corpse moss is just an evil parasite. Although it has achieved immortality, it will become a half-human, half-corpse demon.

There is also the immortal blood curse of the Hentian family, which uses ancient parasites to become an immortal blood clan, which is exactly the same as Pangu corpse moss.

In order to pursue immortality, people have tried all kinds of weird and bizarre methods, even at the cost of abandoning their human identity.

This is unacceptable to the old man, so he finally failed to find a solution.

At this point, the man looked at Ji Changsheng, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"However, there seems to be a glimmer of hope."

Ji Changsheng immediately understood what he meant.

In the words just now, the man revealed a message.

For thousands of years, he has traveled all over the land of Kyushu, looking for the art of immortality.

The Kingdom of Queen Mother of the West, the underwater tomb of Wang Canghai, the Ling Palace of King Wannu, the Dixian Village of Feng Shigu, and even the Guixu Tomb of the Hentian family.

As long as there are clues to the art of immortality, there are traces of his patronage.

Like an invisible shadow, it is almost everywhere.

In the past three years, Ji Changsheng has emerged and become famous. Because of his flamboyant style, he naturally attracted the attention of the man.

After a secret investigation, the man knew Ji Changsheng's "background".

The blood corpse that came out of the Seven Stars Lu Palace, to be precise, is a ghost fairy who has cultivated to the Tao!

A ghost fairy who has lived for more than three thousand years gave the man a glimmer of new hope.

The man said with a smile.

"In fact, the Zhang family is also looking for a way to live forever like me, and we have come to the same conclusion."

This conclusion is the art of cultivating immortals!

The Zhang family built the Zhang Family Ancient Building in order to achieve immortality with the corpse immortal.

The man was disdainful of the art of cultivating immortals at first, until the appearance of Ji Changsheng, he changed his mind.

Perhaps cultivating immortals is the last way out for mankind!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help feeling speechless, he knew that the other party actually misunderstood.

His immortality is an ability given by the system, not an art of cultivating immortals at all.

The so-called ghost fairy was just made up to cover up the secrets of the system.

As a result, everyone believed it...

But he couldn't expose the system, how to explain it?

Just as he was thinking, the man sighed and said.

"If I make you feel embarrassed, just pretend I didn't say it."

Without waiting for Ji Changsheng to explain, the man continued to talk to himself.

"I also know a little about the art of cultivating immortals. This way of longevity has no side effects and is the best method so far."

"But it is also the most difficult to achieve."

Since ancient times, there have been many immortal cultivators, but there are only a few immortals who have truly cultivated and achieved the Tao.

This shows that the success rate of cultivating immortals is really terribly low, even lower than the chance of winning the first prize in the lottery.

The immortal cultivation art that is as difficult as ascending to heaven cannot be popularized, so the old man's wish cannot be realized.

After speaking, the man smiled bitterly and said again.

"Mr. Ji, I don't have many days left, and I can't wait for that day."

"It depends on you next."

After a moment of silence, Ji Changsheng finally nodded.

In fact, he didn't know the answer either.

The ancient god 800 million years ago, the old man of the Zhang family, Ji Changsheng, they have been doing the same thing.

Seeking the final answer, looking for a way out for the future of mankind.

But even the gods cannot give the answer, and can only do experiments again and again.

The ancient gods died, and the new gods took over.

Generation after generation.

Maybe there will never be an answer!

But Ji Changsheng couldn't bear to tell him the truth, so he could only say.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

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