Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 996 The Zhang Family's Biggest Secret

The ancient god was the ruler of the prehistoric era. Thousands of civilizations spent 580,000 years under its rule and developed a technological era that humans could not imagine.

But in these 580,000 years, advanced technological civilization could not leave the earth.

Until today, people know the reason.

The ancient god does not allow them to leave!

But why does it do this?

Zhang Qiming immediately expressed his confusion.

"Walking out of this world, going to the deep space of the universe, developing new resources, and expanding immigration, wouldn't this solve many problems?"

Zhang Qiling sneered, without explaining, but just asked back.

"Is it really possible?"

Zhang Qiming was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what the ancestor meant.

Take human history as an example. Columbus discovered the New World hundreds of years ago and opened the Age of Exploration.

European powers went to the New World one after another, plundering resources and slaughtering indigenous residents.

Advanced civilization has formed an absolute crushing of backward civilization.

Hundreds of years of bloody plundering brought a lot of wealth and resources to European countries and completed primitive accumulation.

The industrial age that later changed human history was built on the basis of plunder, slaughter, and slavery!

Human technology and productivity have achieved unprecedented development. In just a hundred years, human productivity is the sum of the past tens of thousands of years!

Although technology has advanced, has civilization really advanced?

Is the technological age opened with the most brutal and bloody methods really a symbol of civilization?

To this day, human society still follows the law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak.

The United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean relies on its powerful military force to control half of the earth by means of war.

The self-proclaimed beacon of the world is exactly the same as the robbers hundreds of years ago!

It's just that the three-masted sailing ship has been replaced by a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the matchlock gun has been replaced by a Gatling gun, and the way of plunder has been replaced by the so-called "free" trade.

In fact, nothing has changed, it's still a change of soup but not medicine.

Under the banner of freedom, what is covered is just a new form of monetary hegemony!

Thousands of years of human history have long proved that the progress of science and technology does not represent the progress of civilization.

Relying solely on the progress of science and technology cannot solve the real problem!

If humans can leave the earth and go to the deep space, the changes brought about are nothing more than a new round of Columbus's discovery.

Another round of external plunder and expansion, establishing interstellar colonies, enslaving and plundering resources from other worlds, and temporarily transferring internal conflicts to other planets.

But resources will always be exhausted one day. Although the universe is vast and boundless, the speed of scientific and technological progress is limited. One day, before humans have conquered the entire universe, the accumulated contradictions will erupt completely.

The final result will only bring destruction!

The real problem still cannot be solved!

The ancient gods saw through all this, so they set up a ban to prevent prehistoric civilizations from leaving the earth.

What's more, can leaving the earth really be invincible and take all the resources of the universe?

What will happen if you encounter a more powerful civilization?

Since the problem cannot be solved, there is no point in continuing this experiment.

So, the old era was destroyed!

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help sweating and felt uneasy.

Isn't the current human civilization heading towards this old path? !

Seeing that everyone looked solemn, Zhang Qiling remained silent and slowed down his tone.

"But you don't have to worry too much, there is still a glimmer of hope for mankind."

He saw hope in these "young people".

Zhang Qiming thought for a while and asked carefully.

"The hope you are talking about refers to the art of cultivating immortals?"

Use the immortal cultivation array to leave the earth.

But such a result does not solve the real problem.

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said.

"Cultivating immortals is just a means, not an end."

The little brother asked immediately.

"Then what is your purpose?"

At this point, everyone has gradually understood.

The purpose that Zhang Qiling wants to achieve is the biggest secret of the Zhang family!

For thousands of years, everything the Zhang family has done has been working for this purpose, although they don't know what it is, or the descendants have misunderstood the true meaning of the ancestors.

Only Zhang Qiling knows what he really wants to do.

Zhang Qiling slowly scanned the crowd, and his eyes finally stopped on the little brother, and smiled with relief.

"My purpose is very simple. Actually, you already know it."

The others looked at the little brother, completely confused.

The little brother was also confused and could not understand what this meant.

At this time, Ji Changsheng, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"Little brother, you are his purpose and the biggest secret of the Zhang family."

When this was said, everyone was confused.

What does this mean?

Zhang Qiming couldn't help but said.

"Mr. Ji, please forgive my stupidity, what does this mean?"

Ji Changsheng replied calmly.

"Little brother, what do people call you?"

The little brother was stunned at first, then his whole body was shocked, revealing an expression of disbelief.

The human god!

The holy blood of the Zhang family, the human god, the memory passed down from generation to generation by the clan leader.

These clues were put together, combined with what they saw and heard today.

An incredible answer emerged.

The little brother looked at Zhang Qiling in great shock and said slowly.

"Is this true?"

Zhang Qiling nodded and said word by word.

"Yes, my purpose is... to create a god!"

Since the world is controlled by the ancient gods, it is impossible to escape the fate of the test subjects.

Then break this fate and create a god yourself!

Whether it is cultivation of immortals or scientific means.

The real purpose of the Zhang family is to create gods!

The little brother has been trained since he was a child, looking down on all living beings with a high and mighty attitude, like a god who does not eat fireworks on earth, so he is called a god on earth.

The reason why the Zhang family trained him in this way is to create a god!

All the problems in human society come from their own defects.

Greed, vanity, cruelty, jealousy, etc.

These are the innate weaknesses of human beings, which are almost impossible to overcome.

It is precisely because of these weaknesses that human history will be full of disputes.

Not only humans, but also developed prehistoric races.

The advancement of science and technology cannot change its own defects, nor can it bring true civilization.

Countless philosophers in history have tried to use their thoughts to transform these defects and make human society truly civilized.

Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism, Buddhism, Christianity, and many great philosophical thinkers, all of them worked for this common goal.

Overcome yourself and overcome the inherent shortcomings of human beings!

Unfortunately, at present, they have all failed.

Or, they have not achieved much success.

In this case, let's create an ideal god!

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