Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 1 - Annoying old man

Three men and one woman were sitting on the floor. The room in which they were was a traditional japan room.

Each element composing the room was really beautiful and expensive. They were separated by a table, where the essentials needed to drink traditional tea was on.

The three younger were on one side of the table, the older man was on another side. He was slowly stroking his white beard. Looking at the three young in front of him.

"Granddaddy, why did you call us here?" The only female in the room asked, confused by the words of her grandpa.

Hearing her, the grandpa turned his head to look at his granddaughter, she is the one he most doted and she was quite fond of him too.

The woman was Miko Juryoku, she was the middle sister of the two men at her side. Her hair's color was bright silver, so clean and pure that her hair was often reflecting the light of the sun. she had a very m.a.t.u.r.e body, her buxom, and her a.s.s generous enough to contend against the most beautiful women of Japan such as Midnight or some idols. Her face was also what some could call perfect. If Helen of Troy was real, she would be her ugly friend. She also was just at the beginning of her youth, with her 18 years. She always loved to spend time with her siblings, and since little, she constantly did her best to take care of them.

"My dear Miko, I think that what I am going to say will give you plenty of joy, to you and your brothers." The old man said, nodding at himself. He seems to enjoy his idea too.

"A surprise huh? I hope it is special and not a scam like the last time you wanted to give me something." The older brother of the three siblings said, shaking his head left and right.

His name was Rurai Juryoku, from the three siblings, he surely was the most m.a.t.u.r.e. For a sure fact, he was the one in charge of the family business since the death of their parents. He was tall and lean despite his muscles, 190 centimeters of muscle. His hair was a mix of silver and blonde, to be more precise, half of his hair was blonde and the other half was silver. His face was constantly wearing a serious expression. He was now 21 years old and looked after his two siblings as he always did. It was his job as the oldest brother and he loved to do it, as he loved his siblings.

"..." The last and youngest of the three siblings didn't talk. He didn't even look at his grandfather, his eyes were glued on the sky through the windows. Some would surely say that he was a bit of an airhead but the people who knew him, only saw him as uninterested by what they were saying.

Kotei Juryoku. A young man of 15 years old, wearing an anti-pollution mask. The look in his eyes was like the one of an innocent child, looking at something for the first time. He was completely unfocused on what his siblings and grandfather were saying. He wasn't particularly muscled, his body was like his brother's, he was lean and his muscles were meant for endurance and explosive force. He was 179 centimeters, the same height that Iida from canon.

"I will let you have one thing from my collection!" The old man said, raising his arms in the sky.

"Really? That's amazing!" Miko said, imagining all the things she could have. Her grandfather's collection was amazing and the number of interesting things he acquired through his life was breathtaking!

"Oh? Seems interesting... The only problem is that you want something from us right? It certainly is something we will refuse. Otherwise, you wouldn't give us such a generous proposition." Rurai said, looking at the old man suspiciously.

"..." Still not enough to make him talk, it still was enough to make Kotei turn his head towards the old man and give him more focused eyes. The collection the man has is mighty enough to even attire the attention of Kotei!

"No no no... I don't want anything from the two of you, even if the offer is extended to you and your sister. The person who will gain the most and will have to give me something in return is Kotei." The old man said, looking at his youngest grandson.

"!?" Shocked to hear this, the two siblings looked at their grandfather and their youngest brother who just stare at each other.

Slowly, Kotei removed his mask and his mouth was exposed. A few seconds after removing his mask he finally opened his mouth and voiced his opinion.

"... Going to such length just for this dream... I don't understand you, grandfather." He said, his voice sounded so smooth and flawless, it was as if it was made of silk. Despite this, his tone didn't betray any emotion, still as neutral as his face.

"Hahaha. My dear grandson... For sure, you underestimate the will of an old man like me."

Looking at his grandfather, Kotei seemed to be pondering his words, not that no one could guess when they saw his face. A few minutes later, during which nobody was speaking or moving, Kotei opened his mouth, much to the delight of his siblings who seem to be losing their minds from the endless wait.

"... Whatever the true reason is... If it is something with so much value I have to agree." He finally said, putting back his mask on. He doesn't have any intention to talk more than he already had.

"Hahahaha! Finally! My last dream will be complete in no time!" The old man said, laughing at his achievement.

"Hm... Can you tell us what you two are talking about? I feel like being the third wheel." Rurai said looking at the two men.

"Same here." The melodious voice of his sister sounded at his side.

They were both confused as they didn't know what was so precious to their grandfather that he is ready to part with several collections of his.

"Thanks to my brilliant mind, I pushed your brother here present..." He said, pointing to the once again absent looking Kotei. "... To become a hero!" He finished, looking at the shocked face of his two grandchildren.

"What?!" Rurai said, bewilderment covering his whole face. His stoic face morphing with the shock.

Immediately turning to her brother, she approached him and stuck her cheek to his.

"Tell me Ototo... Are you okay with this? Um? Um?"

[A/N: Ototo is 'little brother'; Imoto is 'little sister'.]

Turning his head a little to look at her, directly in the eyes, their two pair of blue eyes clashed.

Slowly, he nodded his head at her question, making her relax.

"If you say that you are ok with this, then it is alright!" She said, happy with her brother's consent in the deal.

If he only wanted to do it because she and Rurai were winning something in too, she would have refused and lectured the both of them.

"Hehehe, now that's you all are calm once again... Let's talk about the rewards." He said, taking a parchment from under his yukata.

Slowly unfolding it on the table between them, all eyes were drawn onto it, each with a different level of excitement.

"As you can all see, on this parchment, my whole collection is listed there. Ranging from material goods, to services that various influential groups on the planet owe me." He said, a proud smile on his face.

It wasn't all days that people get to see his full collection.

"Impressive..." Rurai said, looking at the list of people owing him something. Their grandpa for sure was a big shot!

"Oh my god! Do you see the number of expensive things written there?" Miko said, lightly shaking her little brother figure who was still in her arms.

"..." Kotei didn't say anything, but he positively surprised by the number of things his grandfather acc.u.mulated throughout his life.

Even though the Juryoku family was rich, they weren't educated in the luxe. They didn't lack anything, yes, but saying that they were spoiled was a big misunderstanding. They knew the value of work and they respected everyone regardless of the social class.

"Ah! I said earlier than you will have more from the deal than you will have more benefit from the deal Kotei! Well, you can choose one thing from the list too, but I would like you to stay with me ten more minutes for your special reward." He said to the young boy, making him nod in understanding.

"I chose what I want!" Being the energetic sister she is, Miko quickly chose what she wanted. The other things in the list were relics from the past to which she had no interest or were services from people she had no intention to be associated with.

"What do you want dear?" The old man asked, looking at her excited face.

"The mountain's domain!" She said, hugging, even more, her little brother. Crushing him against her big c.h.e.s.t, but he didn't seem to mind as his eyes were glued on the paper.

"Oh right! You said you wanted to create an orphanage there last time. Rurai said, understanding the reason behind her choice.

"Yeah, I tried buying one but either the area was too bad, either the owner didn't want because of some traditional thingies." She said a slight frown on her face who disappeared almost instantly.

"But thanks to my sweet Ototo here, I can have it for free, and instantly begin my project!" She said, her voice full of energy.

"I am happy to hear that your problems don't exist anymore." The old man said.

"And for you Rurai?" He asked his eldest grandson, who wasn't looking at the paper anymore, on his serious face, a small smirk appeared.

"I will take the service from XXX company. I will force them to sell us all the parts of our company they still have. They are acting as if we were nothing more than a branch from theirs." He said, almost rubbing his hands together at the face their CEO will make when he will hear that.

"Ahaha! Good choice kid! As expected from a m.a.t.u.r.e man like you, you privilege the company's good to your p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e!" The grandfather said, very happy to hear the choice of his grandson.

"Aha, you praise me too much, this is a logical choice from the head of our company."

"You are humble too?! What are you lacking! Haha!"

The two of them continued to laugh for a good minute, watched by Miko before they were interrupted by a voice coming from the youngest member of the family.

"I choose this." Kotei said, his hand pointing at some letters in the 'special' part. It was so small and vague that one's could only skip this word.

Bending over the parchment to see where he was pointing to, Miko read it, the voice filled with confusion. The confusion only deepened when she saw the smile of her granddaddy.


"? What does that mean?" Rurai asked, as confused as his sister.

"Hehehe... from all the options here... You chose this one. Can I know why?" Not replying to the other two, the old man turned to look at his youngest grandson.

Taking a few seconds to remove his mask, Kotei replied.

"Improvement... You all know why I want to be stronger." He said, looking at his grandfather in the eyes.

"I see... You want to reach it huh..." The grandfather asked, his question was purely rhetorical.

"... Perfection." He finally said, breaking the few seconds of silence.

The other two siblings knew about the goal of their brother but hearing him say it was a very strange moment.

From the mouth of someone else, it would just be crazy, complete madness even. No human is perfect and they knew that. But when it is their brother who says it. Then the feeling is completely supernatural, they felt like if he wasn't talking about a dream, but it was simply a statement.

He declared to the world at this very moment, that he will achieve perfection. The thing that no human was able to do, even hopes to do.

But this young man... Was he even human?


A few minutes after they were done with the little details, only the old man and Kotei remained in the room, his two siblings having let them discuss the special reward he reserved his grandson.

"Before talking about the special reward, I will give you information about how the 'Improvement' will happens." The grandfather said, looking at his grandson who seems more focused than ever.

Not waiting for a reply knowing that he won't receive one, he continued.

"I have a friend whose quirk is 'Improvement'. She can improve one thing from one person. The fewer people she improves, the more energy is acc.u.mulated to improve the thing she wants to improve." He declared.

Taking in a deep breath, Kotei understood what he wanted to say immediately.

"She didn't improve anyone for more than 15 years. She wanted to improve your quirk when you would take your first step as a pro-hero, thing that you are going to do so that she does it know or in a few months doesn't change anything." The old Juryoku said, drinking the tea in his cup.

"To what extent?" Kotei asked, wanting to know if he will be able to control it or if he would have to train, a thing that he hated.

"According to her calculations... Your quirk will surely evolve. So yes, you will be forced to train a minimum. But knowing your talent it will be in your control in no time." He said, looking at him a smile on his face. He loved to see this laziness in him, it just remembers him of his late son.

"..." Kotei closed his eyes and seems to ponder about something, a few seconds later he seems to have concluded and open his eyes.

"When?" He asked he was a man of a few words and preferred being direct.

"She will be here tomorrow. So you surely are curious about your special reward right?" He asked, receiving a small nod in reply.

"Well, I will have to call two of my acquaintances for this, it shouldn't be too long before they are ready. Surely two or three days."

"What is it?" Kotei asked, irritated to see that the old man's speech was only filler.

"You will receive a quirk from one of them." He finally said, not wanting to tease more the boy.

"... What?" If there was one thing he wasn't ready to hear, was this.

"One of them can transfer quirk from one person to another if each one is okay with this. The other one has the regenerative quirk, [Death's Hatred] giving him high regenerative capabilities."

"Why throw away such a quirk?" Kotei asked, dumbfounded by the fact that it would be so easy.

"A few months ago, he was hit by a quirk in Mexico, the quirk name is [Amaterasu] you can imagine from the name of the quirk what happened."

"Yes." Kotei replied.

He knew that from such a name plus the circ.u.mstances, the chances that the fire was infinitely burning the man without any way for him to put them out was great. The man surely wanted to stop being in pain. Or maybe he voiced his will before going completely crazy from the pain assaulting him these past months.

"So... Is it all good for you? You certainly are confused as to why I am deploying such means just for you to enter Yuei right?" He asked his grandson.

Nodding once again at his two questions, Kotei waited patiently for him to answer.

"I just want what is best for you. And you will be able to do what I wasn't capable of... being a true hero."

Thinking a little at his words, Kotei stood up and began to walk towards the door, opening it, he stopped to look towards his grandfather.

"You are misunderstanding. You already are a hero. The guys in tights and p.a.n.t.i.e.s playing with their quirks are just clowns in front of your achievements.

Even if you aren't a pro-hero, you are nonetheless a hero." Kotei said. It was the longest sentence he said in one go this year.

Leaving the room, he let his grandfather alone in it. The old Juryoku had his head down when he heard what he said.

'Nobody wants to see the sobs of an annoying old man.' He thought, a small smile on his face, anyone could see it since he forgot to wear it back. The maids who saw him walk past them instantly blushed, the image of his smile printed on their retina.

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