Gravity Control, In MHA

Chapter 40 - Laws are not meant to be broken

The people who had the luck to observe the whole process were in awe. The students all knew from who it was coming from. They knew that only he had this kind of overwhelming power.

The power the being known as Kotei demonstrated was so strong, that the winds still blew strongly. It even gets rid of the poisonous fog on a small part of the forest and extinguished the forest fire, giving even room for the students still struggling inside these two areas to gather and try to retaliate or flee.

Kotei who stopped himself from getting blown away kept looking at the remains of the previous asteroid.

His eyes were glued where his attack exploded, but he obviously did not spot anything as the nomu and the asteroid had surely met the same fate.

Not even dust could resist such a devastating attack.

Turning around, Kotei gazed at the forest beneath him.

His eyes focused on the fight which resumed a few seconds earlier, once the wind stopped trying to uproot every tree on its way.

Pixie-Bob was injured but could, with Tiger's assistance, fight against the two villains on even ground.

Mandalay was nowhere to be seen, surely went back to accompany the other students retreat to where Eraserhead and Vlad King were.

'I will get rid of these two before going to search for my classmates.' Kotei thought, bending gravity around him.

A second later, he disappeared from the sky, and reappeared as fast as he was gone, almost instantaneously.

Tiger and Pixie-Bob's eyes opened wide as a certain figure almost magically appeared behind one of the villains they were fighting against.

Sensing the presence behind her, Magne hurriedly turned around, trying to attack the unknown foe with her large magnet.

Kotei did not react at all as the magnet collided against his face, sending a small tremor through the ground.

The magnet used to hit him was bent, and now unusable.

Magne had a very bad feeling about the kid in front of her, but she clearly had not any time left to react once she collapsed on the ground.

At first, it was manageable, but Kotei, seeing that she could resist this much gravity slightly tapped his feet on the ground and Magne was sent deeper, embedded in the ground, several meters below the surface.

"One down... How many left? I wonder." Kotei simple words sent chills through Spinner's spine.

His purple eyes were glowing in the dark, and contrary to what he expected from a student... He did not acknowledge him as a threat.

Even the pro-heroes thought of him as a difficult enemy and combined with Magne, they were quite strong at that.

However, Kotei just appeared, burrowed his teammate, and turned toward him, unaffected by the whole situation.

Spinner turned around, ready to break into a full sprint toward where Dabi and Twice were supposed to lurk, however...

"Wha-" Spinner's voice was filled with incomprehension as he saw the same ground he was standing on, just in front of his face.

Or maybe... he was too slow to react at all.

He immediately followed Magne's example and lost consciousness the second his head was buried in the ground. Kotei did not go lightly at all, the tremors following his attack could serve as testimony if Spinner's current condition wasn't already one.

Our young main character turned toward the two heroes, looking at their wide-opened eyes with his own pair of eyes.

"I am the fastest here. I will go and help the others." He declared before looking at the two villains.

"They should be out cold for a while. I let them in your care." Kotei said quickly, not waiting for them to talk.

He quickly disappeared through the forest, his speed being far above what they can reach.


A certain green-haired boy was running through the forest, after delivering a message to Mandalay.

"They are after a student named 'Kacchan' and Juryoku." He heard Mandalay's voice in his head, making him accelerate even more.

From Mandalay's words, he was fighting around this zone with Tiger and Pixie-Bob. She said that there was a Nomu who suddenly appeared, but considering what they saw not a long time ago, it surely means that he got rid of it quite quickly.

'If I can reach Juryoku then we will be able to rescue Kacchan really quickly!' He thought, certain that the purple-haired boy was enough to save himself and Katsuki from the villain's clutches.

Suddenly, he came to a stop as he saw a strange sight.

A figure was getting pulled from a human's sized hole by Tiger.

The person was clearly unconscious, a few bones were even bent weirdly, particularly around the legs.

Another guy was being carried by one of Pixie-Bob's golem. He was unconscious too and his face had clearly been broken by a heavy hit.

"You should not be here Midoriya!" Tiger said to him, obviously even more worried once he saw the state of his arms.

Midoriya resumed his sprint, ignoring their shouts as he replied with his own.

"I will join Juryoku! We must guide the others!"

Pixie-Bob sighed once he disappeared inside the forest too.

"What does Aizawa feeds them?" She asked while shaking her head in disapproval.

"I don't know. It feels pretty wild." Tiger replied.


Kotei was still flying toward the nearby noise, far faster than Midoriya behind.

He heard that he was one of the targets, but it did not matter.

'If that's all they have, they clearly underestimated me.' He thought, finally reaching the people fighting.

The sight greeting him was quite...

'... chaotic. What's happening here?' Kotei thought, looking at his classmates.

Bakugou, Todoroki, and an unknown class B guy, unconscious were getting besieged by a giant larva with blades shouting from his mouth.

Kotei locked eyes with Shoto for a brief moment, quickly gathering what he knew.

'That guy must be a villain. He is quite strong at that since he can take these two at once. He also can move quickly in the air thanks to the blade from his mouth.

... He won't be much of an obstacle.' Kotei thought, quickly flying toward the villain.

"New flesh?" The guy asked after sniffing in the air.

'He has quite the odora.' Kotei thought, slightly tilting his body aside, flying along the blade which had to goal to stop him.

The blades he dodged slowly but surely surrounded him, but he had almost reached the villain.

"Gimme. Meat." He said, multiple blades emerging from the one already surrounding him.

"Useless." Kotei said, only getting ready to punch the guy really really hard.

The blades moving toward him simply broke centimeters from his skin as he continued his reckless onslaught.

"Wha-" He did not have enough time to end his sentence as he was knocked unconscious after one heavy punch from Kotei.

"Feels like a déjà vu," Kotei said under his breath, floating down toward the villain.

"Juryoku." Todoroki called, walking with a guy on his back.

"How many more people are there in the forest?" He asked.

Bakugou behind was doing his classic tsundere act but was interested too.

"I don't know. I took care of three villains, so there must not be many more left." Kotei said, before turning toward Shoto.

"I will escort you two to safety." Kotei declared.

"Right now Bakugou is a pretty attractive target since he can't use his quirk in such an environment.

Shoto did obviously not like the idea of being a simple spectator, but he knew that this situation was too dangerous to be pulling stunts because of some dumb pride.

However, Bakugou did not receive the memo as he grabbed Kotei by his shirt, pulling their forehead together.

"I will not cower like a damn weakling."

Kotei looked at him, his face still as neutral as ever.

"I don't think you understand the situation here..." Kotei said, reaching for Bakugou's hand on his collar.

Gripping it strongly, he could almost hear the bones creak under the pressure. Bakugou's face was now bordering madness, as if he was ready to fight with Kotei right here, right now.

"Stop trying to be better than me little shit!"

"You better calm down. This type of temper could send you to your grave... earlier than necessary." Kotei advised.

His tone was calm but the aura he gave was vastly different.

Their two eyes were locked in some sort of mental battle.

After what seemed like an eternity for Shoto, Bakugou turned around, letting go of Kotei's collar.

"Tch. Next time I will f.u.c.k.i.n.g blow you to oblivion. Forest or not." The blonde-haired boy declared, small sparks coming from his hands.

"If you say so." Kotei replied, ignoring his behavior.

Using his quirk, he relived Shoto from the unconscious' boy weight on his shoulder as he began to float at his side.

"We will travel by air. It will be far faster." He said, getting ready to make everyone fly, but some presences arrived, forcing him to change plan.

The green-haired boy came from the forest and upon seeing them, stopped to rest and calm down.

"Wha-" Bakugou was going to ask something to Midoriya however a giant showy claw came and crashed where Kotei was a second ago.

"What?" Todoroki quickly reacted by freezing their hand, trying to limit its movements.

It was completely useless as the claw returned to the darkness of the tree almost immediately, breaking the ice easily.

Not even a second later, the claw emerged from the trees once again, but this time it was following someone.

The students recognized him as...

"Shouji?!" Midoriya called, trying to come to his rescue.

He was getting caught up by the claw faster each second.

Suddenly it came to a stop, heavily smashing against the ground.

"Everyone bend to gravity's laws. Even you..." Kotei's voice was heard from the sky.

He obviously dodged the previous attack and profited from the distraction to see what and who their enemy was.

"... Dark Shadow." He said, looking at Fumikage who was trying to take control of his quirk once again.

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