Seeing Jiang Ziya, there is still no response.

The voice became even more urgent.

After seeing the long call, Jiang Ziya still did not reply.

The man said again, "Jiang Shang ah Jiang Shang, we went up the mountain to learn Taoism together, do you not recognize me as an old friend now that Taoism has become successful?"

Jiang Ziya was about to obey Yuan Shi's instructions.

Continue to move forward, but it is who this person is.

"Junior Brother Shen, it's because I don't recognize you as an old friend. It's just that Shizun has ordered me not to...... Answer people!"

Jiang Ziya explained again and again.

Whoosh! Then, a figure riding a white-fronted tiger appeared from the mountain. It was Shen Gongbao who disappeared from Yuxu Palace before.

When he returned from the East China Sea, he had been thinking about how to complete the things explained by the sage Tongtian and sage Lin Tian, ​​so that he could attract more disciples of the five saints to go down the mountain to participate in the war. But suddenly had an idea.

He naturally knew that the remaining disciples in Yuxu Palace had all gone to Xiqi.

Now, Jiang Ziya has returned to Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi Tianzun must have something important to tell him, if you follow him, maybe you can get some information about the conspiracy of the five saints, and it will be easier for the disciples of the five saints to appear. .

After another conversation, Shen Gongbao's tongue quickly realized that Jiang Ziya was holding a book from heaven, and he was going to Naxiqi to hang a list of gods and help King Wu.

Shen Gongbao originally thought, that Xiqi now has no future no matter how you look at it, and wanted to persuade Jiang Ziya.

King Zhou has endless great business luck, and there are two sages behind him, the Holy Emperor, so he went to help King Wu, didn't he get kicked by a donkey in the head, but then he thought again, following Jiang Ziya, he can only Better to complete the task, that's all.

"Senior brother, this time you are going to help the King Wu. As a junior brother, I have nothing to do on the mountain now, so I will help you!"

In the future, the disciples of the Five Sages will definitely gather in Xiqi, and he will go to Xiqi to find an identity, so as to pull them down.

Jiang Ziya was slightly surprised when he heard this.

You must know that he was seeking the Tao with all his heart, and he was reluctant to go to Xiqi, not to mention that the situation of the calamity is unknown now, if it is not for the teacher's order, he petitions to find a cave to clean up.

"Why didn't Junior Brother cultivate on the mountain and go to Xiqi?"

Jiang Ziya said in surprise.

Immediately, Shen Gongbao's eyes turned and said: "Senior brother, I don't know, now this Yuxu Palace has been broken by Sage Lin Tian, ​​and Kunlun's aura has been restored for thousands of miles, and it has not been seen in a thousand years. Let the master take all the heart and mind, how can I still be able to cultivate in such a disciple: why don't I go to Xiqi with my brother to ease my mood."

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he immediately believed the words of Shen Gongbao even when he thought of the aura of his teaching disciples flashing on the list of gods.

Soon, the two went down the mountain together.

at this time.

Another figure flew from the void, and this person was the Antarctic Fairy Weng.

A line of consciousness swept around, and soon his head was full of confusion.

"What's the matter, Ziya?"

He and Master Yuan Shi clearly sensed that Jiang Ziya had doomed him.

And Jiang Ziya is now the key to the survival of his teaching, so he will rush here.

"Could it have been a mistake"

The Antarctic Immortal Weng was extremely puzzled, but after recalculation, it was nothing.

His consciousness probed into the distance again, and quickly found where Jiang Ziya was.

It's just that what he saw was Jiang Ziya and another... disciple Shen Gongbao, talking and laughing, a peaceful scene.


The Antarctic Xianweng was puzzled, but he didn't think about it any more, so he wanted to go back and discuss with the master the plan to destroy the business and destroy the forest's weather.

But he said... in the palace of King Zhou at this time.

"It's the order of Empress Nuwa!"

Su Daji sensed a divine sense from Wa Palace.

"Miss Nuwa wants me to speed up?"

Upon receiving this order, Su Daji smiled bitterly.

But Empress Nuwa didn't know that the current King Zhou was unable to enter the oil and salt. Dare to disobey orders.

Immediately, he had to summon his sisters and head towards the palace of King Zhou.

In the Wa Palace.

After Nuwa conveyed her spiritual thoughts, she said slightly: "This time, there are nine-tailed fox spirits in the palace of King Zhou, and the fate of King Zhou's people should be about to perish!"

She was quite satisfied with the means she had arranged.

She had specially handled the breath for the nine-tailed fox spirit, so Lin Tian would not have noticed it.

Although Lingzhu is dead, the methods in Zhou Wang's palace can give him a fatal blow.

As long as the fate of the human race is defeated, Lin Tian's position as Sage Emperor is unstable, and he will lose his strongest support.

"Damn Lin Tian, ​​you would never have thought of it!"

Nuwa's face was stern.


The next moment, her complexion suddenly changed greatly! "What!!"

"how is this possible!!!"

Not only in the human race, it made her panic.

She even sensed the crisis of the Wa Palace!!

Chapter [-]: Pindao Lin Tian, ​​come to Wa Palace to pay a visit! ! 【Kneeling for subscription】

After Nuwa just conveyed her spiritual thoughts to the nine-tailed fox spirit in the Zhou Palace.

She sensed something was wrong with the Wa Palace, and an incomparable coercion instantly covered her entire Wa Palace.

Even this qi movement made her unable to sense even above the prehistoric times.

Boom! A figure appeared outside the Wa Palace.

That figure was in a peerless white robe, with his hands on his back, walking indifferently in front of the Wa Palace, making a sound one step at a time.

"You... who are you to dare to trespass the Wa Palace!"

A boy stopped Lin Tian in front of the Wa Palace gate.

This boy is just an ignorant generation relying on the power of the goddess Nuwa.

In fact, when she looked at Lin Tian, ​​she was also full of fear.

Glancing at the boy in front of him, Lin Tian said flatly to the palace in Wa: "Pindao Lin Tian, ​​came to visit fellow Daoist Nuwa, why, the boy of Daoist Nuwa doesn't seem to welcome me very much!"

His voice was extremely calm, but at this moment, he almost paralyzed the boy in front of him.

At this moment, in the Wa Palace, Nu Wa naturally also knew who came here.

To be able to do this to her Wa Imperial Palace, who else can be except...that...Lin Tian who is proud of the world, "Lin...Lin Tian!"

Nu Wa's fingernails almost sink into the flesh.

He, did he really come to Mount Sumeru! Yuxu Palace! Now, finally, it's her turn to the palace? Daoist Nuwa, don't you welcome me either?"

Lin Tian could naturally feel the aura of a saint rising suddenly in the Wa Palace, but his face did not change in the slightest, and continued.

"Pearl, get out of the way."

After a short while, Nuwa had to relieve her breath in front of Lin Tian's might, and finally sighed.

She naturally knew that Lin Tian would never be soft-hearted towards the people in her Wa Palace.

If the boy in front of her seat were to be blocked by a single ounce, Lin Tian would probably kill him directly.

After all, not long ago, Lin Tian was on the Yuxu Palace, in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, killing the disciple of Chan Jiao, she still vividly remembers the scene.

The boy at the door was already slumped to the ground under Lin Tian's natural aura.

Da! Da! Da! Lin Tian's footsteps resounded in the Wa Palace.

Nuwa, who was sitting in Wa's palace, still had the appearance of a mother in the world, but there was a clear and unstoppable nervousness on her face.

After all, she couldn't be more clear about what she had done to Lin Tian and people before.

Even above Yuxu Palace, she and Laozi Yuanshi planned to sneak attack on Lin Tian.

She wouldn't believe that Lin Tian came here to chat with her, and he didn't count the past.

Trying to suppress her emotions, Nuwa asked Lin Tian, ​​"Daoist Lin Tian, ​​why are you here?"

Lin Tian ignored her, walked around the Wa Palace on his own, and said indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Nuwa, it's... a good place has been opened up in this chaos. ."

"In such a place, staying here is a pleasure to enjoy."

"I just don't know why there is such a good place, Taoist Nuwa, but why..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian's tone was full of pity.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you came here to see the Wa Palace, you should go back after you've finished watching it."

Nuwa tried her best to suppress her own mentality and told Lin Tiandao.

"But you have to wait with me and wait for the ants to get through."

"I'm waiting for the ants, I just want to survive in this turbulent world."

"It's just that, the saint didn't give me this chance."

"So, when I wait for the ants, I can only do my best, practice hard, try my best, just to breathe, just to be alive."

Lin Tian ignored Nuwa and continued to talk to himself.

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa might as well listen to a story, you don't know that, when I first came to the wild world, all I wanted was to be able to seek immortality in peace and live a little longer in peace, if I didn't have that... talent, I will be a mortal with peace of mind, marry a wife and have children, and forget about it after this lifetime."

"It's just that the eyes of a little girl in the sky of a million demon clan that day... That's right, it's... a tiny little girl who may never be noticed by a goddess Nuwa for thousands of years. No more tiny eyes.

Bowing and kneeling on the sacred mountain of the human race, embarrassed."

"These..., all of these, have changed my mentality."

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