As a lotus pedestal, the Pure White Lotus was originally a defensive magic weapon.Moreover, it has its own purification power, which can release the purification divine light to purify karma and purify the soul.With the pure white lotus in the world, there is no fear of future demons, anything evil, bad and karmic

When the power thing sees the white lotus of the pure world, it is impossible to escape by itself!

"Haha. Really lucky."

Zhou Jun smiled happily.I didn't expect that I could find Jingshi Bailian here, and my heart was full of joy.

Quickly walking to Lotus, Zhou Jun did not hesitate.After getting the eleventh-grade pure white lotus, he immediately started refining by the pool, without a moment's delay.


Chapter 83 Rahu, the Demon Zu! (The fifth update, please subscribe!)

Zhou Jun's primordial spirit entered the interior of the white lotus, and felt the pure and clean magical power of the white lotus.

For any cultivator, the whole state of mind is as pure as water, and there is no thought to cultivate in such a state, then the cultivation level will rise steadily.

After refining and refining the white lotus of the world, Zhou Jun directly took advantage of the current state and began to retreat directly.But within a few days.His original cultivation in the late stage of Heavenly Wonderland quickly touched the bottleneck e.

"It's really a good thing

, I just got the Pure White Lotus, and now I'm about to break through again."

Zhou Jun immediately set up a spirit gathering formation at the entrance of the cave, and then began to sit on the white lotus of the Pure World, following the exercise.Auras from thousands of miles around have gathered.With Zhou Jun's cultivation getting better and better, the aura that was absorbed from a radius of thousands of miles actually formed two terrifying storms of aura!

"The pinnacle of the fairyland. Break it for me!"

Accompanied by Zhou Jun's loud drink.I saw that there was a sudden thunderous noise in his dantian, and the layer was looming. The membrane that hindered his cultivation was broken in an instant.

The original power is getting stronger

Condensed, the whole body cultivation base is also stronger.Divine consciousness has also changed from a distance of ten thousand miles to twenty thousand miles.The real nine of the whole person can be said to have almost doubled

With Zhou Jun's breakthrough.The world of 490 million square meters felt an overwhelming pressure coming.Shocked everything and didn't dare to move.

"Is this the pinnacle of Heavenly Wonderland?"

Feeling the change in physical strength, Zhou Jun was also a little curious.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary person.Zhou Jun, who had never been in contact with cultivation at all, had passed through.As a top-level Chaos Demon God, he was born to be a saint, and he only needed to comprehend the laws.comprehension avenue e

About this kind of cultivation experience below the sage level.Zhou Jun is also the first time.


After finishing the practice, Zhou Jun also put away the white lotus of the pure world.Watching the riot of spiritual energy caused by his breakthrough, Zhou Jun also reached out and stroked.Once it was settled, the terrifying pressure originally shrouded in a radius of [-] miles also disappeared.

"The White Lotus of the Pure World has also been obtained. I don't know where to go next-.".

After collecting the white lotus of the pure world, Zhou Jun began to recall the famous mountains and rivers and the blessed land in the prehistoric literature that he had read in his previous life. Now he has arrived in Hong Kong.

It's time to find a place to set up a dojo.

Now that the Great Wilderness has just opened, there are unowned fairy mountains and blessed land everywhere. If you don’t find a place to settle down sooner, wait until the flood of people (cfah) will come in the future, when the conditions are better, almost all places will be owned by people. .

"Huh? How come someone 2"

Just as Zhou Jun was planning, he suddenly felt that the formation he arranged at the entrance of the cave was fluctuating.

"I don't know which fellow Daoist is visiting? Please come and tell me!" Zhou Jun stood up and stared at the hole in front of him. He said cautiously.

As soon as the voice fell, the formation at the door fluctuated for a while, and then there was a man wearing a black robe, a black crown, and black shoes. He looked like he was in his thirties or forties.appeared outside the cave door.

The man looks majestic.The imposing manner is also the same - a sharp-edged sword.There is a fierceness that makes people palpitate. If children see him, they may be scared to cry.

"Ben Dao Zhou Jun has seen fellow Daoists but doesn't know about the river where the friend came?" Zhou Jun looked at the other party's breath. It turned out to be the cultivation base of the peak of Heavenly Wonderland.And he is magnificent and powerful. Obviously, he is also a very solid old-fashioned fairyland powerhouse⊥

"Now that Honghuang has just opened up a few hundred years ago, when was such a person born?"

Zhou Jun's mind was full of doubts.

"I have seen fellow Daoist, the poor Daoist Luo Sui:..."

Although the middle-aged man looks fierce, he is very polite. When he saw Zhou Junjian's words, he also took the initiative to salute and answer.

However, before Luo Hou's words were finished, Zhou Jun heard the words.I couldn't help being surprised. _ "What? ⊥ You are Mozu Luoju 3!"

The ancestor of the demon Luo Sui, the great power of the same era as Hongjun, is the one who survived the original Chaos.

Criticize the great power in the early flood and famine

Although I lost the battle of Dao and Demon in the end, he could be the enemy of Hongjun.He also pressed Hongjun to fight and finally was besieged by Hongjun called to help.The opponent's cultivation base is high.The power of supernatural power is enough to imagine L

"No wonder it's already the pinnacle of Heavenly Wonderland, it turns out to be him!"

Zhou Jun nodded thoughtfully.After knowing that the person who came was Luo Sui, the demon ancestor, Zhou Jun was relieved instantly.

"That's right, it's Luo Sui, but I don't know what the demon ancestors mean? And seeing the look on the Daoist friend's face, could it be that the Daoist friend has heard of me?"

Luo saw Gang

Cai Zhou Jun's tone was surprised, and he couldn't help but wonder.

"Haha, but it's a poor man's composure. Back then, during the chaotic period, _ had heard the name of a fellow Daoist. This Demon Ancestor is nothing but the nickname of a fellow Daoist I heard from others before!

Zhou Jun let out a haha, ∠ made up a random reason and exposed the matter.

Although Zhou Jun had never heard of Luo Sui or seen Luo Hu during the chaotic period, it was impossible to tell each other that I was a transmigrator. In my previous life, I didn’t know that I had heard Ming Shaohui your name. bar

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