
Hearing Shi Hao's explosive drink, the two suddenly reacted.He looked at the white treasured sword in Shi Hao's hand, and then looked at the [-]th-grade Good Fortune Qinglian in front of him, and then looked at each other.move forward at the same time.

I saw Lu Shiping stepped forward and said, "Aoba!"

At the next moment, the lotus leaf of the [-]th Grade Fortune Green Lotus floated up, flew to Lu Shiping, and finally turned into a cyan armor and landed on Lu Shiping.

Looking at the gleaming cyan armor on her body, Lu Shiping was full of joy, "Haha. This is actually a defensive high-grade innate spiritual treasure? Great. You will be called Qingping in the future.

Hedgehog! '

Seeing this, Zhulong was also shocked and involuntarily shouted, "Red flower!" The ground turned into a ruby ​​pendant and fell into Zhulong's hands.

"Huh? When retreating, it can prevent distracting thoughts, speed up quietness, improve understanding. And can give birth to high-grade congenital spiritual treasures that resist quasi-sacred-strikes."

Candle Dragon is holding a pendant.I am also very happy that she likes to think wildly when she is often in group customs.As a result, it is impossible to carefully get such a baby now.It's just right.

At this moment, the entire creation of Qinglian has been divided by three people.All are happy.Every treasure is exactly what they need


Gu Jun looked at the Three Treasures divided by Fortune Qinglian and thought about the Guai Village Yuruyi and Pingjian that Fortune Green Lotus transformed into in his previous life, and he couldn't help feeling emotional. different magic weapons

"Okay, since the treasure distribution is over, let's move on!"

Zhou Jun nodded.Kunlun Mountains go further west.It is the Great Wild West, although the present Great Wild West, after the battle with the Demon Dao in the future.Spiritual veins cut off.Compared to being the most barren land in the whole prehistoric wasteland, it can be said to be many times better, but after all, it is still not as prosperous as the East.

After all, it is considered a flood item

Top-level caves. Almost all of them gather in the east and the entire west to be among the top caves.There is also a Mount Sumeru, which was renamed Lingshan after Luo Sui took it as a dojo.It is the place where the Elysium of Western religion is located.The tour is also completed.Where to go next.There are only two left.

Zhou Jun looked up at Wushang and smiled. "Lunar Sun L."

The moon star and the sun star. As the two stars transformed by Pangu's eyes, they are also the second of the top blessed places in the prehistoric era, and they also gave birth to the emperor of later generations.The second emperor of the East, Xihe.Chang Xi and many others are very capable.

Since I plan to travel to the Great Desolate, there is no reason not to go 2

The Great Desolate Tailu and the Great Desolate Starry Sky are separated by a forceful barrier.Among them, countless earth, water, wind and fire are raging, and the nine heavens are violent.Nine days of thunder, terrifying power, god of fire

Non-Golden Immortals. They simply cannot pass through that barrier, so they are called Golden Immortals.You can go to Jiuyou, _Go to Jiutian..Also for this reason.

As for Zhou Jun and his party. Two big Luos.Two golden cents.Passing through the mere barriers is naturally no problem.

"Let's go. Next, let's go to Sunstar!'_


Chapter 127 Journey to the Sun! (The first update, please subscribe!)

The dazzling starry sky, whether it is the past life or the current prehistoric world, is a place full of endless mysteries. No one knows how many dangerous places and how many secret treasures there are in the countless stars.

You must know that the prehistoric world is a round place. In other words, the area of ​​the endless starry sky is not smaller than that of the prehistoric Tailu. The size of the starry sky can be imagined.

Among all the stars, it is headed by the Yin and Sun stars.They are all transformed by the eyes of Pangu. The sun star illuminates all things and brings vitality to all things. The lunar star also emits the power of endless moon transformation for all things to cultivate.The two stars have great merit for the prehistoric world, so no monk dares to count the two stars.

, at most just look for some heavenly treasures in it. ,

Just half an hour before and after the departure from Kunhe Mountain, Zhou Jun and his group crossed the Nine Heavens Barrier and reached the star field. After identifying the direction, the group crossed the starry sky.After walking for several days and nights, I arrived near the sun star at noon.

There are still tens of thousands of powers away from the sun star, and everyone has already felt a scorching aura coming towards them. The entire sun star is actually a sea of ​​fire, and the raging flames are by no means wind and fire.It is the true fire of the sun, one of the top-ranked flames in the world!

The sun is a real fire, nothing is not Brahman, it cannot be stopped by a golden immortal, and it is right

It has a natural restraint effect on all evils and poisons.

Fortunately, Zhou Jun and his party were all above Jinxian. And they didn't cultivate any evil and poisonous things.Therefore, he directly used a mana shield L to place the true fire of the sun outside his body, and then landed.

"Is this the prehistoric sun star 3

Stepping on the ground composed of terrifyingly hot sand and gravel, Zhou Jun looked around and couldn't help comparing himself with the sun in his previous life.

The sun in the previous life was a planet composed entirely of hydrogen gas and flames.They are all gas without substance, but the prehistoric sun star is a real star.

One made of sun grit: a star filled with the true fire of the sun.

Because the sun is full of fire everywhere, looking around, there are red patches in all directions.It's kind of like watching some old documentaries.

"Let's go, let's search for any treasures in the sun star._shan"

Sunstar is not a mountain range of tens of thousands of inches like Kunhe Mountain, Buzhou Mountain. Daluo Jinxian's mind power can easily cover it. This is a real planet that is not known to be bigger and less famous than those mountains. 1

Even if Daluo Jinxian can fly at full strength, it will take many years to fly around for a week, not to mention divine sense.


The four people divided into four directions and began to explore.Agree to meet every three months.Swap - look at the situation.Even if there are two big Luos and two golden immortals, it took many years after exploring the surface of the sun star.

"Huhu, there is almost nothing on the entire sun star except the sun. It's the sun's gravel. I've been searching for more than ten years. I can't find anything!

Instead, he shook his head and said with a wry smile.He is also very helpless about the insulator he has missed from various opportunities.

"I was lucky enough to find a place covered by an innate formation, but my Nengjiu couldn't break the formation. So only

Make a note of the location and let me know! '

Lu Shiping pointed to the direction he came from. There was a bit of joy on his face. After all, even with his ability, he couldn't break the formation, so the contents inside must be very precious."

"I also found two. But I don't know how to fight, and I'm afraid of destroying the contents by forcibly breaking the formation!"

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