"Um: wait" something is wrong

When Zhou Junzheng was complaining silently in his heart, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and found something wrong."

Although Laurel is one of the top ten spiritual roots, it ranks very low after all.It makes no sense that there are two innate great formations guarding it! Long Qi has a formation. This is the guard they saw in Wanshou Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi's is a bit more complicated

You must know that Zhenyuanzi's body ginseng fruit tree L ranks extremely high among the ten spiritual roots!

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon 1. There must be some situations in it"

Zhou Jun narrowed his eyes.Divine Intent immediately scanned the bottom of the laurel tree, and sure enough, under the laurel tree, there was a vast and incomparable aura faintly coming from it:

That is

Innate treasure and ⊥_


Chapter 130 Returning to the Great Wilderness, encountering a white tiger (fourth update, please subscribe!)

- "Lunar star actually has a congenital treasure!

Zhou Jun was stunned!

To know.The prehistoric treasures of the Great Desolation and most of the best innate spiritual treasures came from the three great chaotic treasures of Pangu.

For example, Pangu Fan, Taiji Diagram and Chaos Bell.It was transformed by Pangu's axe.Hongjun's fortune-telling jade plate was downgraded after Pangu's fortune-telling jade plate was damaged.Fortune Ding originates from turbid green lotus

There are several great heaven-opening treasures transformed by Pangu's three turbid treasures.At that time, Zhou Jun watched them divide it with his own eyes, and naturally there was no e.

I thought I could

At most, it is a top-quality congenital spiritual treasure, but Zhou Jun never imagined it.Turned out to be a congenital treasure L

Suppressing the excitement and joy, Zhou Jun began to crack the formations other than Laurel.

The two guarding formations, the one guarding Laurel, easily broke the "May [-]" solution.As for the innate treasure, it took some time, but it was completed soon.

However, after cracking the formation, a tunnel was dug under the laurel.When I arrived at the magic treasure, I couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

This is an innate treasure that has not yet been fully formed. And it cannot be conceived again.


The reason why this innate treasure has not yet formed is mainly due to the lack of the essence of the pregnant and blind spiritual treasure. To make this innate treasure take shape, it needs a huge essence of spiritual treasure. The reason why the lunar star is so cold.It is also caused by the absorption of all vitality by this innate treasure.

"Alas. After all, it does not originate from chaos. Even if the power of the entire lunar star is gathered, it is still impossible to breed the innate treasure!"

Zhou Jun sighed and beckoned. He still took the treasure.

Not fully conceived into a congenital treasure.But the quality is above the best innate treasure.It is a half-step innate spiritual treasure.

"Guanghan Silver Moon Armor?"

The magic weapon is in hand.Eleven defensive magic weapons are displayed with its name and information.If it is fully conceived and formed, as a congenital treasure, it is indestructible. Although it has not been conceived and formed now, it can still resist the attack of the best innate spiritual treasure, and it can be regarded as an unparalleled defense.

"Shi Hao, I'll give this to you!

Zhou Jun had the innate treasure of the turbid clock, so he gave it to Shibi.

"Thank you Master"

Shi Tan smiled and accepted the Guanghan Yinyue Armor. He was also very happy.

A superior innate treasure

The Guanghan Silver Moon Armor.Plus the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao [-]th Grade Pure White Lotus and the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao Star Pagoda and Fortune Sword. . This kind of equipment is completely comparable to other item-level cultivators.

Tube ginseng haha.All right.Let's keep going! '

I didn't expect that half a step innate treasure could be harvested on the lunar star, then some other top stars.Such as crape myrtle, Big Dipper, etc.

Zhou Jun's moonlight looked at the boundless star. His eyes were slightly bright.

"Let's go"

The group continued to set off towards the boundless starry sky.

Three thousand

Years later:

"Hoohoo - what a pity!"

Zhou Jun and others searched for some of the more famous stars. .Unfortunately, none of them can compare to the sun star and the lunar star.

In addition to Ziwei Xing, the Big Dipper Qixing obtained two high-grade innate spiritual treasures, a Ziwei sword and a Longyuan Qixing sword, all of which are low-grade innate spiritual treasures.

After the Ziwei sword was given to the candle dragon and the dragon and the seven-star sword was given to Lu Shiping, the group of people didn't even bother to search for the stars under him that were not even famous.

Even the Morning Glory and Weaver Girl, the zodiac sign, etc., only have some low-grade congenital spiritual treasures.not to mention that

Some stars that later generations can't even name 2

"Let's go. It's been almost [-] years before and after this trip. We should go back."

A group of people flew back from the star field to the great land. They were ready to return to Penglai.

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