"Hahaha, it's rare for a daoist to come to the west, and now a quasi-sage in the whole prehistoric world, it is estimated that

The plan is also our second ancestor, five honors and seven people, why don't we come back today to discuss and discuss?"

Just when Zhou Jun was thinking about it, Luo Hu also finished dealing with the demons, and then two

Looking eagerly at Zhou Jun

When he was in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he had a discussion with Zhou Jun once, but because of that

Because the cultivation base is low, he is not proficient in controlling the four swords of Zhuxian, and lost by a thin line.

Later, when the beasts were robbed, Zhou Jun even carried Da Luo Jinxian with the Golden Immortal Great Perfection.

Rahu left an invincible impression in his mind

And now after breaking through the Quansheng, Luo Hu can finally use the four swords of Zhuxian perfectly, so

I felt that I could fight Zhou Jun again, so I started to invite him to fight again.

"Boom! It was detected that the demon ancestor Rahu invited you to fight.

,please choose"

"1 Promise to fight, and reward the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Xuanyuan to control the water flag

"2 Refuse to fight, reward top-grade innate spirit baby lotus lamp"

As soon as Luo's voice fell, the system selection appeared.

Regardless of whether you agree to fight or refuse to fight, you are rewarding high-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Needless to say, Zhou Jun must have chosen to agree.

After reaching their realm, fighting and learning from each other at the same level is something that cannot be encountered.

I beg, like the last time he and Shi fought once, both sides have a great understanding, so he is absolutely

Would not disagree with the fight.

What's more, the reward promised to fight is Xuan Yuan's water flag!

The last flag of the five innate flags!

If there are only two magic weapons alone, Zhou Jun may also consider the lotus lantern, Bi

The lotus lantern is more famous in later generations, and it is still the method of the sage Nuwa, and the reason why agarwood saves her mother.

things are more familiar.

But don't forget, Zhou Jun has already collected the other four innate five-square flags, let's have another mystery

Yuan control water flag, the five elements are complete!

In such a case, do not

Speaking of one lotus lantern, even if there are five lotus lanterns, Zhou Jun will

Choose Xuanyuan to control the water flag!

"System, I promise to fight!"

Zhou Jun made a choice without hesitation, then smiled and looked at Luo Hu, "Haha,

Since my fellow Daoist has such elegance, I should naturally accompany me! Let's fight!"

"Haha, fellow Daoist takes the call!"

After Luo heard Zhou Jun agreed, he immediately took the lead and punched Zhou Jun,

This punch is just a random swing, without causing any movement, it seems to be bland

But in Luo

At the moment when Hu started, the space in front of Zhou Jun suddenly faced a wave.

Infinite pressure squeezed towards him, as if to crush him into pieces!


Zhou Jun also started without hesitation, only to see his right hand forward, lightly, and then

There was a wave in the space in front of him, and then all the strength disappeared.

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist Zhou Jun's supernatural powers are really amazing!"

Seeing that his attack was taken lightly and found out, Luo Huo laughed.

"Friend Luo's magical powers are equally powerful!"

Zhou Jun also smiled and replied.

After the two finished testing each other, they stopped hiding their clumsiness and began to prepare for the truth.

I saw Luo Hu walking on the seventh-grade black lotus, holding a god-killing spear with high fighting spirit; Zhou Juntong

There are innate five elements and five square flags floating around it, holding the celestial ruler in one hand and the space-time seal in one hand.

, The fighting spirit is Ling Ran.

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