You know, even if it is a full blow from the Heavenly Dao Realm, it may not be able to break it open!

"Space transfer!"

Seeing that the sword light was about to hit him, Zhou Jun hurriedly used the magical power of the law to create two space wormholes and divert the sword light to another direction.


Jianmang was moved hundreds of millions of meters away by Zhou Jun's use of space. The next moment, there was a sudden explosion in that direction, and the radius of thousands of miles was instantly shattered. The endless chaotic air was squeezed out, forming a chaotic storm. Go away, rush into the distance!

"Hey! Just two sword beams are so powerful!"

Seeing the direction of the explosion of the sword glow, Zhou Jun couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the whole person became cautious!

After taking a deep breath again, Zhou Jun finally turned his attention to the place where the sword glow was launched!

I saw in the chaos ahead, a simple and unadorned black giant sword of unknown material, lying there quietly.

The two sword beams just now came from this giant sword!

"This is the Chaos Space-Time Sword!"

After looking at the giant sword carefully, and feeling the aura of time and space emanating from it, Zhou Jun's eyes suddenly revealed an incomparable surprise!

Because he is the demon god of time and space, he is in charge of the laws of time and space, and the giant sword contains the power of time and space, so Zhou Jun thought, and soon the power of the primordial spirit entered the giant sword.


The Chaos Space-Time Sword is naturally compatible with the power of space-time. At this moment, I feel the strong aura of space-time law in Zhou Jun's Yuanshen, and instantly become docile like a child who has met a mother. Before Zhou Jun can do anything, he takes the initiative to recognize the master. success!


Zhou Jun's Primordial Spirit power was successfully marked in an instant, and then, Chaos Time and Space Sword took the initiative to send its information, so that Zhou Jun could check it carefully.

"It's actually a Chaos Spirit Treasure!"

After reading all the information, Zhou Jun's face could not help but be full of surprises!

You must know that after the opening of the sky, all the instruments are divided into magic treasures, spirit treasures, acquired spirit treasures, acquired merit spirit treasures, congenital spirit treasures, innate merit spirit treasures, and innate treasures!

And in the chaos, on top of the innate treasure, there are also the existence of Chaos Spirit Treasure and Chaos Treasure!

Whether it is a chaotic spiritual treasure or a chaotic treasure, it is an existence that can be encountered but not sought after!

In the previous life, the total chaos was nothing but the opening axe, the chaos pearl, the jade plate of good fortune, the chaos green lotus and the world-annihilation big mill, these five treasures of chaos!

Among them, the Great Destruction of the World has never been shown, and the Chaos Pearl is only a short-lived in the Chaos Period!

Although there are a little more Chaos Spirit Treasures than Chaos Supreme Treasures, the total Chaos adds up to only a few dozen!

Thinking that Zhou Jun had the bonus of good luck and even the sky, and traveled through the chaos for thousands of years, he only encountered some innate treasures and innate treasures, but there was not a chaotic spiritual treasure!

If it weren't for the system reward, it is estimated that Zhou Jun would never know if he had the chance to see the Chaos Spirit Treasure in his life!

And now, he has been found by himself!

"It's actually a high-grade Chaos Spirit Treasure!" Zhou Jun couldn't help but feel a little excited, "And it's a Chaos Spirit Treasure that fits the way of time and space!"

"It fits the way of time and space, and I am in charge of the law of time and space. In the future, when I have a deeper understanding of the law, this magic weapon may not be able to advance in the future!"

Zhou Jun's current Chaos-level treasures are a Chaos Orb, the World Extermination Damo and Chaos Purple Lotus, whether the three are more defensive.

Now there is an attack-type treasure, which just makes up for Zhou Jun's shortcomings!

And this is an existence that has the opportunity to advance into a Chaos Treasure!

"And if I can evolve into a Chaos Treasure in the future, then I will have four Chaos Treasures, one more than Pangu, I'm a little excited to think about it!"

After refining the Chaos Space-Time Sword, Zhou Jun was extremely happy, and he looked forward to the fate compass even more.

Because he had never heard of it in his previous life, Zhou Jun didn't take the compass of destiny seriously at first.

Now that the meal is delicious, Zhou Jun immediately starts to pay attention to it!

What a heaven-defying ability to be able to find opportunities!

Although it can neither attack nor defend, it seems useless, but the ability to find opportunities, in Zhou Jun's opinion, is no less rare than a Chaos-level Spirit Treasure!

Whether it is chaos or flood, what do you rely on to survive?It's about strength!

How can I increase my strength as quickly as possible?By chance!

And the importance of a magic weapon that can find your greatest chance is self-evident!

"Haha, the sword of time and space has also been refined, it is not too late, I will see if there is any chance nearby!"

After nodding, Zhou Jun activated the compass again, and was instantly drained of one-twentieth of his blood.

This time, Zhou Jun ate a few Chaos Spirit Fruits again, and after recovering, he opened his eyes again, then looked up in one direction, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Besides the two billion attacks in the northwest, there is still a big chance!"

Chapter 16 The world tree and chaos! (The sixth update, 800 flowers plus more!)

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At Zhou Jun's speed, trillions of miles are just in the blink of an eye.

After arriving at the location indicated by the compass, Zhou Jun looked around and found a monstrous tree with a height of ten thousand feet!

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