The last Qiankun ancestor, compared to the other two, was much more embarrassed.

After all, Taijitu and Pangu Fan, one is a defensive type innate treasure, the other is an attack type innate treasure, and the main function of the cauldron is for alchemy and refining, and it is not good at attacking.

In the face of Luo Ju's outrageous blow, the ancestor of Qiankun threw the fortune cauldron without hesitation.

_ "Boom!"

After the bombardment, good fortune

Although the tripod blocked the attack, 2 but the terrifying return of the ninth direct grant made the tripod of good fortune suddenly smashed into the air and rammed towards the ancestor of Qiankun.Falling on the ancestors of Qiankun, the ancestors of Qiankun immediately turned pale.

"Hahaha, I'll take you first!

Luo Zhan laughed loudly. He also knew that it was impossible to deal with four people at the same time, so he was ready to hit the attack, kill one person and one person first, and take them down one by one.

After some testing just now.After finding that the ancestor of Qiankun was the weakest, he did not hesitate to pour all the attacks on the ancestor of Qiankun.

Hundreds and thousands of sword qi are continuously directed towards

Called Qiankun Patriarch, although there was a good luck tripod to help, but not long after, 2 Qiankun Patriarch was also disgraced.The Taoist robes all over his body are also extremely messy. _ There are also many wounds appearing on the body.

"Friend Qiankun, we are here to help you!

Hongjun and the others naturally saw Luo Hu's intentions and came to help them, but how could Luo Sui make them wishful? Instantly urged the two swords to attack the three of them.Let them be overwhelmed.And the other two swords.Then began to besiege the ancestors of Qiankun!

Originally facing the sword with a handle, there was an embarrassed ancestor of Qiankun.Now faced with two swords, I suddenly eat Jiu e even more

one by one

The sword qi is in a state where the ancestors of Qiankun cannot be killed, but the ancestors of Qiankun have to defend.And the eyes can't escape. .Occasionally inadvertently get attacked once and get injured.

Although it has always been small wounds, the wounds are many and accumulated.It also made the ancestors of Qiankun very embarrassed, and the key is that Luohu's attacks are all launched through the big array to launch his defense, but he relies on his own strength, so it takes a long time.His power consumption has already used nearly half L

0. Ask for flowers:

There are more and more wounds on the body, the state is getting worse and worse, and the mana in the body is getting less and less, and the other three fellow Taoists have to deal with it.

My own attack, I have no time to help myself. At this moment, the ancestors of Qiankun have already smelled the breath of death.”


Ancestor Qiankun shook the fortune tripod in his handshake.Prepare to fly in the direction of Hongjun, and let Hongjun help cover-down, so that he can restore his mana.However, Luo Kan could see clearly the actions of the ancestor of Yu Qiankun.

"Hahaha L, don't think about doing any little tricks, today you will definitely die!" Luo Hou laughed madly.In his eyes, the ancestors of Qiankun are no different from the dead.

After Qiankun is dead, the remaining three people will die even more.


"Suffer to death, Qiankun!" Luo Sui burst into laughter, adding too much mana instilled. - Dao Dao's attack is even more powerful than before. He shot towards Qiankun Patriarch frantically.

In the face of Luohu's crazy attack, although the ancestor of Qiankun tried his best to resist, 2 but when the mana in his body became less and less, all kinds of defense methods became weaker and weaker, and the wounds on his body became more and more. get up w

Obviously, I am afraid that it will take a long time to consume Pi, and the ancestors of Qiankun will fall!

"Damn Luo Sui. Even if the ancestors fall, I will not make you feel better." After knowing that he had only one way to die, the ancestors of Qiankun were also two

Eyes are red. 2 With a grim face, he suddenly let out a loud shout, and then L's whole body sublimated in vain, and his whole body lit up."

"Bang". "

The ancestor of Qiankun blew himself up 1_


Chapter 172 Zhou Jun Fights Rahu! (The fifth update, please subscribe!)


The powerhouse at the peak of the quasi-sage self-destructed, and the intensity was naturally unimaginable. The terrifying fluctuations instantly swept the four directions.

The Immortal Execution Sword Array, which was protected by the Great Sealing Heaven and Earth Array, was fine. After shaking it for a while, it returned to calm, but the Great Sealing Heaven Securing Array, which was directly impacted, just cracked open.

"Fellow Daoists! There is a gap in the great formation of sealing the sky and locking the earth. Hurry up and attack L as long as the formation is broken. We can send a signal to call fellow Daoist Zhou Jun. When the four quasi-sages reach their peaks, they will be able to break Zhuxian. Sword formation!&q


Hongjun took the lead in reacting, and directly attacked the Fengtian Locking Earth Array with a "three, three, three" force.Although the ancestors of Qiankun blew themselves up, there were only three of them left, but Zhou Jun was there to support them.They still have a chance to make a comeback

As long as the Great Sealing Heaven and Earth Locking Array is broken.They can signal Zhou Jun to Sun

"Yes. Let's break through together!"

Ancestor Hunyuan and Ancestor Yin-Yang reacted instantly, and immediately started to attack. As the three of them attacked at the same time, the crack became bigger and bigger, and Luo Wan was shocked when she saw it.

Just been blown up by the ancestors of Qiankun

Shadow us.Luo Sui's spirit was also a little sluggish at this moment. However, after seeing the movements of the three Hongjun, he didn't care about the injury, and started to attack frantically towards the ancestors of Hunyuan.

It wasn't that he didn't want to kill Hong Jun, the person he hated the most. It was that the ancestor of Hun Yuan, Mao Zhi Pangu, was the most powerful person among the three who attacked the robbery.The cracks will be torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Suffer to death, Hunyuan Mountain"

Although the Zhuxian Sword Formation was affected by the self-destruction of Qiankun's ancestors, it had the protection of another Tai Formation.It recovered in an instant.

At this moment... Luo Sui, Hong Jun and the others are all rushing for time. Hong Diao and the others have to remember that they can call Zhou Jun when they are too busy, while Luo Sui wants to take advantage of the crowd. Go kill them, lest the opponent gather four quasi-sage peaks and break the Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

"die me"

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