A gigantic figure with a million feet in the sky. The merits and virtues of the sky are extremely shocking (agci) 1_-_

"The Five Sacred Beasts that suppressed the five poles of the heavens and the earth were born on the Five Sacred Beasts⊥"

In the prehistoric times, under the blessing of the power of heaven, the hearts of every living being appeared instantly, such information w


Bai Xuanlong, Aofeng, Ang Lintian and Xuanji five people, after accepting the merit and the skyrocketing cultivation, walked towards Zhou Jun.Farewell to Zhou Jun_"Master. We became the repressive days

The holy beast of the five poles of the earth.But Ling is about to return to his place, and there is no way out unless the world is destroyed. We are one step ahead.”

"Well, don't worry until the two worlds are completely merged. The time and space world has annexed Honghuang. After I become the master of the two worlds, I will give you freedom!" Zhou Jun nodded at a few people.Everyone didn't act like a daughter or anything, because everyone knows that this is only temporary, and Zhou Jun will be able to finish it in the next calamity at most - cut!

"Well, Master. Then let's go to l

The five Bai Xuanlongao nodded at Zhou Jun, and then turned into five streams of light.Fly towards the five poles of heaven and earth, and begin to suppress the five poles

With the return of the holy beasts of the five directions to suppress the prehistoric continent, which had been swaying endlessly, it finally settled down. And the two-world channel L, which was still trembling, was finally completely stabilized.

"Hu Hu Hu L has been over two thousand years since Pangu opened the sky to the present, and I don't know what the development of the time and space world has become_!"

Perhaps it is because of the more timidity of the nostalgia.Looking at the passage between the two realms in front of him, Zhou Jun felt a little nervous.

"Before Shi Hao left, he had already deduced the time and space realm's cultivation technique to the fifth order. That is to say, it is equivalent to the heavenly immortals of the prehistoric world. Now more than [-] years have passed. I don't know the time and space.

Has there been any Tailuo and Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses in the world?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Jun nodded to Lu Shiping and Zhulong. "Shi Hao and I will go back to the time and space world, and you two will stay at home in Penglai."

"No!" Lu Shiping and Zhulong clasped their fists

"Alright, Shi Hao, let's go back first."


Shi Hao nodded and followed Zhou Jun's footsteps. The two stepped into the space passage one after the other and returned to the space-time realm. _


Chapter 181 The birth of Sanqing (second more. Please subscribe!)

After Zhou Jun and Shi Hao left Honghuang, Hongjun did not practice in seclusion, and the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn also retired.Between the whole world.Normal operation resumed again.

The [-] years after the calamity is over, because it is the [-] years in which the Tao of Heaven compensates all sentient beings. Within these [-] years, it is easier for all living beings to transform into forms, and it is also easier to understand the Dao.So within [-] years, the entire prehistoric state has shown a thriving attitude. ,

Countless creatures began to be born and began to slowly cultivate.Although at this moment, L Jinxian is already the most powerful expert in the entire flood.As for Darrow.Not a single one yet, but the prosperity of the whole flood is far from

More than when the dragon, phoenix and unicorns received it. ,

There are countless new creatures every day.I also started to get a little angry, and as for some of the Blessed Caves ^L, it was even more lively.

Kunlun Mountain, as the second of the top few blessed places in the flood, naturally gathers many creatures.

On this day, the creatures near Kunlun Mountain.All as usual.Some were cultivating, some were joking, each doing their own thing, but suddenly, the entire Kunlun Mountains suddenly shook violently.

"Huh? What's wrong? Go on"

"What, what's the situation?⊥"

"Is there an earthquake?"

All the creatures in Kunlun Mountain are full of doubts and some ignorance, so these creatures born in their hearts are facing such a situation for the first time.For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.


A vast coercion suddenly descended from the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. With one: a long breath.Let all living beings feel very cordial::that is.:pangu's breath!

At the same time, on Yujing Mountain, Hongjun, who was retreating and cultivating and preparing to break through the saint, also sensed this qi.

Shi Mu Ran opened his eyes, his eyes dazedly passed through the space, and he looked towards the place where the air sting in Kunlun Mountain rose, holding the jade plate of good fortune in his hand and counting.Then there was a smile on his face, "This is the Sanqing transformed by Pangu Yuanshen?"

"Ha: Ha: Haha Shangpen Dao is only a thin line away from becoming a saint. All three of the Qing Dynasty are born with great merit and great luck. It seems that it is time for me to accept & a few apprentices⊥"

Hongjun's laughter kept ringing in the Zixiao Palace on Yujing Mountain.At the same time. Kunlun Mountain Shen "0:;

The place where Zhou Jun once went, the three air masses that year, and Ling Zheng turned over the dazzling light L and then vanished in vain.

Out of shape.

The first one to come out was an old man with a charitable face.The second is a middle-aged man with a dignified face, and the third is an aloof and handsome young man.

After the three people transformed, they looked at each other and smiled, the first was the old man who said, "I am Taiqing Laozi"_"

Then the middle-aged man said again, "I am Yuqing Yuanyuan!"

The young man at the end also smiled and said, "I am the Supreme Qing Tongtian!"

After the three of them finished speaking, a golden giant tower on Zhezi's head also shrank instantly and fell into his hands. It was the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower of Heaven and Earth!


big brother! '"Second brother"_""Third brother go up"

The three laughed, and directly determined their respective generations according to the time of the transformation.The three.It is the famous Sanqing sage of later generations.

"Hahaha.. how many years. We finally changed shape⊥" Yuan Yuan said with emotion.

"Yes, yes, go!" Tong Tian also chatted and nodded. "After holding back for thousands of years, I finally emerged from the shape, why don't I go out and travel?"

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