"1x agree to invite

Please, reward the innate spiritual root Xian Xing. "

"2x reject the invitation. Reward the Innate Spiritual Root Vermilion Orange.".

The rewards for the two choices are the same, they are the general first 5.4 days of spiritual roots. Seeing this, Zhou Jun thought that he didn't have anything to do recently to see Hongjun, so he might as well follow Sanqing to see.

Mianjie Sanqing was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and they all inherited it. Part of the way of Pangu will be communicated with them at that time, and I think it will be a bit rewarding. After all, I now have the power gem, and I can also practice the law of power. .

What's more, the Kunlun Mountains of Yujing Mountain are all in one place.

Xiang, on the way to Yujing Mountain.It will also pass through the Kunlun Mountains.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun also smiled and nodded, "It's okay, if that's the case, then I'll go with you too."


Chapter 198 The small trend can be changed, but the general trend cannot be changed! (The first update, please subscribe!)

Kunlun Mountain, _ is one of the top blessings in the prehistoric world.It is also called the ancestral vein of Wanshan.

As soon as Zhou Jun and his party flew near the Kunlun Mountains with the auspicious clouds, the concentration of the surrounding aura became in vain. This is not the core area of ​​Kunlun, and the concentration of the innate aura is more than twice that of other places.

When you go to Kunlun Mountain, the spiritual energy inside is ten times as much as outside.Everywhere there is aura that condenses and even condenses into a creek made of murmuring aura.

Such a treasured place, worthy of being a well-known sage dojo in later generations!

Zhou Jun, Lu Shiping and Sanqing walk side by side

, and soon arrived at the place of the Three Purification Transformation, and on the stone wall next to it, the cultivation insights written by Zhou Jun were still engraved.

After everyone arrived at the place, they first listened to Zhou Junjin together.

Zhou 06 Jun is now a sage. How subtle is the way he will command? Even if it is only at the stage of Tailuo.It is also heard that Sanqing is fascinated and drunk. Even Lu Shiping, a quasi-sage, has a lot of insights.

But of course, Sanqing is only the realm of the Golden Immortal after all.Before entering Jinxian, they can still answer a few packs.They even cite - anti-three, but after arriving at Daluo, they can only understand one-ten-twelve.

Parts are confused

After arriving here, Zhou Jun also stopped entering the Dao. After watching Sanqing summarize and organize the content of the previous entrance, L began to quietly wait for Sanqing to enter.

"Senior, we will be ugly!"

Although Sanqing is extremely respectful to Zhou Jun, it does not mean that they have no confidence in their own Tao. .

"The Tao can be Tao, the very Tao, the name can be named_Very famous, the beginning of the unnamed world. The famous world is the mother:" Lao Tzu began to talk about him directly with his eyes.

The Tao of Taiqing a

"There is nothing and nothing. There is also there is. There is nothing in nothing, there is nothing in nothing::" Yuan Yuan also took advantage of the great feeling, and began to enter his Yuqing Dao.

"Going to the Dao is also a trip. The world will choose talents and talents for the public, and maintain trust and harmony. The deceased is not only a relative, nor is he an only son and a son::" Accompanied by the two older brothers, Tongtian also quickly joined Come to the camp. <8

As Sanqing entered the entire valley for a while, the echoes echoed unconsciously. Countless birds and beasts were involuntarily attracted by the sound of the curved road of Sanyue, and they stopped in fascination and began to cultivate instinctively. stand up


All of a sudden, one by one living beings roamed in listening to the Dao, cultivating instinctively, and even at night, the power of the moonlight in the sky was not enough for them!

Following the sermons of Sanqing, the entire valley, during this period of time, appeared one after another.Countless animals and plants have transformed into metamorphoses because of listening to the Tao

Of course, Sanqingjin's way is indeed too simple for Zhou Jun.After all, they are golden immortals.No matter how good the talent is, in Zhou Jun's eyes, they are all gadgets.

like a schoolboy. .No matter how well he learned his homework. . Understand again.but

He gives other students what they have earned, and college students may appreciate them, but it will never be like the way college students give elementary school students a class. L can make elementary students gain a lot.

Of course, although there is no gain in cultivation.However, each of the three Qings has a Pangu inheritance, so their Dao instinctively contains that part of Pangu's Dao meaning, so after Zhou Jun listened to it.The understanding of the avenue of Panguli suddenly improved to a higher level.

After a few people finished talking about Daoism.They are also about to separate, but at this moment, the light of the valley suddenly shines. Zhou Jun naturally knows.This is the rhythm of the birth of Linggen or Lingbao

"Haha, it seems

Something is going to happen to the treasure, let's go and have a look!" Zhou Jun laughed and rushed over with Lu Shiping and Sanqing, but Zhou Jun couldn't help but be surprised when he got there.

"This, the breath of this treasure:: how is it so similar to the [-]th-grade fortune-telling Qinglian?"

Zhou Jun was stunned for a while, some doubts that it was a flowering iron tree, 2 was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and it was also full of fortune-telling vitality. Except for the appearance, it was almost the same as the original twelve-grade fortune-telling Qinglian. what a difference

"I asked Shi Hao and the three of them to share the things that should have been obtained by Sanqing, but the three of them have great luck.

It seems that this is what Tiandao made for the sake of the general trend! '

Zhou Jun thought about it, and soon 403 guessed the answer in his mind, but it was not true.But it still needs to be completed.

Then I saw Zhou Jun said to the blooming Tieshu, "Safflower!"

Immediately afterwards, the top red flower instantly turned into an H-grade innate spiritual treasure pole.It was handed to Lao Tzu by Zhou Jun.

"Aiya, senior, how did you make this happen?" Lao Tzu was also extremely surprised when he saw that Zhou Jun took the shot and gave the high-grade congenital treasure.

. "Take it, I have too many spiritual treasures.

Moreover, in my current state, there is not much help from the Innate Spirit Treasure. "

Zhou Jun shook his head, and then said: "Luye⊥,"

Then Ye Ye turned into a high-grade Innate Spirit Baby Sword, which was given to Tongtian by Gu Jun.

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