Of course.Although the progress of the harvest of the three or five customers in Yexiao is not special

At the same time, the harvest is the most, the deepest and the deepest.Unconscious deer eat Ping!

As Huai Sheng Tai is perfect.

.Half a foot can cross the existence of a saint.Lu Shiping had already been in touch with the way of the saints.So for Hongjun Fat Jin.However, no one can compare to L, and I deeply realized a

At this moment.Crazy absorption of Hong Jun's advance.Continue to integrate mutual respect and verification with your own Tao.I just wish that the voice of the sermon would be immersed forever.


Chapter 215 Penglai's Second Generation Disciple (The sixth update, please subscribe!)

Just as Hongjun Qian Zixuefu was preaching, Zhou Jun also went to Honghuang.Ready to find some good seedlings.As a second-generation disciple of Penglai-One Lineage

"Well, according to the myth of the previous life. Among the three Eastern Sects, the Human Sect has only one disciple. It is the Great Master Xuandu: Chan Sect has twelve golden immortals; Intercepted Sect has the most disciples. There are also Duobao, Jinling, Wudang, Guiling, and Dingguang. As for the Western religion, it seems that Maitreya is the only one, and the others are all kidnapped by the two sects Congjiechan during the Conferred God War.”

Zhou Jun rubbed his chin and thought about it - he found the second-generation disciples of those saints in Honghuang. ,

It seems that too many of them are crooked melons and cracked dates, so they are barely able to catch the eyes of Archmage Xuandu and Daoist Duobao, and the rest are basically not very good.

Compared with the current generation of Nuwa Zhunti of the Sanqing Dynasty, who received and led Dijun Taiyi to the Yuan Hongyun Minghe, the second generation of the prehistoric and wild are generally more than one level worse.

"Maybe it's because he has a master at the level of a saint. Therefore, he is naturally not as hardworking as the Sanqing and his generation!" Zhou Jun shook his head and thought.

"Well, the second-generation disciples of my Penglai lineage, let's tentatively decide Xuandu and Duobao. After all, the disciples of the Four Sects of later generations are the same generation. Those who have reached the realm of quasi-sage..

these two

Zhou Jun once again screened the disciples of the three Eastern sects and the second generation of Western sects who remembered their names. In the end, only two candidates were selected, but when he was about to set off, he suddenly clapped his head.

"Hey, my eyes are dark. I just think about the second-generation disciples of the Three Sects. But I forgot about those two, _-!"

Zhou Jun laughed, and he suddenly sounded the two people who were too brilliant in the Battle of Conferred Gods, and these two were also quasi-sage cultivation bases, compared to Xuandu and Mingbao.I'm afraid it's not weak at all, or even more than that.

These two are Kong Xuan and Lu Ya!

Kong Yi is the luck of the two children born when Feng Gan was born with the Qi of the Five Elements and the Qi of Geng Jin. Tai's body is a peacock L. He refined his natural Qi of the Five Elements into supernatural powers and five colors of light. Dominance in battle

Kong Xuan's record against Zhan Chanjiao's second-generation disciples will not be mentioned.Just the old quasi-sage.One of the [-] guests of Zixia, the Taoist Lamp Burner.When fighting against Kong Xuan, they were all played Dinghai Shenzhu first, then played Zijin Bowl I, and finally beaten down.Algae fled.

In the end, the dignified sage, Zhunti, did it himself, but he was also brushed away. "The Seven Treasures Tree, with a big face, and finally disregarding the sage's skin."

Kong Xuan fought for many rounds, and finally he forcibly surrendered Kong Xuan L and transferred him to the west to be named King of Peacock Ming.

Before the First Battle of Conferred God.Donghuang Taiyi is known as the invincible hand under the saint, and after the consecration, the recognized first person under the saint is Kong Xuan L

As for Daoist Lu Ya.He is the last of the ten sons of Emperor Jun - the little golden crow. , under the protection of Nuwa, escaped the amount of calamity.In the end, he cultivated into a quasi-sage, and in the first battle of Fengshen, Jiping did not have a single defeat.

The only battle that Lu Ya did not win was the one with Kong Xuan, but although Lu Ya never fought, he retreated from the province.


You must know that the veteran quasi-sacred burning lamp Taoist, but they were all fled by Kong Xuan brushing away the treasures, while Lu Ya was able to get out of the body, and calculate the time for both of them to cultivate.Ran Deng and Di Juntai are from the same generation, and Lu Ya is already the second generation, but he can surpass Ran Deng's talent as one can imagine.

"And later generations Duobao became the head of the three Western sects. After becoming Duobao Tathagata, he was already a powerhouse at the peak of the quasi-sage. But Kong Xuan dared to swallow Duobao in one mouthful: Lu Ya is even more of a great sun. Tathagata, it can be seen that the two did not take Duobao in their eyes at all. This also reflects the cultivation of the two of them. I am afraid they are still on the top of Duobao!"

think of this

Li L Zhou Jun's eyes suddenly revealed a gleam of light 1

"Shangye, um, my second-generation disciple of the second generation of Penglai, I will tentatively be Kong Xuan, Lu Ya, Duobao and Xuandu. The four of them are the second generation of the prehistoric, the only ones who can break through to the The pinnacle of quasi-sages, can be compared with the old quasi-sages, or even surpass them! Such aptitude and talent can also enter the corner of my Penglai wall.”

Gu Jun laughed.The candidates for these second-generation disciples were decided.Then he said: "And the former human race has not been born yet. Di Jun has not given birth to a child yet. Xuandu and Lu Ya can ignore it for the time being, but Mingbao and Kong Xuan should be born now, right?"

Zhou Jun folded his fingers together.. Started (to get the money, Zhao closed his eyes and calculated, with his current cultivation level _ Naturally, he could easily calculate the situation of Kong Xuan and Duobao.

"Well, Kong Xuan and Duobao have both been born, but Duobao hasn't changed shape yet. If that's the case, let's go to Kong Xuan first, go."

After finishing the calculations, Zhou Junwan opened his eyes.A five-color auspicious cloud instantly rose from under his feet and flew into the distance, leaving a five-color ribbon in the sky.

"Dare to fight against a saint, and even brushed off the magic weapon of a saint, known as the first person under a saint! I want to see, what's wrong with this Kong Xuan?

Do the same! '

The speed of the auspicious clouds under Zhou Jun's feet accelerated in vain, and there was some anticipation in his heart.


Chapter 216 Zhou Jun appeared, Kong Xuan was shocked! (The first update, please subscribe!)

With Zhou Jun's cultivation base, _ naturally calculates at will.Then he knew Kong Xuan's location... So he flew towards a certain place in the middle of the flood.

after reaching the destination. , I happened to see Kong Xuan fighting with someone!

I saw a tall man.A handsome young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes. , is holding a long gun.Fighting with five monks, although all six of them were immortals, Kong Xuan's pistol method was so powerful that he was able to defeat five with one enemy.

I saw Kong Xuan fighting more and more fiercely.While fighting with a few soil repairers, taking advantage of the gap between a few people, the red, black, yellow, green, and white five-colored light flashes on the back instantly,

He knocked the instruments in the hands of the five people to the ground, and when the five people picked up the instruments, Kong Xuan made another surprise attack, making the time of the five people embarrassed.

"Is this the five-color divine light?_"

Zhou Jun stopped to observe, and nodded again and again.

Kong Xuan's current five-color divine light._Although it has not yet reached the level of the later generations, it still has some power. After swiping again and again, the five people were beaten and retreated several steps, which was worthy of being blocked.

"Boss, no way, although this Kong Xuan's cultivation base is not high, but his supernatural powers are real.

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