Stop it, please come up with any doubts, so I can give you some input! '

After everyone listened to Hongjun's words, Sanqing Nuwa, who was sitting on the futon, took the lead, and everyone also asked some doubts and questions this time. A Hongjun's attitude is also very good this time, and he will answer everyone one by one kindly.e

After answering everyone's questions, Hong Jun suddenly sat upright.Facing the crowd, he said, "Nowadays, the cultivators in the floods are getting more and more famous and doing their own thing, and if they don't manage them, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the life of the floods."

When Hongjun said this, suddenly the moonlight swept through the crowd and finally landed on the east.

On Wang Gong and Xi Wang Mu, "Dong Yu Gong Xi Wang Mu, you two are the two forms of yin and yang when the heaven and earth were first opened, and you are the leader of the group of immortals. Manage the group of immortals"_

- Fei Lu. Remind you: three things to read, two collections, recommendations, and sharing!, (gg__

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Chapter 227 The flood is boiling, and the wind is surging! (The sixth update, please subscribe!)

"Duke Donggan, Queen Mother of the West, you two are the two forms of yin and yang when the heaven and earth were first opened, and you are the leader of the group of immortals. 2 Manage the group of immortals

As soon as Hongjun said this, there was an uproar in the entire Zixiao Palace. I saw that the East Prince and the West Queen were full of excitement but did not notice a trace of regret flashing in Hongjun's eyes.

At this moment, in the entire Zixiao Palace, except for the prince of the east and the queen of the west, who was so excited that he couldn't even speak, everyone else was jealous and their eyes were spitting fire.

The head of the group of immortals, manage the group of immortals!

Who is there, no heart~ Jealousy 2

Even if it is Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi who have no ambition to repair soil.The face is full of envy, not to mention the others

People who have some ideas like Zhun Tiyuan also have dark faces.As for Di Junta, the two of them, their whole faces are so blue that they can squeeze water out of it.”

The head of the group of immortals, who manages the group of immortals, if it is Hongjun who wants to manage them in person, they naturally have nothing to say. But the two kings of the east and the queen mother of the west, they can hold back.

After all, the two of them were born from the three-legged Golden Crow theory born in the sun star that Pangu's eyes turned into. They are not weaker than these two. As for the cultivation base, although everyone is now a corpse and a quasi-sage, it is not

Di Jun Taiyi and the others only blew it, but it is the combination of the two queens of the east and the west.It is estimated that it is not the pair of two of Di Jun Taiyi.

The king of the east and the queen of the west, they really don't know what virtue and what they can do.Can be in charge of the prehistoric group of immortals L

But this official position was sealed by Hongjun! Who would dare to have an opinion?

However, Hongjun sat up high, as if he did not see the drastic changes in the faces of the crowd.Instead, he took out a Longtouguaicun on his own. He said to Dongwanggong, "Donggangong, you are born from the energy of one yang, and you should take care of the men of the world. Today, I will give you Longtouguai Village. Anyone who doesn't obey orders can use this to strike!"

"Thank you Daozu. Thank you

Daozu! 'The Duke of East took over the village and kowtowed again and again.Thanks continuously. ,

Then Hongjun took out a water-purifying bowl and said to the Queen Mother of the West, "Queen Mother of the West, you were born with a yin qi and should be the female fairy in the world. Today, I will give you a water-cleaning bowl to help you manage the female fairy!"

"Thank you for the change of Taoist ancestors." The Queen Mother of the West took over the water-purifying bowl and laughed again and again. (people.

After Hongjun gave the magic weapon, he said to the two people, "You two must be careful in the future." It's all self-blame!"


"Follow the decree of Daozu," the two queens of the east and the west were immersed in the fact that they were the head of the group of immortals.To manage the group of immortals and the joy of being assigned to two high-grade innate spiritual treasures..As for Hongjun's persuasion just now, he didn't listen to him at all.

But they didn't hear it, but 2 doesn't mean others didn't hear it.

"[-], don't provoke right and wrong, make Honghuang uneasy, otherwise it will bring bad retribution. It's all self-blame..." Di Jun and Tai Er carefully scrutinized: Reader Hong Jun's words, looking at Dong Dong next to- Wang Gongxi and Queen Mother.There was a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay, this time we enter

This ends.After [-] years, we will enter again, and that is also the last time to enter the Dao. You can come again after [-] years! '

After the sermon was finished, Hong Jun also waved his hand and disappeared. As for everyone who heard it, they all left.

However, although this sermon is over, the remaining problems are huge.After countless powerhouses returned to Honghuang, there was a lot of discussion about the fact that the two kings of the east and the queen mother of the west were ranked the first among the immortals.

Except for the very few people who are not obsessed with power, such as Zhenyuanzi, Hongyunzhe Ziwa, etc., everyone else can be said to be extremely envious and jealous of them.

Chinese Calculation and Planning: Seeking Flowers

For a while, the floods were once again on the rise, but the two kings and queens of the east and the west were just thinking about how to unify the immortals in order to become the head of these immortals.

On the other side, in the Demon Palace on Buzhou Mountain.

After Di Juntai and the other two came back from the Zixiao Palace, their faces were a little unsightly on the way.

After all, the two of them unify the Hundred Clans in the Great Wilderness, synthesize the Demon Clan, and finally establish the Demon Court, crown the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor.It is not difficult to see that the two are very fond of power, so for the existence of the two leaders of the group of immortals, the East Prince and the West Jade Mother. 2 can be described as a thorn in the eye


"Brother, what do you think of Hongjun Daozu's title to the leader of the group of immortals?_" Tai- asked Di Junxun.

"Hehe, we just need to wait and see what happens," Di Jun said coldly with a smile on his face.

"Wait and see what happens?" Tai Yi was a little suspicious

"Didn't the Daozu say that they should never provoke right and wrong. If they make Honghuang uneasy, otherwise they will be blamed for the evil retribution.."

When Di Jun said this, he couldn't help but paused, "Now, except for those loose cultivators and loose immortals, all the remaining creatures, either the witch clan or the demon clan

.The Witch Clan is inexhaustible and disrespectful to the Tao of Heaven, so naturally they will not be swayed by them, but we only need to order and let all the demon clan ignore them. If we understand them, they will naturally become the head of the group of immortals in name only. "

"If they know the appearance, they can take care of those loose cultivators. If they don't know the appearance, they will provoke our demon clan. Wouldn't it be provoking right and wrong, causing the floods to be uneasy?

"Ha ha ha ha!_"

When Di Jun said this, he looked at Tai Yi with a look that you understand and then laughed out loud. _

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