The real man with long eyebrows smiled and took it out of his hand

A side of the golden bronze seal.It is Kongtong Yin!


As soon as Kongtong Yin arrived in Fuxi's hands, a force of force, a golden dragon, flew around the entire Chendu.The whistling continued, and at the same time, Fuxi's whole person also had an air of dominance.

At the same time, the fate of the human race has also climbed to the extreme at this moment. It is completely thick to the level of the prehistoric younger brother Taizu."

"Thank the saint for giving Bao'er" Fu Yi moved towards the sky and bowed faintly to others who didn't know it.But he didn't know, but he didn't know, and began to thank him again and again decisively.

"Boom 1_"

The construction of the first capital of the human race has also been completed_ symbolizing the official head of the human race.It represents that the A family is officially moving towards glory.

Two days later, Youxi began to supervise the establishment of officials.Making musical instruments, fabricating calendars, etc. opened his Taizhi, and the human race has become more and more prosperous under the governance of Fu Yu, w--

Then Fuxi also got old. He reached the end of his life as a human being.On this day, Nuwa personally came to receive the Fusang. She took Fuxi to Huoyun Cave to enjoy the blessing.

With the ascension of the Fu Nang, the first era of the co-lord of the human race came to an end.The human race has turned into various tribes.


On this day, the Lieshan clan, who lived by the Jiangshui River, was suddenly enveloped by a ray of sunshine, and then the fantasy of dragon and phoenix showing auspiciousness began to change, and then a loud baby sound began to sound.Alarmed their entire tribe!

I saw that a white family named Jiang from the Lieshan family gave birth to a child.It turns out that the belly of the birth head is still transparent, and the internal organs can be seen.

This guy was the Beihai Xuanyu that year, and died because his limbs were used as pillars.He was promised a holy seat by Nuwa.It is Shennong!,

Because Shennong's previous life was a mysterious turtle.It is a generation of hairy fish, and Yuanshi Tianzun does not look down on it - so there is no

There is. The one who came is the Holy Mother of Turtle, the disciple of the Master of Tongtian.

I saw that the Holy Mother of the Horned Spirit took Shennong as an apprentice and began to teach 4.0 carefully - and Shennong also taught that he could talk in three days and walk in five days.He is more compassionate and respects the old and loves the young, and his noble character has been admired by everyone in the family at a young age.

Moreover, after Shennong awakened the memory of his previous life, he was even more proficient in farming and medical care. He led the clan in farming and medical treatment.The entire tribe is governed in an orderly manner.between two hours.Became a great sage L, well-known by the human race

Accompanied by Shennong's fame.So more and more tribes began to take refuge in

of.The mountains began to worship Shennong as the first co-lord of the human race.


Chapter 263 Shennong Tastes Herbs (Second, please subscribe!)

Since Shennong took the throne, Renjing entered the Shennong era. He has been conscientiously serving the human race. In each tribe, he promoted how to grow grains and how to irrigate.

With the promotion of five grains, the food of the human race has become more and more, no one will go hungry anymore, and the food problem will be solved. Naturally, the human race has increased its population again and entered a stage of rapid development again.

After everyone had no worries about food and clothing, Shennong saw that the human race would get sick, and then began to think of a way to solve this problem.

Most of the human race can't cultivate, so it's impossible - if they get sick, give them a spiritual pill that can only be made by cultivated people.

There is no elixir for magic, so what should we do?

So Shennong began to think hard, and 14 knew this day.. After he saw some small animals in the mountains were injured, 2 went to chew some herbs. After applying it on the wound, Shen Nong suddenly realized.

"It is not necessary to use medicinal herbs to cure diseases. Sometimes ordinary herbs can also have therapeutic effects."

Shen Nong was very excited when he thought of this, but then there was another question, which herbs can cure diseases? Which herbs should be eaten for different diseases? After all, it is impossible to eat the same herbs for all diseases, right?

Shen Nong thought about it after thinking about it.But still haven't found a good way, so I can only use a stupid way.That is to taste these herbs, and then see if they can be eaten. At the same time, you can experience which herbs have which effects, and distinguish which herbs are poisonous, so as not to be eaten by the human race.

After making this decision, Shennong ignored the objections of the ministers. , into the forest, began his great cause of tasting all kinds of herbs.

I saw him starting from Chendu, all the way to the east, and began to taste all kinds of herbs to test the poison.He has two pockets ready.The left side is filled with medicinal herbs that can cure diseases, and the right side is filled with poisonous

He also took out a piece of animal skin to write and draw, recording the properties and curative effects of various drugs he tried. "To take

But he said that Shennong stopped and walked along the way, until he came to _- in the vast Taishan I here I smelled too much aroma as soon as I entered the mountain. Overjoyed, in order to taste all the herbs here.He even directly built a shelf here and lived here.

Later, because Shennong lived here, this place was also called Shennongjia by later generations, of course.These are all things I will not mention for the time being.

But said Shennong was in Shennong

The frame begins.. to continue his great cause of tasting all kinds of herbs.It took several years to taste this, and in these days, Shennong found a lot of medicinal herbs and edible food, the same.He also ingested a lot of poisonous things by mistake.

After each poisoning, he would eat some of the detoxification pills he had prepared, but even if he could detoxify, the pain was inevitable, and sometimes his life was almost on the line, if it wasn't for his physique.I'm afraid they have already died in Huangquan.

But even so, Shen Nong did not have the slightest intention to back down. Every day, he tried all kinds of herbs, and at night, he recorded all the boxes of various things. What is poisonous, what is ok

hunger.What is the curative effect of what.Both - one record.

However, after tasting all kinds of herbs, everything was finally in danger. This day, after Shennong ate a herb, he immediately felt an incomparable pain in his stomach, and the beads of sweat on his forehead slipped instantly. An inch of disconnection, this is the famous heartbroken grass in later generations.”

After eating the heartbroken grass, even Shennong was helpless. He felt the danger of death.. Fortunately, his master Turtle Spirit Mother arrived in time and rescued Shennong, but Shennong was dying at this time.

Looking at Shennong like this, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit was killed by Shennong on both sides.

Impressed by the fearless spirit, he also persuaded, "Shen Nong. You have already tasted it, so many, why not?"

However, Shennong refused directly. _ "No, every time I taste one more today, my clan will suffer one less crime in the future. 2547 For the sake of the human race. It doesn't matter if I break my heart a hundred times!"

After hearing this, the Virgin of the Fish Spirit was greatly moved, so she began to accompany Shennong and protect the law for Shennong. Every time Shennong had a fatal crisis, the Virgin of the Fish Spirit would help him solve it.

After this, after a few more years, Shen Nong finally tasted most of the herbs in the world and returned to

After joining the human race, he began to compile and organize his experiences recorded over the years by tasting all kinds of herbs. Finally, he organized it into a book called Shennong's Herbal Classic!

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