Of course.When Adam and Eve prayed to God.Zhou Jun didn't sit idle, but sat next to Abel's moon body_Looking at the thick layer of resentment above, he began to confide in a "whisper" such as my brother, I was wrong, I especially regret killing you, you don't know.

Tell me how much I really love your Barabara or something. :- Even hours of brainwashing without a single word of repetition!

As a modern person who has crossed over, with Zhou Jun's eloquence, can't he fool an extremely simple Abel when mankind was just born?

Sure enough, the resentment on the corpse became less and less.Soon.Abel's soul was also completely liberated and flew out of the corpse in vain.

"Ming Mingming, brother, I wrongly blamed you, I didn't expect you to be so kind to me!

Abel's entire undead was full of tears, looking at Zhou Jun with remorse.

It turns out that every time my brother hides his own tribute sheep, it is to leave the best for their brothers to eat.Every time I make a fool of myself, it's just a joke because of the deep brotherhood!

But what about myself? - 1.9 times _ of various misunderstandings about my brother, actually caused my brother, so much damage, my brother's heart has been riddled with holes! This time is completely unbearable.I just wanted to beat myself up, but my hand slipped and killed myself.

When he thinks of so many things he has done, don't talk about his brother. Even he wants to beat himself up, and he deserves it when he kills him.

But just because of such a small thing, he also let him

Lian brother's sad and remorse heart will be broken

On the other hand, Zhou Jun looked at Abel's expression of "My brother is so pitiful", and his face was full of smiles. Sure enough, people in this era are stupid and cute, so stupid and cute that his wife was so cute until he died. I don't even understand why the original Cain wanted to kill him by his own words - Fudge even started to hurt Zhou Jun l_


Chapter 285 Forcibly Whitewash (First Update, Please Subscribe!)

After Adam and Eve's prayer, suddenly, an inexplicable coercion suddenly descended, causing everyone's heart to rise instantly." A thought occurred to him.

God Yahweh is here⊥

With this feeling, everyone looked up. As expected, they saw a figure floating in the air, covered in golden light, beautiful but not dazzling, exuding a kindness all over his body.It's easy to let people off guard.

But he is also a Chaos Demon God, _Zhou Jun of course knows.These are the other party's disguise.For Chaos Demon God.Kindness? Hehe, that doesn't exist.

three thousand

There is no one who is soft-hearted by Xiaoci!

What's more, even if you don't know the true origin of the other party, you have seen such a famous Hebrew myth in the past life, the other party will perish at every turn, and will always be cold. He has no feelings for anyone 1 Such a person may be a gentle person 3

"Meet God!"

Adam and Eve bowed and saluted the moment Yahweh 18 arrived, but Yahweh ignored the two and looked straight at Zhou Jun, "Cain, why did your brother Abel die?"

"not good!"

Adam and Eve did not expect Yawei to ignore it

Both of them.He even attacked Cain directly.They didn't even have time to intercede with the Blood God! Both L-Time had to keep pointing to Cain with their eyes, so that Cain should pay attention not to say the wrong thing.

"Abel was killed by me..." Zhou Jun's face was full of tears, with a sad and desperate expression.

"Why did you kill him?" Yawei said coldly again.

"It's all my fault, I'm jealous that Abel does everything better than me. At that time, I lost my mind, so I missed it!" Zhou Jun covered his face with a look of guilt.

"Boooooooo. Cain is all our fault

,, In fact, you also do a good job, just because you are the eldest son, Abel is the younger brother, and the elder brother should let the younger brother. That's why we praise Abel every time.I didn't expect you to cause so much damage

As if to listen to Cain's words.For a while, I felt extremely remorse. If I had cared more about my son, how could I have made such a mistake! Eve, who was beside Adam, was even more sobbing.

Not only Adam and Eve, but also the undead of Abel on the side are full of grief. Crying and talking, they are burping and begging to Yawei: _ "Mingwuming, God, please let my brother go, He is so pitiful, and

This time it was just an accident, he definitely didn't mean it!

Look at the three people crying together.Yawei was speechless for a while.

Adam and Eve only interceded for Cain, how could Abel intercede for Cain too?!

Co-author, did you forget who gave the knife? You stabbed in, did the white knife go in and the red knife came out? Your body is still lying beside you!

Yawei rolled his eyes.In my heart, I felt that Adam and Eve and Abel deserved to be a family, and one was more wonderful than the other.

But up to now, it is not easy for him to punish him again. After all, the victims are crying and interceding for the perpetrator.


Originally, after Yawei had planned to kill Cain's brother, he would take advantage of the situation to commit the original sin to human beings, but this time it was definitely not going to work. -Time God is also a head two too

"Well, it seems that the acting has passed the test. The selection is complete."

Zhou Jun buried his head and secretly glanced at Yawei above his eyes, the golden light shrouded on the other side could make it difficult for others to see.But he couldn't hide it from Zhou Jun.

Seeing the uncomfortable expression on the other's face as if he had eaten shit, Zhou Jun felt a burst of satisfaction.

"Hey, it seems that it's all right to tease and tease the demon god of light. It's interesting to play," Zhou Jun said in his heart.

thought happily.

"Cough, although Cain you accidentally missed, but Abel died because of you after all, so he still needs to suffer some punishment, so, from now on. You will be exiled on the earth for a hundred years as a punishment.

This time, there is no way to convict human beings of the original sin through Cain, and Yahweh can only let Cain go. He should have been exiled forever.You will never see the light, and you must be punished by blood-sucking. All 617 chapters are gone, and only a hundred years of exile are left.

In addition, regarding welfare, there is also no shortage. Anyone who hurts Zhou Jun will get the retribution of soil times.

Then Yawei waved his hand,

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