Hurry up tomorrow.I am asking you.You, you, the palace will take so long

Rest the spirit of the man behind us. '

At this moment, the soldier didn't have to walk tightly when he heard this, and obeyed without saying anything. When he got to the bus, he took a rest and became Mrs. Su.

When I was about to get out of the car, I felt something was wrong.The second took his father's side.He said to his father with some injustice, "Father, let's live here: I think it's very positive to live here.

some patients.I don't really like living in this dark place outside.Second look at this inn.My supposed beauty has finished breathing

they should wait

This is the first time we have passed this cottage, and we like this mountain. It seems to be quite big. If we walk over this mountain, it may take two hours.

The wind what I saw in this class is that there is always some panic in my heart if we continue to do it here.

Not sure what to expect - not sure why the hand is uncomfortable out of 4.We might as well not rest here.


Let's rest in this car.There are so many will+.What about the network? l

What about A? I'm a little overwhelmed now

When his father Su Hu heard this.The corner of his mouth slightly hooked, and patted him with a second hand, and hurriedly used the original corner.

He knew that his daughter was very flustered in her heart. Biyi had never come out of Jizhou City, and now she is resting in another place after leaving Jizhou City.

He must be not used to it.He has never left his second child since he was a child and has been resting in that room.

Is that room (ea) the princess he prepared?

a room smell.Now take - a darkened inn.

It must be uncomfortable inside - there must be some sense of gap, but the corners of E-eye Su Hu's mouth slightly draw a hand.

Gently patted his shoulder, passed him with a very gentle tone and said that she was beautiful, girl

He said softly, "Okay

You don't do this. This may be the case.You just need to sit and practice here.

Is there anything I can tell my dad about my current focus?

Things have developed now. After all, this person has so many to accompany you in these battles quietly.

Ten of them they have.Then also county rest.

They have already walked the road of two

No car. See you are very in one, they have gone all the way.

If you don't find a place for them to have a good rest, they will definitely not be able to do it later.

up.You tell a daughter like me you don't have to worry.

Your father has been following you.Absolutely nothing will go wrong.What can help you.become like this.

You must never think about one person. After you enter the palace, there will be a lot of things.

not for myself

To be the most important thing.He has already left all of these soldiers and soldiers, E is enough.If you don't find a rest.

If they don't eat a little more good food, they will definitely fall behind.Find out what serious words you absolutely can't eat like this 2.

Negotiate it yourself.I hope they can learn the body breath better. Can you hear me clearly?" Why did Sister Su have just heard the clerk say that there may be monsters in this guesthouse, and monsters may worship them. If you encounter monsters

Born in his heart

If you meet a monster. s he

our entire fleet of people

The people who haven't all disappeared

Something big will definitely happen by then. He's always in his heart.


Chapter 379 Daji goes home (first update, please subscribe!)

Su Pai looked at his daughter and felt very sad, since his daughter Su Jiji was going to choose a palace now.

Maybe let him live in a tent, sit quietly together every day, and watch this person face him.

He said with a slightly angry tone; "Okay. I really don't want to talk to you any more, hurry up and arrange some good meals for me, my daughter is already so tired now.

Be sure to find a place to rest and rest, how can you live in a tent, I don't want to tell you more about it for the time being.

Hurry up and find me a stand


Next, I quickly arranged a room for Qiu Daji.Able to let his daughter live in _ come in.

He was always very nervous in his heart.He doesn't know what to say now that what he wanted to do made him have this: some things are

Then he sat down and looked at his daughter quietly, he knew that he could have a good talk with his daughter at this time.

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