Zhou Jun took out the chaotic space-time sword and the chaotic magic weapon of the turbid Zilian Santai, and looked again at the gray turbidity in the chaotic beads. Xiaotou secretly said. "The moment to open up the world has finally arrived⊥"

After slowly taking a deep breath, Zhou Jun suddenly exclaimed, "Long⊥."

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Jun's figure instantly turned into a million feet in size, like a giant standing above the sky.

With Zhou Jun's aura erupting, the chaotic airflow in the entire chaotic bead is also constantly rolling.

At the same time, Zhou Jun held the Chaos Space-Time Sword in his left hand.Holding the Great Mill in his right hand and stepping on the chaotic purple lotus. His face is calm and his eyes seem to contain endless time and space.


Then... Zhou Jun moved. _I saw that he was holding the Chaos Time and Space Sword in his left hand, slashing with supreme power, and saw that the Chaos space there was instantly torn apart by a big hole.The surrounding chaotic energy madly entered the crack, trying to heal the crack, but Zhou Jun continued to slash there with one sword after another, and finally the place was finally completely opened up. The chaotic air there is like boiling water that has exploded in a pot.constantly evolving

Out of the ground fire wind_water!

But Zhou Jun didn't stop there.Instead, he repeatedly slashed towards Chaos with one sword after another.Although every swing of 22 seems to be disorganized, it actually follows the path of the Dao, and each sword is Zhou Jun's embodiment of the Dao."

With Zhou Jun's slashing, bright sword beams shot out, and more and more chaos was broken open. For a time, the chaotic world in the entire Chaos Bead was full of fire and feng shui. flying 1

With the turbidity constantly breaking open and closing again... the whole world is full of explosions.At the same time, Zhou Jun's other hand was extinguished.

Shida Luo also played a role.

I saw Zhou Jun throwing the world-destroying Daluo, and the coercion of the illustrious Chaos Treasure instantly fixed the earth, water, wind and fire to prevent them from interfering.At the same time, the Chaos Space-Time Sword in the other hand is constantly opening up new chaos.

With less and less chaos, more and more water, wind and fire.In the end, it gradually differentiated into yang-clear qi and yin-turbid qi.

At this moment, the air of chaos.Earth, water and fire.The yang, clear, yin and turbid gases were mixed and mixed with each other. At the same time, Zhou Jun finally tried his best.


I saw Zhou Jun burst into a drink

, followed by holding the turbid time-space sword tightly in both hands, the momentum of the whole body erupted in shock, and the endless sword glow was instantly formed from the sword.Huaguang masterpiece.Illuminating the chaos of countless billions, billions, billions of light-years.”

Along with this terrifying sword intent, chaos within the Chaos Pearl.It was also split in half instantly⊥

"Break up the world!"

Chaos was completely shattered with this terrifying blow.The endless yang qi rises to the sky, and the turbid qi descends to the earth.At the same time, the earth, water, wind and fire also swarmed out from the worm of the void, trying to swallow the yin and yang.

"The turbid purple lotus, the world-destroying Daluo gave Gezhen"."

Zhou Jun

Without hesitation, he threw out Chaos Purple Lotus and World Destruction Daluo, and absorbed all the earth, fire and feng shui.

To know.When Pangu opened up the world, in order to suppress the pressure of the earth, water, wind and fire, he directly shattered the Pangu Axe into three innate treasures, the Chaos Clock, the Taiji Map and the Pangu Picture, which shows the great pressure of opening the sky. Fortunately, Zhou Jun opened up The only thing is the turbid world in the Chaos Pearl, the pressure is not as great as the outside world, and Pan Gu used the Three Tai Innate Treasures, while Zhou Jun used a Chaos Treasure, a Chaos Spirit Treasure, the result is naturally obvious.

However, in the blink of an eye, the two treasures absorbed the earth, fire, wind, and water that were constantly being contained.soon

After absorbing the ground, he swayed twice as if he was holding on.Then it flew back to Zhou Jun's hands.

Earth Fire Feng Shui is absorbed.But the world is gradually showing signs of closing.Seeing the situation, Zhou Jun also threw the World Tree out without hesitation.

"Go, World Tree"

As a world tree that can support the world containing Xiaoqian world, Zhou Jun did not hesitate to integrate it into the world he created as a pillar of the sky.

As the World Tree just landed, the endless tree roots began to spread. It stabilized the spatial fluctuations, absorbing all kinds of evolution between heaven and earth due to the turbidity and destruction.

Fragments of the Law.

At this time, the World Tree has grown to a height of [-] kilometers. With the growth of the World Tree, the trend of the harmony between heaven and earth has gradually slowed down, but new problems have also followed.

The pressure of the harmony between heaven and earth, but Pangu tried his best and failed to support it. In the end, he had to turn his backbone into Buzhou Mountain.

Such terrifying power, even if this is the world in the Chaos Pearl.That majestic pressure is still not something that World Tree can support!

Zhou Jun took a deep breath, and his body soared again. Then he held the sky with his west hand, stepped on the ground with his feet on the ground, and slammed the

Heaven and Earth are opened"

"Quick" Thunder Formation, the two of you quickly set up the Qiankun Liangyi Town to divide the Yin and Yang of April, the past, the present, and the future. '

Zhou Jun ordered quickly.

The eleven people heard Zhou Jun's order. They immediately followed Zhou Jun's instructions and acted quickly. ,

With the division of yin and yang, the five realms were suppressed, and the three worlds were also opened, and the heaven and earth were gradually stabilized.But it was not Zhou Jun's turn to be happy, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his face instantly changed to

dead grey.

After Pangu opened the sky, Pangu died, and his body directly incarnated into a prehistoric world, and there was not enough energy in the world.

But in the world in front of him, 2 uses Zhou Jun's way of opening up.Naturally there is not enough energy.Therefore, the power of Zhou Jun, the world's pioneer, changed in an instant.

Both Zhou Jun's mana and his power were constantly being swallowed up by the world.Even though Zhou Jun had hundreds of millions of Dantian, the energy storage in his body began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, with the continuous decline of mana and power.The vitality of Zhou Jun's whole body began to continue.

Earth is absorbed by the world⊥

"not good!"

When Zhou Jun saw this, his pupils shrank.His eyes were full of surprise.

Use your own .-2. power to feed the whole world.Even sucking myself into a human being is not enough. If I wait for the world to absorb it to the point where I can stabilize the world by myself, I am afraid that I will not even be left with scum by then!"

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