"No, Daddy, I want to fight side by side with you⊥" There was a touch of determination in the boy's eyes

"No, hurry up and leave. Come on, take Hao'er to me!"

Seeing that the monster was about to rush towards the patriarch's face, his face instantly became anxious.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

"Oh my God. L what is that? Dongwu 2⊥"

"Well, isn't this what I see?"

"How can someone fly in the sky?!

The crowd on the ground looked up at the sky and their jaws closed in surprise.His eyes were full of shock. _


Chapter 69 Ignite the fire of civilization (sixth more, please subscribe!)

The two groups of people stared up at the sky in stunned eyes, and their mouths were so open that they turned into a 0 shape, and the whole sheet was filled with incredible.

This is what Zhou Jun saw when he flew down from the sky.

As the creator of this world, no matter what species.Even Zhou Jun, the language of plants, can understand and communicate with him, so as soon as he landed, Zhou Jun listened to the group of people yelling at him.

"Hey, the brothers over there, get out of the way!

"Be careful, run away", the monster-beast is here! '

"Come here!"

A group of people

Although he was surprised why Zhou Jun fell from the sky.And the clothes they wear are also different from their animal skins, they look extremely gorgeous, but this time.Facing the threat of monsters, he couldn't help but worry: Zhou Jun became worried

Because where Zhou Jun landed was the direction the monster was heading, and it was less than fifty meters away from the monster!


Zhou Jun turned his head in doubt, and followed the direction of everyone's fingers, only to see a monster with two heads and sharp teeth and an L shape that looked like a dinosaur in the previous life.rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.”

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was already there, in front of Zhou Jun. Then he opened the door.

Its bloody mouth bit down towards Zhou Jun.

"Alas. It's over, it's over_. That brother is dead!"

"It's another person buried in the mouth of a monster.

"This monster is really hateful. Over the years, how many people have eaten our tribe?"

A group of people saw that Zhou Jun was about to be eaten by monsters.Can not be excited by the crowd.This monster lives near their tribe.Almost every year and a half, they will come to prey - once, their unknown relatives, friends, brothers and sisters are eaten by this monster.

"Oh, another poor man


The patriarch lowered his head unbearably, and covered the eyes of the child named Tan'er by the way.I don't want to see the bloody picture ahead

But several breaths passed.The screams of the insects of anticipation did not arrive.

Everyone was puzzled, looked up slightly and then froze.

I saw the man who fell from the sky, facing the terrifying bite of the monster, but he didn't move at all. He didn't dodge or say that he took the initiative to put his finger on the monster and pointed at the monster!


The flying monster was instantly paralyzed to the ground_ There was too much blood on its forehead

The hole killed it instantly.The huge body slammed onto the ground, splashing a piece of dust, and the ground also trembled slightly.

The terrifying monster that has plagued the tribe for countless years, actually died like this

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Their hearts were full of shock. At the same time, they looked at Zhou Jun with awe.

Such a method. In their opinion, it is more dangerous than that monster.

Everyone backed away.He lowered his forehead in fear, not daring to look at Zhou Jun, except for one person.

When no one dared to face Zhou Jun's brilliance, the man called

Tan'er's child suddenly stepped forward and looked at Zhou Jun stubbornly. "You look just like us. Are you human too? Why are you so powerful that you can kill the monsters at once? Why didn't you come earlier, so the monsters wouldn't kill your sister, brother, and Ah Mom_wuwuming."

The child started to cry as he spoke. The adults on the side were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that the mysterious and terrifying existence in front of them would get angry.kill them all L,

Casually - hit the characters who can kill some monsters, for them.Definitely not someone that can be provoked L

However, Quan Jun and

He didn't get angry like the group of people speculated. In fact, Zhou Jun wouldn't be angry because of such a thing. Instead, he looked at the child in front of him in shock. Surprised.When he faced himself, not only was he not afraid or said, but he also dared to interrogate himself!

Such courage.Not everyone can have L

"Okay, that's you"

Zhou Jun instantly decided on a candidate in his heart.

"You ask me why I didn't come earlier?

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