As the sky and the earth gradually rose one t every day, and the earth went deeper and deeper one foot at a time, Pangu's body continued to grow along with it.

However, Pangu's breath is very wrong.

Just like that, day by day.The sky and the earth are slow and steady. Every day, the sky is one inch higher and the earth is one inch thicker. Pangu's body also changes with the growth of the sky and the earth.

getting taller.At the same time, the aura emanating from Pan Gu's body became stronger day by day.

With the development of heaven and earth, Pangu is getting closer and closer to the avenue.

Of course, just like Zhou Jun in order to develop and completely stabilize the new world, Pangu also poured his mana into it in order to completely stabilize and develop the world!

However, after the world absorbed Pangu's mana almost the same way.Began to absorb Pangu's physical strength and the devil's body

As the world continues to absorb Pangu's power to develop, Pangu's breath is getting weaker and weaker. The breath of the whole person is like a gossamer.


"Hahaha, _He can't do it⊥"

At this moment, the demon gods who hid just now

Seeing that Pangu had to support the sky with both hands, he had no time to take care of the battle, and in order to open the sky, Pangu became weak.

see here.All the famous demon gods knew the time to kill Pangu together.arrive

Take advantage of his illness and kill him

"Brothers, go ahead! Kill Pangu and gain the Dao. Save Chaos!"

At the second time, all the demon gods' eyes lit up.Then start gearing up.eager to try e_


Chapter 74 Zhou Jun's arrival, the final battle (second update, please subscribe!)

"Everyone, rush, kill Pangu!"

The remaining two thousand and the Chaos Demon Gods

All at the same time.They all attacked Pangu.

During the fog time, a dazzling array of magical magical powers and various magical treasures attacked Pangu from all directions, like a dazzling sky. ;.The breath of the whole person also seems to be about to fall down.All the famous demon gods were overjoyed when they saw this situation. They felt that Pangu was definitely dead this time.

With joy and pleasure on their faces, the devil gods rushed towards Pangu.

In the emptiness aside, Zhou Jun, who was watching all this,

He couldn't help but sigh, "Alas, after today, I am afraid that the turbid demon god will become history!"

At this moment, Zhou Jun did not attack Pangu, but just watched everything that happened in front of him quietly.with his pride.Even if he wants to stand up for Pangu, he has to fight in an upright and upright manner. He disdains that being with others is the only half-step avenue in this world!

At this moment.In the center of the turbidity, around the world that Pangu had opened up, the Demon God Shuren and Pangu were in a scuffle.They are all in the heavenly realm, a few are at the saint level and there are hundreds of turbid realms.

Among them are dozens of demon gods.Although not very famous, it is

It is also the Great Perfection of Chaos Realm.Not weaker than: Z began to participate in the siege of Pangu - several top demon gods L

Although Pangu's cultivation is high and deep, it is a half-step avenue, but in their opinion.They are more than [-] demon gods working together, even if they are half a step avenue: they can't be opponents.

What's more. Pangu at this moment.The lamp is about to run out of oil, Pangu will die in this battle,

However, the demon gods didn't know that Pangu's combat power was not an ordinary half-step avenue.But a demon god who can reach the same realm of billions by one person.”

Even if there is only a trace of energy left.It's not something these people can compete with!

- "Humph, I'm going to open the sky today, and you dare to stop it, this is all self-inflicted!"

Looking at the more than [-] Chaos Demon God L Pangu who came over from the siege, he directly supported the sky with one hand, and the other hand summoned Pangu Fan back, his body was full of aggression, and the terrifying pressure instantly made all the demon gods feel that it was impossible to move an inch.

"Today I fight for the avenue and all of you are stepping stones!"

The voice of Hao Hao Tang Tang spread throughout the chaos.The terrifying coercion that makes all the devils feel their eardrums hurt makes them feel like a mountain

Feeling the fierce domineering of Pangu, all the demon gods did not

exclaimed by

"The exhausted Pangu is actually so powerful!"

At this moment, standing in front of Pangu, all the demon gods felt a huge and indescribable sense of oppression. They only felt that Pangu was like a mountain like Wang Yang and the sea.In front of him, he and the others are as small as ordinary ants.”

At this moment, the heart of the devil suddenly felt a palpitation, a feeling of being enveloped by the power of death spontaneously.Although more than [-] people besieged one person, there was no reason.They all felt like they were going to lose!

"No, run away!"

I don't know

Whoever speaks, then it's like a chain reaction - all the demon gods start to retreat one after another, even if Pangu doesn't move, they don't dare to look back.

Look at the appearance of the demon gods coming and going in a hurry.Pangu smiled coldly. He directly raised the Pangu flag in his hand, suddenly

Obviously it is just a majestic Pangu Fan who is a congenital treasure.The impact it brings to people is not weak at all.


With the Pangu flags - trembling.I saw more than a thousand terrifying turbid sword qi carrying Pangu's invincible power.Suddenly, he was slashed towards the demons.


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