"Co-owner, you should leave quickly. Our tribe has been cursed and all the clansmen are excited. Now that's what you see, and you don't know how long you will live!"

Lieshan's expression changed greatly upon hearing this. He was about to step forward to help the old man to understand the situation.Unexpectedly, before he could get close, Zhe waved the wooden stick in his hand to stop him.Energetic.

"Don't come here, or you will also be infected with the power of the curse."

Lieye tried to get closer a few times, but the old man's attitude was firm, and he waved the wooden stick in his hand to keep everyone from getting close.

In desperation, the Lieshan Clan began to inquire about the situation to see what was going on?

Could it be that the Jesus beast came to harm the human race? Thinking of this, the face of Lieshan became ugly.

Following the old man's remarks, the Lieshan Clan and others also understood what the situation was.

This tribe was not brought to harm by pregnant beasts, but because of unknown reasons.These people started to die one after the other and the pain before they died was... festering.

Initially crowded

I didn't care too much. There are countless strange creatures in the flood, and many people have died because of these in recent years.

Everyone thought that it was because of contamination with something that caused this. Unexpectedly, as time passed, people started to work one by one, and then everyone realized that something was wrong.

But at this moment, all the people in the tribe who have arrived late showed that kind of symptoms. Some red spots gradually appeared on the body, and the body became weaker day by day.

Chapter [-] Taste a hundred herbs, Qingyun encounters it

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Then something even more desperate happened. They found that as long as they came into contact with these people, they would be infected.This is what they consider a curse.

"He made this tribe into the desolate scene it is today."

And the old man in front of Lieshan and others is the leader of this tribe.In order not to let other human races come to their department

Fall Infection. On this curse.He's been staring at the tribe

As soon as Lieshan-in-law and the others came in, he discovered O? Wuxi and rushed out to stop them.

Lie Shan and others fell silent after knowing the whole story.

They have encountered many similar situations along the way.But it was the first time that it was as serious as this. However, as the co-owner of the human race, he had to be prepared for danger. If something like a cursed boat spreads.The human race still doesn't know how many people are going to die!

In the days that followed, the Lieshan clan and others were stationed not far from this tribe.

Observing the condition all day long and looking for ways to solve it.


But this kind of curse Wen Cui is so easy to solve. After many days, as there are fewer and fewer human races in the tribe, this symptom appeared in the Lieshan clan and his party, and everyone fell into despair for a time.

"Hey, isn't there a solution?"

Lieshan was sitting on a large rock.His face was sullen. t

Humans have various symptoms, so why not beasts?

There are also many captive beasts in Tribal Shin.But for a long time living with the tribesmen in:

At the same time, there were no bad symptoms. Negative Lieshan was very puzzled.

So the next work and his focus will be on those beasts.

One day, he suddenly saw a beast with a sluggish breath, looking for something everywhere, and out of curiosity, the Lie Shan Clan followed.

I saw that the beast seemed to find something in the grass and swallowed it in the last few mouthfuls.It can be seen that after Boo swallowed the unknown thing, the wilting beast looked much better.

After the beast left, the Lie Shan Clan walked over out of curiosity, only to see that there were still half plants left there.

"Fifth, he picked up the plant and took a closer look at the honey, but he didn't find anything special.

Then he gritted his teeth and threw the half of the plant into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

As time passed, he gradually found that a warm current appeared from his body.

Zuoben's body, which was weakened by the curse, became stronger after a while, which made him overjoyed, and hurriedly started looking for the kind of plant he just ate in the surrounding lawn.

Finally with the help of this plant.All who are infected with that curse are driven away

gradually recover 3

If Qingyun is angry here, he will find that kind of plant, which is exactly the kind of plant that was secretly named Chai.It has been recorded in various pharmacopoeia medical books of later generations.

Not so precious, but powerful.

The effect in the flood is even more extraordinary. , which is also one of the reasons why this plant alone can cure everyone's stubborn diseases in a short period of time.

The clansmen were relieved, but the Lieshan Clan was thinking about another question.

Nowadays, many human tribes die due to various circumstances. If you can find the plants that have been used, will you be able to reduce the number of deaths?

Is the road for the minorities approaching Guang?

This kind of thought has been in the mind of Lieshan for a long time. After continuing to travel, he added another thing during his travels, that is, he began to try the effects of various plants.

The human race is developing steadily, and here Qingyun has returned to Penglai Immortal Island.

He recently had a crazy idea that needs to be pondered carefully, so that his future road will be really smooth.

Of course, before that, he still needs to do two other things, and that is to help the guy with six ears to make a stick.

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