"Junior. My recovery news has alarmed some people. They are not the person you are today. You can deal with it. _If there is a chance to avenge me in the future, if you don't have it, then forget it. Take good care of the prehistoric world. After all, this is my hard work. ."


Hou Pangu turned into a cloud of blue smoke and floated towards the blue cloud.

Without waiting for Qingyun's reaction, he shot directly into his eyebrows,


A thunderstorm flashed through my mind

Dao Dao sentiment flooded his mind.

And Pangu's complete disappearance is about to appear as if he has lost his goal. Gradually, his calm is restored.

Everything vanished.There is only a man in white clothes sitting in chaos, surrounded by the power of law.

I don't know how much time. . A streamer flew from a distance and finally fell

Not far from Qingyun.

Hongjun looked at Qingyun who was sitting cross-legged at the moment, the expression on his face changed. After looking around and found nothing, he suddenly became puzzled.

However, looking at Qingyun, who seemed to be motionless at the moment, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and waved. A dark green streamer appeared, and then silently shot towards Qingyun.

Seeing that Liuguang was about to reach Qingyun's eyebrows, but he still didn't move, a happy smile appeared on Hongjun's face.

Qingyun, who was sitting cross-legged, actually discovered s when Hongjun arrived, but it was at a critical moment.

So just ignore it⊥

At this moment, I feel that dangerous aura _ I opened my eyes suddenly and smelled two yin and yang lights, shot from my eyes, strangling towards the dark green light...,_

What surprised Qingyun was that the dark green thing in .2 seemed to be very fragile, and it was destroyed by the blocking sun light in just an instant.

Looking at Hong Jun with a stunned face, Qing Yun's eyes flashed with a look of disdain.

"I can't believe that Hongjun even used this method." But it's not enough to kill me Qingyun!"

Hongjun's face changed.But thinking about what happened just now, Qing still held back.

The killing intent in my heart said,

"I don't know what happened here just now? Please let your fellow Daoists inform you."

Qingyun looked at Hongjun unexpectedly. He didn't expect this guy to ask him this question in vain! Did he find something?

Yes, Er Hongjun, this person is extremely mysterious.Qingyun originally thought that he was the second of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods as described in the previous life novel, but after fighting with him a few times, Qingyun overthrew this idea.

So is Hongjun from the place Pangu said? 2 Qingyun has some doubts.

Qingyun did not answer Hongjun's words.Instead, he suddenly asked


"What's above Chaos?"

"How are you~"

Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes too wide, but halfway through his tongue, he seemed to think of something and shut up. ,

Looking at this, Qingyun also had the answer in his heart, but it made him feel a little excited.

Look up at the sky.Qing Yun said firmly in his heart.

"That place I- will definitely go there for no other reason than to see the highest view in the world."

Then he turned to look at Hongjun. 8 The killing intent in the eyes is undisguised


He didn't forget about Hongjun's plot just now. If he hadn't just woken up, L might have been plotted by this old guy⊥

Reach out.The Pangu axe appeared in his hand instantly, and without waiting for Hongjun to speak, he took a step and appeared in front of Hongjun instantly.

An axe light cut through the space and slashed towards Hongjun.

There is no earth-shattering murderous aura on this axe, and there is no sharp aura that soars to the sky. It looks ordinary and ordinary, like an axe chopped by a mortal.

However, Hong Jun's expression changed drastically.The whole figure suddenly retreated, and the jade plate of good fortune appeared in his hand.thick road cover

Cover it o_-!

The [-]rd chapter is splitting Hongjun, snatching the jade plate [for subscription and full order] four more

At this moment, the jade plate of good fortune can be described as extremely miserable. Those small cracks that had been restored by Hongjun did not know when they had reappeared.

And it looks even more broken because of the missing piece again.If it weren't for the mysterious aura emanating from it, no one would pick it up if it was thrown on the ground.

Of course, Qingyun would not sway the Pangu axe in his merciful hands because of the brokenness of the jade plate.

The two treasures collided again at this moment. Of course, the Pangu Axe on this side was more powerful and the Jade Butterfly was more broken. The result was naturally self-evident.


A huge roar sounded.In the end, in Hongjun's astonished eyes, the jade plate of good fortune was directly smashed by Pangu's axe.

Maybe the only thing that makes him happy is that the jade plate of good fortune didn't shatter again this time, right?"

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