"Xianchang save me! Ask Xianchang to save my life!"

While praying continuously, Su Daji kept giving Luo Fu his head.

The sadness and pleading on that beautiful face really made me feel pity.

Of course, it is impossible for Luo Fu to be charmed by Su Daji.

Luo Fu is just really pitiful for this little girl. She has not really grown up yet, and is about to become a tool to unlock the calamity.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be soft-hearted about this!" For fear that Luo Fu would suddenly change his mind.The nine-tailed fox quickly warned.

"I know this in my mind." Looking at the nine-tailed fox coldly, Luo Fu said: "All you need is her body. Her soul is not for you to kill."

As he spoke, Luo Fu stretched out his five fingers and grabbed towards Su Daji.

An invisible force struck instantly, and in the blink of an eye, Su Daji's soul was pulled out.

The body that lost the soul was also silent for a moment.

It is not enough to simply draw out the soul.

After all, Luo Fu is not like the real Taiyi who has ready-made lotus flowers to refine his body.

But Rover has his own way.He can draw a drop of Su Daji's blood and throw it into the world he just opened up.At that time, let Su Daji recover by herself.Give Su Daji a chance to be reborn.

Of course, before the end of the Conferred God Tribulation, I am afraid that the real Su Daji will have no chance to appear in the prehistoric world! .

Chapter 154

The world opened up by Luo Fu is enough to give birth to the great Luo Jinxian.

Even compared to the world of the devil boy Nezha, it is not much inferior in terms of rank, and even wins.

Sending Su Daji to this newly opened world, then Su Daji, who was nurtured by this world, is equivalent to possessing the innate heels of the cave world.

It will be of great benefit to her future cultivation.

From the brows of the body that lost its soul, a drop of blood was drawn.Luo Fu backhanded it into the world like a jewel.

With the entry of blood essence, a soothing but fast torrent of spiritual energy suddenly rolled up in this world that had not yet been fully bred.

Under this torrent, the drop of Su Daji's blood essence split and expanded rapidly as if the time had been accelerated.

In just a moment, she grew into a huge body that was almost no different from her previous body in appearance.

However, what surprised Luo Fu was that Su Daji's body, which was reborn from this drop of blood essence, was not a pure human being.

Although he has complete limbs, he is a graceful and charming individual with fox ears on his head and nine slender snow-white tails behind him.

Not human, not demon, not witch, not weird.It seems that he has become a unique congenital soul in the world opened by Fang Luofu.Human form and foxtail is her real body.

Looking suspiciously at Su Daji's body, Luo Fu thought to himself, no wonder this Su Daji was so charming and was chosen by the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox.

It turns out that she is a descendant of Dayu! !

Although it is true that she was born from a pure human race, but Naihe Dayu's wife is Tushan Nujiao, herself a nine-tailed fox.This also made Su Daji's body have the blood of the nine-tailed fox demon clan.

Except for the first-generation human races such as Luofu, which were created by Nuwa herself.

Back then, the two lich clans also had an example of combining with humans.Therefore, in the bodies of some human races, there is the blood of the two lich races.

Of course, even so, these people are still members of the human race.

It's no wonder that after the white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox used the means of depriving her of soul and body, so many experts from the big businessman could not see the flaws.

Su Daji's soul, after Luo Fu gave her a new body in the Orb World, Su Daji felt that the connection between herself and her former body had been completely disconnected.

Instead, it was connected with a certain life in the orb in Luo Fu's hand.

"Thank you, Xianchang"."

Su Daji's mood at the moment is extraordinarily complicated.

Losing his body is a foregone conclusion, but his soul was kept by this immortal chief; and the immortal chief also created a new body for himself.This is a blessing in disguise, and I don't know whether to be happy or worried.

Staring at the slightly illusory soul, Luo Fu asked Su Daji, "Su Daji, are you willing to be my named disciple?"

Su Daji was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.Hastily bowed down in front of Luo Fu.

"Disciple Su Daji, see your teacher!"

Luo Fu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well! Come on, you are a chess piece that pushes the boundless tribulations of heaven and earth. The way of heaven is destined, you will not end well. Not only will your body be taken away by this nine-tailed fox, but you will not even get your soul. Liberation. Although I saved your life, I can't go against the sky. I have created another body for you. You can wait with peace of mind, after the catastrophe, you will have the chance to see the sun again!"

Even in the state of soul, Su Daji still burst into tears at the moment, nodded vigorously and said, "Thank you, my teacher!"

Luo Fu smiled slightly, turned his hand and sent Su Daji's soul into the Fangdongtian world in the palm of his hand.Occupy the innate body that has not yet given birth to consciousness.

After all, Su Daji was just an ordinary human girl.

There is no cultivation base on the body, and the soul is also the level of normal human beings.As soon as he entered this innate body, he immediately fell into a state of confusion.

Let Su Daji's soul and body begin to blend in.

After Luo Fu put away the Orb World, his eyes fell on the nine-tailed fox again.

"Su Daji is already my named disciple. Now you want to take over her body, steal her name, and ruin her reputation. Naturally, you have forged a cause and effect with me!"

The nine-tailed fox suddenly shuddered in his heart, and began to cry secretly.

Since Luo Fu single-handedly suppressed the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, his name has become more and more evil.

Among the demon clan, there are many visionaries who have determined that Luofu, as long as he does not fall in the middle, will surely become a quasi-sage in the future.

It is definitely not a happy thing to have such a cause and effect with a future quasi-sage.

Only a few people know about Luofu's achievement of quasi-sanctification.The nine-tailed fox has been living in Xuanyuan's tomb. Of course, it is impossible to know that Luo Fu is not bound to become a quasi-sage in the future, but is already a quasi-sage now!

If it knows this, I am afraid that even if the nine-tailed fox abandons Su Daji, it will not want to have such a cause and effect with Luo Fu.

Of course, this does not mean that the nine-tailed fox is afraid of Luofu, and even surpasses the goddess Nuwa.

Although Empress Nuwa gave orders to the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb.But it doesn't dictate what they have to do.

As long as it does not violate the requirements of the Nuwa Empress and completes the task.Then everything is fine.

Without Su Daji, it's a big deal to choose another way to enter Chaoge, as long as the result is the same.

But forging cause and effect with Luo Fu, it is endless trouble.

As Luofu's reputation spread far and wide, his past experiences became more and more widely spread. Who didn't know that Luofu, who led the human tribe during the Lich War, suffered a great loss in the hands of the two Lich tribes?

Born from a demon clan, Luo Fu was naturally displeased.

Now it is with Luo Fu forging this cause and effect.Thinking of the fact that even the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao joined forces and were suppressed by Luo Fu, the nine-tailed fox couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure.

"." Fellow Daoist Luofu, I don't know how you are doing? I am doing this because of the order of the sage Nuwa."Just because he was afraid that Luo Fu would take a shot at him regardless.

"Ms. Nuwa didn't let you occupy my disciple's body, steal my disciple's name, and ruin her reputation, right?" Luo Fu said with a half-smile (very good).

The reason why Luo Fu caught Su Daji and fought with the nine-tailed fox endlessly was because he wanted to hold her and prepare for the next great catastrophe.

It was not that Luo Fu had not thought about cooperating with the Nine-Tailed Fox and other Xuanyuan Tomb Three Monsters before.But this thought was dispelled by him in an instant.

The three demons who let go of themselves, but even Nuwa's warning not to harm all living beings forgot.

Cooperating with this kind of monster, God knows how big a shit pot will fly over and buckle it on your head?

Cooperation is not advisable, so it is better to just hold them and force them to act according to their own intentions.

Before Luo Fu took the initiative to accept Su Daji's soul as a named disciple, although there was no lack of sympathy for this innocent poor girl, he also used Su Daji's mind to some extent.

As long as Su Daji becomes her own disciple, even if it is a named one.Then the nine-tailed fox who occupied her body and robbed her of her name would also form a cause and effect with herself. .

Chapter 155

Until this time, the nine-tailed fox finally reacted.

Luo Fu seemed to be pity Su Daji before, and the real reason for accepting him as a named disciple was to plan for himself.

Of course, if the nine-tailed fox is really ruthless.If he directly abandons Su Daji's body and finds another way to enter the Chaoge of the Great Shang Dynasty, then naturally there will be no cause and effect with Luo Fu.

But Su Daji's fleshly body is just like what Heaven was destined to give it.

How could the nine-tailed fox be willing to do this?

A struggle flashed in the narrow fox's eyes.Gritted those hideous teeth.The nine-tailed fox said, "I don't know how fellow daoists are willing to end this karma with me?"

Luo Fu smiled mysteriously and said, "No hurry. Let's write down this cause and effect for the time being. In the future, you will definitely have the opportunity to repay. I just hope that you will not make a mistake at that time!"

He heard the threat implied in Luo Fu's tone.The nine-tailed fox nodded reluctantly and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist."

One last glance at Su Daji's body, Luo Fu's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Realizing that Luo Fu had really left, the nine-tailed fox suddenly seemed to have all the bones of his body taken away.The nine swaying tails were all softly attached to the ground.Like a huge fox dog, it lay there weakly.

She never dreamed that she just wanted to occupy this Su Daji's body, and she would actually be a well-known rising star in the interception of Luo Fu, and even forged an evil cause with the other party.

On a hill not far from the camp.Luo Fu's figure flashed instantly.

With this threat, I believe that in the future conferred god calamity, Luo Fu can at least use this as an excuse to pinch the nine-tailed fox a few times, so that it has to act according to his own plan.

Of course, the nine-tailed foxes and the three demons from Xuanyuan Tomb were the pawns of the goddess Nuwa.

Luo Fu can use it, but he must not let the three demons do things that affect Nu Wa, otherwise, even if Luo Fu is a quasi-sage and has the backing of the saint, the master of the sky.I'm afraid that I can't bear the anger of a saint.

However, Luo Fu did not intend to use the three demons to do anything unfavorable to Nu Wa.

Empress Nuwa had never established a religion, and she had no stake at all in this tribulation of conferring gods.

After all, Luo Fu's goal was clear from the beginning to the end, that is, to preserve the Intercepted Teaching to a certain extent, and to send the disciples of Chan Jiao to the list of gods. If possible, the Western religion will inevitably be calculated by him.

The three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, especially the nine-tailed fox who occupied Su Daji's body and name, can even influence the decision-making of the great human race to a certain extent.

With her, many of Luofu's plans can be successfully carried out.

The good and bad of the Intercepting Sect itself are mixed. If this catastrophe of conferring gods can be carried out according to Luofu's vision, then the Intercepting Religion can definitely be reborn from the ashes, and it will be a blessing in disguise.

At least it can flourish until the next calamity is set off.

Just when Luo Fu was thinking about his plan again in his heart.

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