Yakumo Zi narrowed her eyes, and in those bright eyes full of wisdom, there was a decisive look, and said: "It's nothing, you just need to remember our advice."

Ever since the Heavens and Myriad Realms appeared in his consciousness, Yakumo Zi had grown terrified of this mysterious and unpredictable thing that even his own realm ability was completely untouchable.

If this group of all heavens and ten thousand realms, even the dignified monster sage, the only realm monster in the world, can knead at will, wouldn't even Gensokyo become dangerous?

You know, Gensokyo is able to stay away from the world because of the existence of the two-layered Great Barrier.

A layer of Hakurei Great Barrier, guarding the possibility of entering Gensokyo from the common sense side.It is in charge of the Hakurei priestess who have been passed down from generation to generation.

This is also why, unless it is to break the Great Barrier and completely destroy Gensokyo, in Gensokyo, Hakurei Reimu, the unscrupulous red and white witch, is invincible.

The essence of her power symbolizes Gensokyo.

Without the power to break Hakurei's Great Barrier, there is no way to defeat her.It is possible, but it exceeds the tolerance of the Hakurei Great Barrier, so attacking Hakurei Reimu is equivalent to attacking the Hakurei Great Barrier and the entire Gensokyo.

In addition to the Hakurei Great Barrier, the other layer of Barrier that protects Gensokyo is to reverse the power of the realm of common sense and non-knowledge.

This is Yakumo Zi's unique ability.

It is precisely because of this layer of enchantment that countless creatures have the right to survive in Gensokyo...  

Because of the development of human beings, all non-conscious forces in the outside world are being rejected.

It's like the end of the law era when the world is on the verge of destruction.

Of course, this is the end of the Dharma era and the end times for non-conscious beings.

in the chat group.

When Yakumo Zi offered to borrow Luo Fu's perspective.

All the group members were stunned.

The power of Luo Fu is obvious to all.

Everyone is now almost unanimously sighing, the newcomer is really a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers! !

You must know that when he first joined the All Heavens and Myriad Realms Group, Luo Fu was already a powerful and terrifying Great Luo Jinxian.

Now he has made a leap into an even more incredible Quasi-Saint.

What he saw with the help of his sight was more terrifying to normal people than seeing the evil god of Cthulhu.

In an instant, normal people will collapse rationally because they cannot withstand the terrifying impact. If they go further, either their direct consciousness will collapse and matter will dissipate.The whole person ceases to exist on a causal level.

As if the power of existence has been wiped out, even on the timeline, there is no trace of it.

Even by getting away with it.But because of the observation of incomprehensible terrifying pictures, the mind interferes with the body, and at the same time as the mind collapses, the body will also be alienated into an indescribable monster.

Kendo celebrity: "@Seventeen-year-old idler. Miss Yakumo Zi, right? Although I know that you are a monster sage who founded Gensokyo. But... I think, from the perspective of the group owner, you Better to think about it again.”

Poshima Saeko may not understand how strong Yakumo Zi is.

But she can also analyze it through a simple comparison.Luo Fu is definitely the power that Yakumo Zi is far from reaching.

If nothing else, in the world of Gensokyo where the very knowledge has retreated, Yakumo Zi can only build up Gensokyo, so that all the monsters and gods who are not very knowledgeable can survive in this paradise far away from the world.

On the other hand, Luo Fu was able to live in their world facing biochemical doomsday, opening up an underworld for the undead to survive.

This alone is enough to prove that Luo Fu is terrible and incredible.

After You Qi achieved this level, Luo Fu lightly left that side of the underworld and floated away.With a look of indifference, this is completely above the eight cloud purple. .

Chapter 168


In the face of Saeko's kind reminder, Yakumo Zi narrowed her eyes full of wisdom.

After pondering for a moment in her heart, Yakumo Zi finally decided to take a gamble.

After all, this kind of method that can invade her own consciousness at will, but it has made her unable to grasp even the slightest clue, and the threat to Yayunzi's personal safety is no longer.But the safety of the entire Gensokyo.

Who can guarantee that this group of heavens and myriads of unknown origin will not threaten the entire Gensokyo by using itself as a springboard in the future.

No wonder Yakumo Zi is so desperate.

You must know that the establishment of Gensokyo was created by Yakumo Zi.

Although among them, there are also many blades to help, such as Shenqi, the first generation of Hakurei priestess.

But all the plans were completely perfected according to Yakumo Zi's vision.

Gensokyo is the lifeblood of Yakumo Zi.Absolutely not to be missed.

Seventeen-year-old idler: "Thank you for your reminder, I just saw your future. Although you have the heart of Asura, you can forcefully break free from the urge to kill with your own will. It's incredible! In Gensokyo, with this will alone, you will be able to fight a very knowledgeable monster as a human being!"

Holy Sect Master: "The answer is not what you asked. The daughter of Shura, Saeko Poshima, is just a kind warning to you. How can you borrow your elder brother's perspective? I'm afraid that at the moment when you use your elder brother's perspective, you monster will I'm going to be completely reduced to an indescribable monster!"

Looking at death: "Maybe I can!"

Black Cat Girl Control: "Is there nothing in the root? If you rely on the characteristics of your own connection to the root, you can use the perspective of the group owner. I think you may send your world to the end early! Meow! !"

Compared to other than games, I don't care about everything.Even if something goes wrong, Gabriel comes ready to sound the horn of doom.

Yakumo Zi is not afraid of death.

The two rituals relied on their own awakening of the root-style personality.

The two unexpectedly chose to ask Luo Fu to use his perspective to observe and browse their own world.

The existence beyond everything: "Have you really decided? My perspective is not so easy to bear. Without that rock-solid, unbreakable Dao heart, I peeped at the backlash brought by the realm and power beyond myself. , the consequences will be very serious!"

Looking directly at death: "Thank you, Mr. Group Leader, for your reminder. If your perspective is really that great, maybe I can use this to fill the void in my heart."

At this moment, the two ceremonies of joining the chat group are due to the stage of coma in the hospital.

In other words, at this time, in the bodies of the two rituals, the masculine, negative, and masculine personalities of both yin and yang have been sacrificed.

The sudden imbalance of yin and yang caused the ever-expanding, unfilled hole of Garan.

The two ceremonies need to use Luo Fu's perspective. In addition to relying on the fact that he is communicating the root cause of nothingness at the moment, he also hopes to fill the void in his heart.

It's a pity that the two ceremonies never really understood that the gap in the world's heritage is not something that the origin of the mere moon world can catch up with Luo Fu's perspective.

With the help of Luofu's perspective, it is not simply like observing the macro and micro universe through scientific instruments.

Instruments are self-conscious and soulless.But Rover has it.

With the help of Luo Fu's perspective, it is necessary to bear some ideas that arise after Luo Fu's understanding of the world.

For ordinary people, thoughts are not only poor in information content, but also fleeting in a short time.

But Luofu is different. As a quasi-sage, he can open up a huge universe comparable to the world of the devil.

Everything he observes will naturally bring his own subjective cognition.

This subjective cognition, compared to the two rituals and Yakumo Zi, is completely like distorting the laws of the world.

That is to say, even if Liang Yizhi's root-style personality at this moment is connected to the root of all-nothingness, when he observes the infinite future and infinite laws of the Xingyue world, he will not naturally have more self-knowledge of Luofu.

This cognition alone has surpassed the limit that the root can carry.

The root of everything is nothing, it's just a lot of parallel universes relative to the Moon World.

Even in the great cosmos at the top of the heavens and the world, his quasi-sage's strength is enough to be called a great power.

Seventeen-year-old idler: "We can manipulate the power of the realm. If we really can't bear the perspective of Mr. Group Leader, we will use the power of the realm to directly isolate the information that transcends our own cognition."

Luo Fu's mouth twitched, Yakumo Zi thought really simple.

However, since the two rituals and Yakumo Zi wanted to die, and they didn't trust the chat group so much.

Then let them both suffer.

Thinking of this, Luo Fu directly used a mysterious method to separate a part of his perspective. After weakening it several times, he temporarily lent this ability to Yayun Zihe and the two rituals through the power of the chat group.

Holy sect master: "Did the elder brother really lend his perspective to these two newcomers? If they can't stand the majesty and complexity of the elder brother's perspective. I am afraid that they will twist their minds and bodies into indescribable monsters. already."

Black Cat Girl Control: "Meow! It's the first time I've seen such a newcomer who actively seeks death."

I'm a little fox demon: "Good words are hard to persuade a damned ghost. People who don't know awe will always pursue things that are out of reach, even far beyond their reach. It's okay to make them both suffer. I I believe that with the group owner and the chat group, they can save their lives no matter how bad they are!"

No matter how scary the members of the chat group said.

After Yakumo Zi and the two rituals got Luo Fu's perspective, they chose to use them right away.

Model Moon World, inside the hospital in Guanbuzi City.

The bodies of the two rituals are still sleeping on the hospital bed.

But her spirit did fall into an indescribable state with the help of a great, mysterious, and incomprehensible perspective.

The outside of the moon world.

When the two rituals used Luo Fu's perspective to truly observe the world for the first time, it was only a momentary shock that made the two rituals completely lose themselves.

Even many parallel worlds have received a huge impact as a result.

It should have been like a vortex, the ancient well is not turbulent, and it can never exist in the vortex of the source of the turbulence. Suddenly, it was like a bomb was thrown into it, setting off a boundless wave of terror.

The vortex of origin, symbolizing the beginning, development and end of the world, contains all the mysteries of the universe.

The changes that have taken place here, no matter how trivial, will cause terrifying changes in the outside world.

The magicians pursued their origins so that they could get close to this place.

Of course, any magician who wants to reach the root must first understand the terrible assimilation power of the root.

After entering the Vortex of Roots, it does not mean that you have mastered the power of magic. Only by leaving here can you truly undergo a qualitative change.

In the world of Xingyue, whether it is the five mysterious magics, many magics, or even heroic spirits that transcend the timeline, at this moment, with the waves of the vortex of the root, an extremely terrifying great change has taken place. .

Chapter 169

Because of the great changes that occurred in the Vortex of the Roots, the two major restraining forces were the first to be affected.

Gaia and Alaya, this one represents the planetary consciousness and the other represents the human collective subconscious.The former is for the longevity of the planet, and the latter is for the reproduction of human beings.

Although both are inhibitory forces, it seems to have been in a state of cooperation.But there is also competition between Gaia and Alaya.

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