But soon, she felt a little ridiculous again.

In her eyes, how powerful and invincible Dragon God was, even if Gensokyo was established, it was because of Dragon God's mercy.Otherwise, Gensokyo would have no chance of being established at all.

But now, even if there is no obvious improvement in strength, only with the help of Luo Fu's perspective, Yakumo Zi can clearly feel that even if the power he once possessed, in the sight of Mr. Group Master, he can knead the dragon at will. god.

Even beheading it is not impossible.

It was as if he felt an incomparably great existence watching him.

Filling the world, everywhere, but nowhere to be found, the Dragon God suddenly showed his image in the form of a dragon.

It has a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, ears like an ox, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, and palms like a tiger.The body is sinuous, and the scales and claws are flying.

Obviously it should be extremely holy, but the dragon god who showed his body, but his body was close to the ground, and the dragon head seemed to bow down, facing the void reverently, expressing surrender.

Yakumo Zi's heart sank.

When she just joined the chat group, she thought she had suffered some kind of prank, or even some existence.

But now, Yakumo Zi no longer dared to think like that.

Just by lending his perspective to himself, the frightened dragon god can show his body, and even stick to the ground to express his submission to the group master Luo Fu.There was no need to calculate her at all.

Even the other party's thought, I'm afraid they can obliterate themselves from the level of time and cause and effect.

Let this world, there has never been a realm demon.

The incomparably mysterious power of law, with the time of Yakumo Zi's use of Luofu's perspective, began to permeate Gensokyo continuously. The faint light is the power of the Law Dao from this void, which makes Gensokyo seem to be out of the universe. into a world in general.

And this power from Luofu is not limited to Gensokyo.

Yakumo Zi painstakingly created a great barrier to protect Gensokyo, in front of this power, it seems like it doesn't exist.

In an instant, it was penetrated by this most mysterious law force, and it spread toward the whole world.

Although I can feel that this power fills Gensokyo, it is definitely not a bad thing for Gensokyo.But once it spreads to the world, Yakumo Zi can't imagine what the consequences will be.

Just when she was a little anxious, why Yakumo Lan still didn't wake her up.

This came from Luo Fu's perspective, but suddenly it receded like a tide. .

Chapter 171

Yakumo Zi was still in a hurry before, why didn't Yakumo Lan wake up in time.

But when the power of Luo Fu's perspective quickly receded.

There was a feeling of reluctance in her heart.

This kind of avenue of laws is like a palm view, and the ability to be fully understood and mastered by oneself at a glance is simply too foul~! !

Even in this short period of time, using Luofu's perspective to observe the world of Gensokyo, Yakumo Zi felt that his perception of the realm had increased by many times.

This time, Yakumo Zi no longer dared to raise the slightest temptation to the chat group.

Not to mention, even with the help of Mr. Group Master's perspective, he was able to frighten the dragon god to reveal his body, lying on the ground like a submissive loach.

So, how powerful is the group owner with such a vision?

A dragon god, Yakumo Zi worked so hard to establish Gensokyo.This is still the mercy of the Dragon God.Changed to the group owner, I am afraid that even the world she lives in is like a soap bubble that can be burst easily, right?

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became. After recalling her speech in the group, Yakumo Zi couldn't help feeling fortunate.


Although I have bad taste, but because I was suddenly pulled into the chat group, I was full of vigilance, just wanted to find out the truth of the chat group as soon as possible, and did not talk nonsense in the chat group.

Now it seems that it is a very fortunate thing.

Wait until Yakumo Zi completely withdraws from Luo Fu's perspective.

What caught her eye was Yakumo Lan, who had just been complained about by her.

It's just that at this moment, the eight clouds blue, there is still a little bit of the prestige of the nine-tailed fox.

The whole person was lying on the ground as if all five bodies were thrown to the ground, and the nine fluffy tails behind him were firmly attached to the floor, not daring to move.

"Blue!" Yakumo Zi's mind came to a realization like lightning.

How ignorant he had let Yakumo Lan wake him up before.

That is, even the Dragon God was stunned by being crushed.Not to mention the nine-tailed fox, Yayunlan.

"Zi...Lord Zi..." Yakumo Lan was lying on the ground tremblingly, and said in a trembling voice: "Okay...it's scary. You...what did you do just now?"

"Ah!" Yakumo Zi smiled narrowly and said, "We just experimented with the chance we got before. By the way, besides you, who else has felt the movement of Yakumoju?"

Yakumo Lan slowly stood up and looked at Yakumo Zi's eyes, which flickered with fear and awe from time to time. "I... I don't know either. Just now... Just now, Lord Zi's body was terrifying all of a sudden. I... I fell on the ground in fear, and didn't dare to move! So..."

Before Yakumo Lan could finish speaking, a large number of members of Gensokyo were soon visited outside the door.

Sakuya Izayoi, the maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Eirin Hashiki of Eitei, Shiki Yinghi of the Underworld, Moriya Shrine, Sunflower Field...

In Gensokyo, those famous monsters and gods... have dispatched powerful subordinates to come to the door.Or come in person.

But without waiting for these aggressive girls from Gensokyo to ask Yakumo Zi what.

One after the other, two extremely terrifying figures instantly made everyone dare not speak.

The former is not coming in the form of a human, but in the form of a dragon.

The latter is a man with long silver-white hair and a ponytail tied with a red hair band on the left side of his head, wearing a blood-red Gothic dress, with three pairs of purple-black stretched on his back, exuding a sense of magic. wings.

Needless to say, the former is the most powerful and ubiquitous Dragon God in this world.The latter is the pioneer of the demon world, the god of the demon world, the mother of Alice Megatron, Shen Qi!

Under normal circumstances, dragon gods and dragons don't see the end, except when Gensokyo was established, there are clear records, and the rest of the time, there are only sporadic legends.

Shenqi seldom even set foot in Gensokyo, and generally stayed in the demon world that she had created to take care of the children of the demon world.

At this time, the two of them appeared at the same time, obviously disturbed by the Luofu perspective borrowed by Yakumo Zi before.

Without mentioning Luofu's perspective, how much shock it has caused to the world of Gensokyo.Yakumo Zi had to rack her brains to explain it.

in the chat group.

Iron Man; "These two rituals and Yakumo Zi haven't spoken for a while. If the two of them really borrowed the perspective of the group owner, it wouldn't be cold now, right?"

Queen Chacha: "It's hard to say! With the strength of the group master, the world he sees in his eyes is different from all of us. The laws of heaven, in the eyes of the group master, are probably similar to how we observe ants with a magnifying glass. already."

Pipixi: "I am a member of the science side. There is a certain deviation in your understanding of things on the fantasy side and the cultivation side. However, in my opinion, the master of the group has turned his attention to the two at the moment. Ritual and Yakumo Zi, like the angels of our world, have given the eye of insight to the great apes whose brains have never been developed."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Iron Fist Invincible is quiet and cute: "Are the anthropoids a little exaggerated?"

Finger snapping madman: "No! It's not an exaggeration. From the perspective of the group master, you can definitely see the end of the universe at a glance. On the microscopic level, it is impossible for the group master to have any invisible light, and the division of visible light. Because all light, waves, particles, and even quantum can be seen intuitively. Even the time is under the observation of the group master. In the process of birth and death of a universe in an instant, whether it is a macroscopic change or a microscopic perspective. The combined amount of terrifying information pours into the brain, and the fate of normal people is either death or rational collapse!!"

... .. 0

Kaguya: "I know that light has the duality of waves and particles! Does this mean that the eyes of the group master can be used as ears?"

Pipixi: "Observing sound waves with eyes is not difficult, even the soldiers of our angel civilization can do it. Not to mention the group leader!"

Iron Man: "I suddenly felt that it was a waste for the group owner to lend the perspective to the two rituals and Yakumo Zi. If you can lend it to me, even for a moment, I am afraid that I will be able to understand all the mysteries of the universe. Then What a wonderful knowledge it would be!"

Finger snapping madman: "I believe this! But after a moment, if you are lucky and don't die, I'm afraid you will spend the rest of your life in a lunatic asylum. What's more terrifying is that if you can't withstand the shock of terrifying information, If your mind interferes with your body, you will probably be alienated into a monster that no one can predict, and then be sent to some secret research institute to be a guinea pig!"

Goddess of Water: "Mice? I know this, you humans are really cruel. The mice are so terrifying, you keep mistreating them!"

Baqianliu: "Sorry, I'm a god of death, not a human!"

I'm a little fox demon: "I'm a monster, not a human!"

Queen Chacha: "I'm Hades, and I'm not human either!"

Pipixi: "Although I am a Kamigawa body, strictly speaking, I am an angel, not a human!"

Finger snapping madman: "If you say that, I'm a Titan. I'm not even a human? But I'm a little curious. Why is Aqua so sympathetic to the guinea pig, is it because your IQs are similar?" Jiu.

Chapter 172

Goddess of Water: "Your IQ is the same as that of a guinea pig! @Snap fingers mad demon, damn it! You murderous mad demon, you are slandering the gods again, and you will definitely go to hell when you die!"

Black Cat Girl Control: "I haven't spoken yet, meow! I'm not a human either. I'm the most powerful cat in the cat family!! If I can combine with the group owner, I can definitely give it to the group owner. Give birth to the most powerful child!"

Kaguya: "Trembling. Isn't this chat group supposed to belong to us humans? All of a sudden, I found out that many of the big guys in the group are not human!"

Tekken Wujing is cute: "@Kaguya Ji, classmate Shinomiya Kaguya, may I ask what gave you, this group belongs to the illusion of human beings?"

Kaguya: "The leader of the group is a human being, so this group should also belong to a human being. I have always thought so before!"

Iron Fist Invincible Jing and cute: "Then I want to tell you that your thinking is wrong. Although the group owner was indeed a human being, and he was the first ancestor of human beings. But now the group owner is afraid that he can't be regarded as a real human being. "

Holy Sect Master: "That's right, the elder brother is the supreme quasi-sage."

Saint Hui: "Anuo! The group leader seems to have said that there are saints above the quasi-sage. So, the group leader shouldn't be considered the supreme right now?"

Iron Fist Wudi is quiet and cute: "Don't worry about being a saint or not. Even if the group leader is not a saint yet, for us, he is invincible! It is not wrong to say that he is supreme."

Let's dance together: "That's right! The current group owner, for us, is supreme!"

Iron Man: "Tsk tsk! I didn't expect the proud Mr. Ban to have a day of flattering!"

Let's dance together: "This is by no means flattering, but what I say from the bottom of my heart. Or, Tony Stark, do you think the group leader is not worthy of the supreme title?"

Holy Sect Master: "Yes, the elder brother is supreme to me. What? Tony Stark, do you have any objection?"

Regarding the issue of Luofu, Luo Hao, who is the number one dog licker in Luofu, will not be absent no matter what.

Iron Man: "Cold sweat!! Sorry, it's my fault! I want to shout, the group leader is invincible!! Supreme!!"

Holy Sect Master: "Yes, show your sincerity to the elder brother."

In the Marvel Universe, Tony Stark's face turned black.

He was just habitually making fun of Madara Uchiha.

Now the devil boy Nezha is avoiding the Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master in their world and looking for a new residence.

Haven't been in the group for a while.

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