In this regard, the ancestor of Ming He did not care much.

The chat group thing came to an end for the time being.

The prehistoric world, Kunlun Island.

Luo Fu Na catalyzed the karmic fire red lotus for a long time, and finally completely transformed into a human form.

Not only in appearance and normal human - there is no difference at all.

Between the eyebrows, the length is exactly the same as the former - Nezha.

The skin is smooth and lively, and it is obviously born from the red lotus of karma, but it reveals a life fluctuation unique to living beings.

After being busy for so long, I also participated in a mission in the middle.Finally, the body of Karma Red Lotus was ready for Nezha.

Luo Fu immediately took out the remnant soul of Nezha that gradually regained consciousness from the soul-raising lamp without hesitation.


Just after appearing from the soul-raising lamp, Nezha's illusory and ethereal soul body immediately bowed to Luo Fu to pay homage.

"The disciple knows that he is guilty of a lot of sin! Thank you, Master, for not disregarding the past!"

After experiencing a crisis of death, together with the help of Luo Fu and Yang Jian when they were in Chentangguan.

Nezha's impression of Luo Fu finally changed completely.Even the distorted character developed because of Taiyi's indulgence has gradually changed.

Of course, the arrogance and domineering in Nezha's character will definitely not disappear so easily.

However, change is a good thing.

Luo Fu smiled with satisfaction, nodded and said: "You stand up, you don't need to be more polite. After going through this ordeal, I believe that you should have learned a bit of the world. I don't know now, in your heart, the real Taiyi once treated you. how?"

Nezha's ethereal soul face showed a bit of complexity.He lowered his eyes slightly and said, "This disciple has nothing to do with Master Taiyi. Why do you need to say more?"

"Being a teacher is not to sow discord. It's just that you once had a relationship with Taiyi as a master and a disciple, and you have already established a cause and effect. In this great catastrophe, you are afraid that you will eventually have to be with Taiyi. The real person has concluded this cause and effect." Luo Fu said with a little worry.

"In the teaching process, we always pay attention to clarifying the secrets of heaven and walking in line with the sky. It is completely different from my teaching teaching. I am afraid that there will be some twists and turns in your future! I hope you can understand your heart and see your nature for the sake of the teacher, and don't be fooled by the past. You need to know that under the doomsday, don't indulge your personal feelings! If you are merciful, you will be the one who will fall in the future! I believe that the real Taiyi will definitely not care about the teacher who used to be with you. Affectionate."

Luo Fu said such a big deal, the purpose is very simple, he is worried that Nezha will be calculated by Taiyi Zhenren and Chan Jiao in the future.

On the surface, they are great and upright sectarians, but secretly, they all have deep-faced and dark-hearted ways.

It is impossible to say that when the great calamity of the conferred gods in the future enters the white-hot stage, in order to overwhelm the sect in one fell swoop, the sectarians such as Taiyi Zhenren will hit their own disciples with their ideas.

For Yang Jian, Luo Fu was not too worried.

After all, although Yang Jian had a relationship with Master Yuding, he was cut off by Luo Fu before the two got to know each other.

Yang Jian didn't even know the real person Yuding at all, and he didn't have the slightest impression of him.

There is no fear that in the future catastrophe of the conferred gods, he will be entangled by the feelings of the real person Yuding.

On the contrary, it was Nezha, although this bear boy seemed stubborn.The character is more arrogant and domineering.There is a vague feeling of being alone.

But Nezha is not a person with a distorted mind in the true sense.

If the real Taiyi really played the emotional card in the future.I can't say that Nezha is really fooled.

In the catastrophe, if there is a slight difference, it is the end of the body and the soul.To be able to be on the Conferred God Ranking is the best result.

Luo Fu didn't want Nezha to fall into trouble because of such a thing.

Luo Fu's analysis also made Nezha's face gradually become heavier.

After cutting the flesh to return the mother, and cutting the bones to return the father, Nezha's soul was hazy.Although there is still no memory of awakening the spiritual beads of the previous life, everything in this life is like a slideshow, flowing in front of his eyes.

The angle you stand on is different, and the way of thinking about the problem will also become very different.

With the soul in the soul-raising lamp, Nezha gradually began to understand the huge shortcomings of his own personality.

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That's why, from the moment the Soul Raising Lamp appeared, Nezha would be so low and small to admit his mistake to Luo Fu.

At the same time, he also understood that his previous character was the result of Taiyi's deliberate indulgence.

Now that Luo Fu has analyzed it again, Nezha finally understands that from the moment he was born, he has already fallen into the calculation of interpretation.

The so-called master Taiyi Zhenren, from the beginning to the end, just wanted to use himself to end this immortal murder for him.

His eyes gradually became firmer, and Nezha said decisively: "The disciple and Taiyi used to be the master and the disciple. If he really fought Taiyi in the great tribulation of the gods, the disciple would let him go three times. After three times, Grace and justice!"

Luo Fu sighed slightly in his heart, and Nezha was still a little indecisive.


Not bad though.After all, as Nezha's master, Luo Fu also doesn't want him to be a hard-hearted person.

"It's good for you to know what you have in mind." Luo Fu nodded and said: "My teacher has prepared the incarnation of the Karmic Fire Red Lotus for you. Help you reincarnate into the sun! And this Karmic Red Lotus body is in the bloodline. Bring your own karma magic power. If you can comprehend and master it, you will not be in danger of being entangled in karma in the future. You can even use karma to defend yourself against the enemy.”

"Thank you, Master!" Nezha bowed and bowed. With Luo Fu's help, a wisp of soul suddenly disappeared into the body of Karma Red Lotus.

The karma red lotus body that sat cross-legged out of thin air, with the soul of Nezha settled in, became agile in an instant.

Threads and strands of crimson karmic fire, like a naughty elf, lingered and circled around this body constantly.

After a while, the blazing karmic fire was suddenly released, and immediately subsided.

Immediately afterwards, Nezha opened his eyes like lightning.

Scarlet fire was burning in his eyes.

The moment he looked at Nezha, Luo Fu couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

This Nezha deserves to be the reincarnation of the Lingzhu of the Wa Palace. I didn't expect that he had just entered the body of the red lotus of the fire, and he had already realized a little of the greatness of the fire of the fire.

Although it is only possible to look at each other through the eyes, arouse the opponent's own karma as fuel, and ignite the fire of karma.

But given time, Nezha will be able to control the Red Lotus Karmic Fire with ease.Add some strength.

If Luo Fu was from Taiyi Zhenren, he would take the Flaming Spear and Hot Wheels.Matching it to Nezha, I am afraid that his strength can surpass Yang Jian in one leap!Nine.

Chapter 247

Of course, Nezha, who has mastered the fire supernatural power of the red lotus industry, surpassed the current Yang Jian.

But Yang Jian will also make progress.In the future, this pair of senior brothers and sisters will be stronger or weaker.It also depends on their own opportunities and abilities.

The flaming karmic fire in his eyes gradually subsided.After Nezha regained his agile black pupils.

He jumped and jumped off the altar.

Without waiting for the landing, he paid a homage to Luo Fu and said, "Thank you, Master!"

"You don't need to be more polite. Since you are a disciple of a teacher, how can you not think about you as a teacher? How? Can you still be satisfied with this karmic red lotus body?" Luo Fu asked with a smile on his face.

Luo Fu put a lot of effort into Nezha's karmic red lotus body.

Although the effort is large, the reward is not small.

Converting an ordinary karma red lotus into flesh and blood, the mystery of good luck really benefits Luo Fu a lot.

   You must know that the reason why Nuwa was able to create people and become saints was because in the way of creation, even the other five saints could not be compared with her.It is also because of this that Nu Wa became the first saint in the world.

Using the red lotus of karma to catalyze a body for Nezha, it is almost like Luo Fu created a unique new life out of nothing.

Even if Nezha did not occupy this body, over time, on this body, it would be impossible to produce spiritual wisdom and become an independent individual.

Going a step further, it is impossible to say that Luo Fu can create a new ethnic group just like the ancestors of Ming He swept away the souls of many tribes and created the Asura tribe.

The ancestors of Ming He created Asura, which was the soul of the prehistoric creatures in the sea of ​​​​blood.On the other hand, Luo Fu, in turn, uses the red lotus of karma to catalyze the body and let it generate its own mind.

Under the combination of the two sides, it is not a dream to create a new ethnic group.

However, if so.The created ethnic group will definitely not be able to compete for the status of the Lord of the Human Race.

Maybe, the cause and effect of this ethnic group will also involve Luo Fu, which can be said to be thankless.

Therefore, Luo Fu never thought about it from the beginning to the end.

Nodding with satisfaction, Nezha said excitedly: "The disciple can feel that the body created by the master has unlimited potential. Now the disciple can only use it in case."

Even though Nezha was his own disciple, when he heard that he was praised for his meticulous production, Luo Fu couldn't help but show a bit of complacency, nodded and said with a smile: "Then you can stay on Kunlun Island for the time being, so that you can get acquainted with this body! "

"Yes!" Nezha nodded with a smile on his face.

But soon, Nezha seemed to think of something unpleasant, and the smile on his face converged in the blink of an eye.

After hesitating for a moment, Nezha said: "Master, the cause and effect between the disciple and the dragon clan..."

Luo Fu's eyes flashed, and he said with a meaningful smile: "What? You are not angry with the experience of being forced to death by the Dragon Clan before?"

With a clear mind and insight, the relationship with Luo Fu greatly eased and became closer.

Nezha never concealed his true thoughts. He nodded and said, "The disciple is unwilling."

Don't say that Nezha is unwilling to the dragon clan.Luo Fu is also not pleasing to the eye when he sees the dragons.

The arrogance and domineering of the East Sea Dragon King Ao Guang when he forced Nezha to death now seems to be vivid in his mind.

After all, Luofu and the East China Sea Dragons are neighbors.How could Luo Fu not have a grudge in his heart?

"If you are unwilling, then do it!" Luo Fu's eyes seemed to be closed, but he pretended to be casual and said: "If you have obsessions in your heart, how can you study the avenues. Since you are a teacher and disciple, you should act accordingly. Be measured. Unless you cause a catastrophe, you will be responsible for your own teacher! Okay, let's go!"

With a bit of confusion in his eyes, Nezha was kicked out of the room by Luo Fu.

As soon as he stepped out the door, Nezha woke up suddenly.

Luo Fu's meaning, to put it simply, is to let Nezha go to the Dragon Clan to find trouble! !

This is exactly the same as how Taiyi Zhenren indulged him at the beginning.

Of course, Luo Fu still has something to say.Nezha must act with due diligence.And can't get into a catastrophe.

But Luofu's practice of only allowing state officials to set fires and not allowing people to light lamps made Nezha feel a little warmer.

A lot of times, Luo Fu is a very reasonable person.

But sometimes, the point of view is different, and the idea of ​​looking at the problem is also different.

Before, Luo Fu was quite disgusted with the indulgence of Taiyi Zhenren to Nezha, but in turn, when the Dragon Clan upset him because of Nezha's affairs, he didn't mind indulging Nezha to find trouble with the Dragon Clan.

Anyway, Nezha has just been reincarnated into the sun.The new Karma Red Lotus incarnation is not yet thoroughly familiar.

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