It is simply not welcomed by the world, so it is better to return first.Just to study the nature of that power.

His eyes fell on Hexi, Su Da and the others.

Luo Fu said: "I'm going back, how about you? Do you want to stay in this world, or leave with me?"

"I'm leaving with the group owner!" Shizuo Hiratsuka said impatiently.

God knows how much psychological pressure she has endured in this world of monsters and monsters?

Now that he was able to leave, Shizuo Hiratsuka said nothing would stay.

Hexi waved his hand and said, "I plan to stay for a while. The power of this world is very interesting, maybe it can give me some inspiration."

"I'll stay for a while." A deep meaning flashed in Longjuan's eyes, he glanced at the national teacher, and said, "Always put an end to the things here."

"That's good!" Luo Fu nodded his head and said, "Then be careful, don't take it off."

As soon as the voice fell, after saying goodbye to the group members, Luo Fu's figure disappeared out of thin air.At the same time, there were also twenty-four bright moons that illuminated the night sky like day.

With the fall of Luofu, the cloud of Qing that covers the sky and the sun, like a hymn resounding from the depths of the soul, gradually disappears!

The bright moon and stars once again shine in the night sky.


Not to mention how Hexi and Longjuan, the two group members who stayed in the world of the origin of the white snake, would treat the national teacher and the snake mother.

After returning from the mission world, he just appeared on Jinao Island.

Luo Fu was in the dark, feeling that his luck seemed to grow slightly.

Luck is definitely not going to increase out of thin air.

The only reason for this situation is this one mission! !

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and another bold guess suddenly appeared in Luo Fu's heart.

Could it be that after completing the task, in addition to getting points, will even your own luck increase?

So in addition to luck, what is another strange power that was born between the heavens and the earth and wants to integrate into your body?

Prompted by curiosity, Luo Fu made a big move.

Twenty-four dazzling and flawless orbs appeared out of thin air in his palm.

Since these twenty-four Dinghaizhu were given by the sage of the Shangqing Dynasty, Luo Fu regarded them as the magic weapon of his life, and practiced them well.

But in the end, the time is a little short, and it can't compare to the familiarity of the inborn spirits with their own companion spirit treasures.

But Luo Fu still noticed that this was originally in the hands of the sages of the Qing Dynasty and could only be regarded as an inventory of innate spiritual treasures. At this moment, there was a weak and pitiful energy of merit.

Although there is only a very weak trace, there is no doubt that after killing the traverser, the world where the white snake originated, like the prehistoric way of heaven, has brought down its merits.

However, the background of the white snake origin world is too shallow.

This trace of merit is not only poor in quantity, but also poor in quality.

Even Luo Fu almost failed to realize that this thing was meritorious.

One mission, not only increased his luck, but also gained an insignificant ray of merit.

For a time, Luo Fu suddenly looked forward to the task of the chat group.

In the prehistoric world, luck and merit are the most valuable things.

Don't you see, for the sake of the luck that can be continuously produced in the reincarnation of the underworld, in the Six Sacred Four Sects, except for the big boss who did not come off the court in person, all kinds of white gloves and chess pieces, the brains of those who are fighting are about to hit the brains of dogs.

The ancestor Ming He, who was once fierce and famous, could only curl up in the sea of ​​blood under this level of competition, not even daring to take a bubble.

Even though Luo Fu was a direct disciple of the sage of Shangqing, if he dared to be involved in the fight for merit and luck, even the sage of Shangqing might not be able to keep him.

This kind of method that can obtain luck and merit from other worlds, once it is publicized, even the Six Saints will disregard the shot! .

Chapter 21

In the eyes of other group members, after completing the task, the points that can realize all wishes are the most important.

But Luo Fu paid more attention to luck and merit.

The mystery of merit, needless to say, Nu Wa was the first to become a saint, relying on the majestic merits of the heavenly way after the creation of human beings.

However, luck can't intuitively improve strength.

But the luck passed, whether it was the great power of the Great Desolation or the sect group, the final result was only disappearance.

In the Battle of Conferred Gods, it seemed as if several other saints had joined forces with the pair of Luofu's masters, the saints of Shangqing.

But there are also many treasures that intercept the teaching and do not have enough to suppress the great teaching's luck.

In the hands of the sages of Taiqing, there is a Taiji map among the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven, which can suppress the luck of qi. The Yuanshi Tianzun has a Pangu banner, which is connected to Yin and Zhunti, and also has a twelve-grade golden lotus.

Only the sages of the Shangqing Dynasty used the Four Swords of Zhuxian to suppress their luck.

Although the four swords of Zhuxian are strong, they are strong in killing.

But there is a slight difference, under the bad luck of the air, it will plummet for thousands of miles.I'm afraid it won't stop! !

After all, the Four Swords of Zhuxian are not like Taiji Diagram, Pangu Fan.Even if you lose, you can suppress your luck, and you won't lose a thousand miles.

In the future, the sages of the Shangqing Dynasty must have noticed this, and created the Myriad Immortal Array in a unique way.

Unfortunately, by then it was too late.Not only has the strength of the interception been greatly damaged, but even the disciples are half-hearted.

For example, the long-eared Dingguangxian, the rabbit, directly made an act of betrayal, stole the Six Soul Banner, and broke the Myriad Immortal Formation in an instant.

The plan of the sages of the Qing Dynasty also went bankrupt.

Intercepting the teaching also fell down completely because of this battle.

In the future, many disciples who intercept the sect will even be reduced to interpreting sects, people's sects, sectarianism, and evil spirits.

Today's Luo Fu is the fifth direct disciple of the Shang Qing sage.

If nothing else, it is enough for Luofu to be grateful to the saints of Shangqing who imparted the Sutras to Luofu without hesitation.

He will definitely not sit back and watch the teaching, like his original destiny, and sink in this way.

But now, no matter how ambitious Luo Fu is, he is unable to change the impending catastrophe.

The only person Luo Fu can rely on at the moment is the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Just at the moment when Luo Fu's thoughts flashed.

He suddenly felt that in the All Heavens and Myriad Realms group, someone seemed to be @himself.

on the chat interface.

Pipixi: "@Existence beyond everything, group leader, are you there? Tornado and I have returned to our respective worlds."

An existence beyond everything: "Yes! Have you solved the problem of Su Da's world?"

I am the little fox demon: "It's solved. According to King Tianji, although she can't solve the problem, she can solve the problem! The national teacher and the snake mother are both dead! Bai Suzhen and Xu Xuan's love, I'm afraid It's about to end here. The legend of the White Snake that has been passed down through the ages no longer exists."

Iron Man: "King Tianji? Is it Pipixi? Is she a king in her own world?"

Pipixi: "@Iron Man, you'll know soon, I'm going to talk to the group owner about this."

Hexi's second message came quickly.

Pipixi: "Group leader, the future of other people in the group has been uploaded by you, but there are none of me, Hades Acha and Miss Hiratsuka Jing? I don't know what price we need to pay to let the group leader help Shall we count the future?"

"Ding! The existence that transcends everything uploads the super seminary!"

"Ding! There's really a problem with uploading my youth love story with an existence that transcends everything!"

"Ding! The existence that transcends everything uploads the soul ferry!"

Existence beyond everything: "Your future is here! No matter the cost. I'm afraid you won't be able to come up with anything worthy of my attention. In the future, about the future of the new group members, I will upload them directly, as if they were joining the group. The benefits are good!"

Super God Universe, Merlot Heavenly Court.

Hee-hee returns not long after returning from the world where the white snake originated.After uploading the data that he observed about the national teacher, the traveler Lu Cheng, and the snake mother to his own space-based computing group.

Immerse yourself in the group file directly.

With the help of a celestial-level computer, the dozens of hours of video files were quickly watched by Hexi from beginning to end.

Pipixi: "My future turned out to be like this, I sacrificed for the Merlot Heaven. I took the initiative to break into the black hole and wiped out the black hole. I can be considered a great and glorious death, right? I just didn't expect that the future The angelic civilization has been able to develop to such a degree in the hands of the man-in-law Keisha, and has established a righteous order that the entire universe must abide by! It's too exaggerated!"

Iron Man: "WTF! Take the initiative to break into the black hole? Pipixi, are you kidding?"

Pipixi: "Of course it's not a joke. The super seminary sent by the group owner records my future. I did break into the black hole, although the black hole was destroyed. But I also died because of it!"

Iron Man: "Unbelievable! It's incredible! A black hole, a celestial body with such a curvature of space and time that even light cannot escape from its event horizon, how did you destroy it? How much energy does this require?"

I saw Hexi and Tony Stark began to discuss theories and knowledge on the scientific side with great interest.

Luo Fu directly closed the chat interface in front of him.

He is on the fantasy side, and what he knows about the technology side is only the fur of his previous life.I can't get into this topic at all.

If you have time to watch them talk about science, it is better to continue practicing.

After all, the great catastrophe of the conferred gods is coming soon! !


"Junior Brother Luofu! Master called me to intercept the disciples in Biyou Palace, and also asked Junior Brother to hurry up!"

Just when Luo Fu was about to enter Ding, the voice of Daoist Duobao suddenly came from outside the door of the cave.

With a move in his heart, Luo Fu suddenly had a deep feeling.

The sect master Tongtian had just returned from Tianwai Zixiao Palace and Hongjun Daozu, and immediately summoned the sectarians. Could it be that the great catastrophe of the conferred gods that made him worry about was about to begin?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Fu suddenly couldn't sit still.He immediately got up and left the cave, and walked towards the Biyou Palace like a glimpse of light all the way.

When Luo Fu arrived, the Biyou Palace was already flooded with all kinds of immortals.

Each of these immortal families can pretend to be a sectarian.But there were only five people who were actually accepted as disciples by the Tongtian sect master.

And Luo Fu, is one of the younger brothers.

Apart from direct disciples like Luo Fu, other Intercepting Sect disciples are not qualified to enter the Biyou Palace.

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