At this moment, Lintong Pass is on a hill.

With green face and fangs, hair like cinnabar, eyes like copper bells, and shining brightly, with a pair of wings growing behind him, more like a monster than a human monk, he is constantly looking anxiously in the direction of Chaoge.

"I forgot to ask! The master only told me to save my father. But what does my father, King Wen of Xibo, look like?!"

At this time, it is natural that Lei Zhenzi will be able to wait here for Xibo Hou Jichang.

King Wen Ji Chang had a hundred sons.But only Lei Zhenzi was his adopted son.

Ji Chang, who had just recognized Lei Zhenzi as his son, had to go to Chaoge.And Lei Zhenzi was also fostered in a village temporarily. .

Chapter 259

Although Lei Zhenzi was the righteous son of King Wen.

But when King Wen accepted him back then, he was still in an infancy, and he had no memory of King Wen's father at all.

Yun Zhongzi asked him to come over to save his father, and he came over recklessly.But he created an oolong that he didn't even know his father.

Of course, this is no wonder Lei Zhenzi, who made the current Lei Zhenzi only seven years old.

In comparison, Nezha is older than Lei Zhenzi.

A normal person is still a doll at the age of seven.And Lei Zhenzi was two feet long.It looks like a monster.

Obviously, the reason why his strength was able to skyrocket.It was purely the Xian Xingxing that Yun Zhongzi had eaten for him.

From Luo Fu's point of view, the Xian Xing Xian Xian that Lei Zhenzi ate was probably not serious.

Ordinary spiritual roots of heaven and earth, even if they cannot absorb the majestic medicinal power of the spiritual roots, they will not cause such a sudden change in the image of people.

There must be something strange about this fairy.

With King Wen, Ji Chang, all the way out of Chaoge.Although with Luofu's strength, he can easily cut through the space and deliver it to Xiqi.

However, the various trials and tribulations of King Wen's return to Xiqi were also indispensable.

Even if Luo Fu made a move now and let Ji Chang avoid these tempers, the way of heaven in the future might impose this temper on the entire Western Zhou.

Such a change was not what Luo Fu wanted.

On the mountain road of Lintong Pass.

Two figures appeared out of thin air.

Lei Zhenzi, who was waiting for his father, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, was taken aback immediately.

He subconsciously pulled out the Wind and Thunder Golden Stick.

The moment when the stick flowers are shaken out, the wind and thunder are mixed, and the flowers are splendid! !


The moment Ji Chang saw Lei Zhenzi, he was staggered in fright.If it wasn't for Luo Fu standing beside him, he was afraid that he would stagger and fall out.

The moment he saw Lei Zhenzi's image, Luo Fu had already recognized his identity.

After all, it has two wings on its back, a face like indigo, red hair and a high nose, protruding eyes and teeth.This kind of monster-like image, I am afraid that only Lei Zhenzi under the sect of Chan Jiao Yunzhongzi.

In general, even monsters don't dare to dress up like this! !

"Lei Zhenzi'"?" Luo Fu raised his brows, revealing Lei Zhenzi's identity.

"You... who are you?" Lei Zhenzi felt guilty, clenched the golden stick in his hand, and stared at Luo Fu and said, "I am the disciple of Chan Jiao, the disciple of the Immortal Cloud of Fortune!"

"Old Luofu!" Even though he was frightened by Lei Zhenzi's appearance.But Ji Chang is a generation of sages who have learned the gossip of the day after tomorrow.

In terms of xinxing, even many monks can't compare with him.

When he came back to his senses, Ji Chang said to Luo Fu in disbelief: " said this...this person is my Lei Zhenzi child!"

"Are you the Marquis of Wu Fuxi?"

A confession of relatives was staged in front of Luo Fu.

Although they are father and son, except for a brief contact when Lei Zhenzi was just born seven years ago, this pair of two who have never cultivated a father-son relationship, but in a short period of time, a deep father-son relationship appeared. scene to come.

"Thank you Uncle Luofu for saving my father."

After the exchange, Lei Zhenzi and Ji Chang seemed to realize that Luo Fu was still present.

Lei Zhenzi hurriedly paid homage.

"No need to be polite, get up!" After Luo Fu looked at Lei Zhenzi with great interest, he quickly became concerned.

"This time, you are here to save your father on the order of your master Yun Zhongzi?"

"Uncle Shi's eyes are like torches." Lei Zhenzi frankly told Luo Fu of Yun Zhongzi's advice, and there was not the slightest bit of vigilance against Luo Fu in his words.

This is also because Lei Zhenzi is too young to know the contradiction between the teachings and the teachings.In addition, Luo Fu had the grace to save his father to him before.This made Lei Zhenzi feel a little more trust and goodwill towards Luo Fu in his heart.

"The Marquis of Xibo has come here. There is no calamity of life and death, although there are still trials and tribulations. But that is the great responsibility of the heavens to the people. It is hard for their minds, their muscles and bones, and their bodies are empty. Although it is a disaster, it is also an opportunity. Luo Fu said directly: "Therefore, I can't let you escort him back!"

Ji Chang was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously took out a series of divination tools such as yarrow and tortoise shell that he carried with him.

After some busy work, Ji Chang's eyes lit up, and he bowed his hands to Luo Fu deeply, saying, "Thank you for the old advice. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will miss a big event."

Thanks to Luo Fu, Ji Chang said to Lei Zhenzi affectionately: "My son Lei Zhenzi, this trip is for my father. It is exactly as the clan elder said, there are no dangers. It is the tempering that I must go through. My son, don't worry about being a father. Let's go back to the teacher's door!"

I just saw my father, but was asked to separate by my father.

Lei Zhenzi was helpless and could only reluctantly bid farewell to Ji Chang.

After witnessing all this, Luo Fu couldn't help sighing in his heart. He knew very well that after the farewell this time, Lei Zhenzi was afraid that he would never see Ji Chang again.

Because Ji Chang returned to Xiqi, his lifespan has come to an end.

But this is ordained by God.Not even Luo Fu can intervene.

Not only was Lei Zhenzi unable to send Ji Chang back, but even Luo Fu was the same.

After saying goodbye to Luo Fu and Lei Zhenzi, Ji Chang crossed Lintong Pass and set foot on the road back to Xiqi.

But when Lei Zhenzi said goodbye to Luo Fu after seeing Ji Chang leave, he was stopped by Luo Fu.

Looking at Luo Fu blankly, Lei Zhenzi couldn't figure it out.

"."I wonder what Master Luofu ordered?"

"I have always heard that your master Yun Zhongzi is very good at refining treasures. Although he has longed for it for a long time, he has never had the chance to meet him. Since I have a chance to meet him today, I will go with you. Go and see your master! " Luo Fu said with a smile.

The simple expression on his face was completely invisible, what kind of calculation he was holding in his heart at this time.

Although the reason is unclear, Luo Fu's praise to Yun Neutron made Lei Zhenzi smile.

Especially Luo Fu, since seeing him, he has never shown any disgust or disgust towards his image.

Don't forget, Lei Zhenzi is only seven years old now.

Children are especially sensitive in this regard.

(Good Mano) Lei Zhenzi agreed to take no precautions.Take Luo Fu to Zhongnan Mountain.

Cloud Neutron's dojo was established in Zhongnan Mountain and Yuzhu Cave.

Although Luo Fu wanted to see Yun Zhongzi, he did have some calculations.But his admiration for Yun Zhongzi did not lie in the slightest.

To say that in this prehistoric world, Yunzhongzi is definitely a master-level existence of the magic weapon of the cottage.

The magic weapon pirated by him is unknown.

If it is said that Intercept is famous for the formation method, then only Yun Neutron will carry forward the teaching of refining treasures.

In addition, this fellow specially refined the magic weapon of the Heavenly Fire Pillar in order to deal with Wen Zhong.

Aside from the many calculations that Luo Fu himself wanted to use Yun Neutron, he also wanted to see Yun Neutron.Discuss with each other.

In the way of refining treasures, Luo Fu himself also has a lot of attainments.Such as his Deviance Sword.When the three treasures of the devil boy Kaitian were completely melted into one, even the sage of Taiqing admired it. .

Chapter 260

On the way of refining treasures.

Luo Fu is specialized in one.Apart from the Deviance Sword, he didn't have any achievements in treasure refining.

Yun Zhongzi, on the other hand, is a master. Although he has practiced a lot, he is basically the product of painting a gourd.In the hearts of low-level monks, it is certainly a rare treasure.But in front of the great power, it is simply not enough to see.

With Lei Zhenzi leading the way.

Luo Fu, who followed Lei Zhenzi, quickly arrived at his destination.

Zhongnan Mountain, Yuzhu Cave.

Along the way, Luo Fu observed Lei Zhenzi's wind and thunder wings from time to time.

These wings always gave Luo Fu an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen something similar somewhere.

Compared with the existence in his impression, Lei Zhenzi's wind and thunder wings appear simple and shabby.

But after thinking about it, Luo Fu couldn't remember for a while, where did he see the original version of Fenglei Shuangyi.

Rao is so, but Luo Fu also found something that surprised him.

This cloud neutron, there is a mere pirate master who refines treasures.In addition to his expertise in treasure refining, this fellow seems to have done a lot of research even in the transformation of the human body.

The immortal apricot Lei Zhenzi ate must be a product created by him after imitating the innate magical power of some ancient demon clan.

That's why Lei Zhenzi turned into this ghost after he ate Xian Xing.Obviously, Yun Zhongzi was treating his apprentice as a guinea pig! !

With a faint chill in his heart, Luo Fu couldn't help but feel a little more jealous of Yun Zhongzi, who had never met before.

Interpretation and teaching is indeed a superficial effort to do quite well.

He constantly reprimands the sect of the sect, and does not revise the law.

But the famous Fairy of Fude uses his apprentice as an experiment.Compared with the interception, those reckless guys are not too much to let go! !

When he came to the sky above Zhongnan Mountain, Lei Zhenzi guided Luo Fu down the cloud head.Bending his body and clasping his fists, he said, "I also ask Master Luofu to stay for a while. The disciple will go and report to the master."

Watching Lei Zhenzi disappear into the formation, Luo Fu began to observe the formation in Yuzhu Cave.

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