Lowering her eyes, Luo Hao pondered slightly. When she raised her head again, an unprecedented domineering arrogance erupted from Luo Hao wanton.

It was an air of arrogance that I was the only one who respected me, and that women were not allowed to be men.

This is the momentum Luo Hao has cultivated after sitting on the throne of the world's No. [-] martial arts king for many years.

"Brother, then let this person be the first stepping stone on my path to firm martial arts!"

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Hao rushed directly and recklessly in the direction of Kaguya Sigong.Directly interrupted Shinomiya Kaguya's attack.

"This guy is a warrior. Leave it to me!"

After Gan Gang said these words arbitrarily, Luo Hao directly launched a furious attack on Jin Nara regardless of Shigong Kaguya's reaction.

From Luo Hao's martial arts style alone, even Luo Fu was struck by it. This might not look like a woman at all! !The performance is even more domineering and arrogant than the man.

It is a pity that the gap in strength cannot be made up for by the momentum and mentality.But in the blink of an eye, Luo Hao fell into a disadvantage.

"Master of the group. Why hasn't the goddess Athena woke up yet??" Knowing that his strength is not the opponent of these reincarnators, after Madara Uchiha dragged the devil muscle man, Shaka took the opportunity to save the unconscious Athena to his side. . .

Chapter 291

As Athena's Saint Seiya, Shaka naturally focuses on Athena.

After saving Athena to his side, Shaga tried his best, but he couldn't wake Athena.

If it weren't for the clear feeling that Athena's small universe was just suppressed, not fallen, Shaka would now doubt whether Athena was dead.

Glancing at Saori, who was in a coma, Luo Fu looked at Shaka strangely and said, "Since you are the reincarnation of a Buddha, can't you see it? This is the two worlds ~ mandala!"

"Two Realms Mandala?" Shaka was stunned, and in his eyes, he looked at the unconscious Chengto Sa-ori with surprise.

Although Shaka is the reincarnation of the Buddha, all his powers and essences are still small universes after all.

Even the various abilities displayed are all like Buddhist supernatural powers.But no matter how similar they appear, they are fundamentally different.

This is also why, obviously it is the means of the mandala of the two worlds of Buddhism, but if it weren't for Luofu's point, Shaka, the reincarnated Buddha, would still be smeared in both eyes.

Rao already knew the reason that made Athena comatose, but Shaka was still helpless about it.

"Vajra Realm Mandala, Embryo Realm Mandala, Eight-leaf Flesh Tuanxin, Five Wisdom..."

After murmuring for a long time, Rao Shi claimed to have mastered the wisdom of the Buddha and understood the mystery of the cycle of life and death.However, the means to make Athena comatose came from other worlds.

Even if Shaka racked his brains, he couldn't find any way to wake Athena up without compromising Athena's safety.

In desperation, Shaka had to ask Luo Fu for help again.

"Master, please take action to rescue Goddess Athena. Shaka is very grateful."

"No need to be polite. But now is not the time to wake Athena, because we still have a guest who has not appeared."

Luo Fu's refusal made Shajia a little disappointed, but soon, he was attracted by the guests in Luo Fu's mouth.

"Guest?" With a tightness in his heart, Shaka subconsciously ran the small universe and felt the movement around him.After a while, he asked suspiciously: "Master group owner, are there other reincarnators lurking?"

"No!" After Luo Fu shook his head, he looked to the side of the strange space with interest. That place was still, as if stagnant, a small area that had remained for a long time. "This is the Underworld. It's not so much that the other party is a guest, it is better to say that we are the uninvited guests who disturb the master."

The moment the voice fell, Luo Fu said to the space playfully: "Are you saying what I said right? Your Excellency Hades!"

The black light suddenly flickered.

The next moment, a figure wearing a black crystal-like material armor with three pairs of jet-black wings behind him appeared out of thin air.

The moment Hades appeared, the terrifying aura of death swept all around in an instant, spreading wanton in this strange space.

If it is only the power of the Saint Seiya world, Hades' breath of death, I am afraid that in an instant, the life of several cities can be withered, and the soul will enter the underworld.

But in this strange space.

This team of reincarnators has the power to imprison Athena, force Shaka back, and open up space.Its essence is derived from the eight parts of Tianlong from some otherworldly Buddhism.

Even the weakest could not care about Hades' breath of death.

Luo Fu and others will not care even more.

Of course, Luo Hao and Yakumo Zi are exceptions.But their opponents, inadvertently, shredded Hades' breath of death, leaving them unaffected.

As the lord of the underworld, Hades' breath of death, but even the gods dare not ignore it!

Although the gods of the Saint Seiya world have strong immortality, once they are entangled by Hades' death breath, they will continue to weaken.

It is this power that even the gods can't avoid. At this moment in this strange space, it is like a mosquito that can be dispelled by hand.

Didn't get anyone's attention.

For a time, Hades' face suddenly became solemn.

"Who the hell are you?" Hades' eyes were locked on Luo Fu's body.

As an existence in the Greek pantheon that can be compared with Zeus, the god-king, Hades' power is beyond doubt.

Don't look at the holy warriors under Athena, it seems that every holy war can win and drive Hades back to hell.But that's where Hades was never really serious.

Moreover, there was no holy war in which Hades was at his peak, either with five labors and seven injuries, or with various involvements, which made him unable to perform at all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

What terrified Hades was that in this strange space that was next to, or even like a parasite, opened up on the side of the Hades, these two sides who were fighting, except for a few people, the others were unexpectedly every one of them. It will bring Hades a very powerful sense of threat.

Hades not been standing here clearly, Hades would have wondered if he was dreaming.

After all, none of these people have the power fluctuations of the small universe.

Of course, Shaka in Virgo's golden robe doesn't count.

At first sight of Shaka, Hades already recognized Shaka's identity.

Under the command of Athena, the contemporary Virgo Gold Saint.

However, a mere golden saint is not enough to attract Hades' attention.He was ignored immediately.


"Don't worry." Luo Fu smiled slightly and made a move.

Under Hades' horrified eyes, his body flew towards Luo Fu uncontrollably.The majestic and terrifying little universe of its own is more like a dead silence immersed in the depths of the body and consciousness. No matter how Hades urged, there was no movement.

Facing Hades' shock, Luo Fu explained indifferently: "We have no malice towards this world. Our purpose is just to help you protect this world."

"Protect this world?" After Hades settled down, he glanced at Saori Shiori, who was firmly guarded by Shaka, and said, "This familiar little universe is Athena, right? Will she actually come to the underworld in person?"

"This is not the underworld!" Luo Fu shook his head and said: "You have to guess. I can tell you directly that we are here, and it has nothing to do with Athena. It is for these people!"

He casually pointed at the reincarnator who was fighting with the group members.Luo Fu smiled and said: "These people are different from us, and they hold strong malice towards your world."

"Really?" Hades was noncommittal, obviously not believing what Luo Fu said easily.

In this regard, Luo Fu does not care.

The appearance of himself and others alone is enough to subvert Hades' inherent three views.

If he was really that simple in his own words, he would have no doubts about himself.

Then Hades, Hades, is a bit too incompetent.Nine.

Chapter 292

In Luo Fu's heart, in the world of Saint Seiya, whether it is Athena or Hades, all are not good things.

After all, the so-called holy war every two hundred and forty-three years is a game in which everyone weakens mankind.

What Athena preached to the saints for love and justice was a complete lie.

From the Golden Age, the Silver Age, and now the Bronze Age, the gods have destroyed mankind again and again.It is because the human potential is too strong.

It was so strong that even the gods were afraid of it.

Around is destroying human beings again and again, leaving only human beings with poor aptitude, but to this day, among the golden saints, there are still many strong people who have grown to be able to compete with the gods.

Shaka, the Virgo Saint Seiya who has a series of titles such as the reincarnation of Buddha and the man closest to God, is just one of them.

This is why, even though Shajia took the initiative to speak, he hoped that Luo Fu could help untie Chenghu Saori's body, but Luo Fu did not directly agree when the two-world mandala that trapped Athena's soul.

Who knows if the mandala of the two worlds is untied, and Athena, who has sobered up, will give birth to any moths after seeing these people.

For the sake of his own tranquility, Luo Fu simply prevaricates the past with the excuse of exposing Hades' appearance.

I saw Madara Uchiha and many other members of the group, with overwhelming advantages, chasing after those strong people who even paid attention to themselves.

In Hades' eyes, unpredictable meanings flashed from time to time.

Looking at Luo Fu calmly, Hades said, "These people are from other worlds or universes, just like Your Excellency, right?"

Nodding calmly, Luo Fu said: "Yes! But the difference is that we are for love and peace!"

Hades' face turned black instantly, how could he not hear the ridicule in Luo Fu's words.

After all, this is an excuse for love and peace, and it is Athena's excuse to deceive the holy warriors into participating in the holy war.

In this era when human beings have been weakened again and again by the gods, all who can become saints are the elites among human beings.

As long as this wave of Saint Seiya is killed, the human heritage will sink again.

In this world, although there is no clear sense of luck, the means of the gods are undoubtedly weakening the luck of the human race.

For the practices of the gods, Luo Fu had no intention of directly intervening.

After all, this world is not a wasteland.Didn't get the qualifications to be valued by him.

More importantly, in this world where human beliefs are divided by the gods, even if Luo Fu established the Crape Myrtle Sect, it would take a lot of work.

In Luo Fu's view, this is simply not worth the loss.

With this in mind, he might as well return directly to the prehistoric retreat to practice.The same time and experience, used in the prehistoric world, the harvest is much stronger than wasted in this world.

However, this world can be handed over to the evil corpse Styx or the uncut good corpse to deal with in the future.

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Luo Fu subconsciously glanced at Shajia.Then he turned his attention to the group members in the battle.

In the battle of many group members, Yakumo Zi is the one who can only parry and have no power to fight back.

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