The once blue ocean has now become a sea of ​​blood.Smell of nausea-blood.

On the whole earth, there is a scene of corpses everywhere.

Between the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

The army of soldiers, angels, and demons actually cooperated strangely.

There was a deep despair in his eyes, looking up at the scene above the sky.

"Lun'er!! Is there anything you can do now?" Xin Zhao, who had broken an arm and was supported by Zhi Xin, had a thick beard on his face, which had grown out of nowhere. Despair comes.

"Father Xin. I..." Ge Xiaolun lowered his head in pain.

"I understand!" Xin Zhao nodded slowly, and said, "I didn't expect it. Brothers, we are going to die in battle today, although it's not ashamed. But..."

Looking back, there are only a few survivors in the entire planet Earth.

Xin Zhao said with some emotional breakdown: "But I'm not reconciled!! Lun'er!"

"Xin Zhao! Calm down!!" Derena exclaimed, "Don't forget! You are a soldier of the Hero Company, don't act like a coward to make me look down!"

"Sister Na, don't yell at me now!" Xin Zhao gave a wry smile and said, "I! Xin Zhao, who is he? At best, he's just a jerk. He was never a hero who sacrificed himself for others. But now... but now …”

"What's the use of you being a scumbag here?" The original double-sided battle axe, with only half of the god-killing battle axe left, was carried casually.Liu Chuang, who was already blind in one eye, said feebly, "I'll tell you! Xin Zhao, don't be afraid. When the gang of bastards really came down, I was the first to go up. Anyway, I was too. Great Wall One, before I die, you must be fine."

"Am I afraid of death?" Xin Zhao blushed and said angrily, "I think our company of soldiers is a super soldier and a god. It's been blown so hard! The result... the result is fast now. The dead race is extinct. Do you see how many people are left on the earth?"

"Then do you want to surrender?" Qilin wiped the God's Punishment sniper rifle in her hand silently, and gave Xin Zhao a cold look.

"No! I said you can't think of me better? When did I say that I was going to surrender? Besides, this battle has already reached this level. Even if we want to surrender, do you think those scumbags will agree? I'm just annoyed, Just whining."

With only one arm left, Xin Zhao hugged Zhixin beside him, saying: "Actually, even if I die now, I have nothing to be afraid of. The earth is almost gone anyway, so don't worry about our old age. Zhao's family is inexorable. Besides, before I die, I can still be with my daughter-in-law, right? Daughter-in-law?"

"Xin Zhao!" Zhi Xin wrapped her hands around Xin Zhao's body, put her hands on Xin Zhao's body, and said softly, "Don't worry. No matter what, I will be with you."

"Look! Did you see it?" Xin Zhao suddenly became complacent and said, "Lord, we have a daughter-in-law by my side before we die, how about you?"

"Okay, let's be quiet for a while." Morgana, who had returned to the dress of Apocalypse Wang Liangbing, brought Du Qiangwei to the front of the Xiongbing Company.

If it was before, seeing Morgana appear, I am afraid that everyone will be facing the enemy.But at this time, the people of the Xiongbing Company did not show any hostility at all, and there was still a little bit of a different kind of emotion cultivated on the battlefield.

"Mother, I've worked so hard to kill Kaisha, the big pond, and it's not that easy to revive Kaisha just because of these scumbags!"

After making some foul language first, Lian Bing turned to look at Du Qiangwei who was beside her.

Then he said loudly to all the demons on the battlefield: "Devils, you are about to see what kind of god your queen is!! Be proud and proud of your queen!"

Du Qiangwei's heart suddenly tightened, she grabbed Lian Bing, and asked with concern, "What do you want to do?"

"Rose, you have to go on your own." Liang Bing said tenderly: "Kaisha died, and Hexi also fell. Whether it is the former King of Apocalypse Liang Bing or the Demon Queen Morgana, I The era of scum should come to an end. The scum that should have been rotted in history for a long time must never be resurrected. I will use my life to send them to where they should go!"

The moment the words fell, Lian Bing broke free from Du Qiangwei, and the wings of time and space unfolded behind her, and her figure suddenly rose to the sky.

"Hua Ye, you Bichi! Get out of here, my mother, and welcome your doom!!"

In the dark and dense dark clouds, accompanied by the rolling thunder, an ethereal voice came over.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"Lian Bing, my little beauty, are you so eager to fall into my arms? But don't worry, wait for me to resurrect Kaisha first, you two sisters, only together can you make me feel To the greatest happiness. Hahaha..."

Just when Lian Bing was about to rush into the dark clouds to block it.

An illusory figure appeared beside her out of thin air.

"Lian Bing, you are a needless sacrifice."

The figure suddenly paused, and Lian Bing looked at the figure fiercely.

"Carl, you bitch, how dare you appear in front of my mother? If it wasn't for you, a fool, who was playing around, where would there be so many things now?"

"I admit that I underestimated Hua Ye. In the main material world, we have already lost the chance to make a comeback. Only by joining the embrace of the ultimate void like me, can we have a brand new future. So, Liang Bing, come with me!"

...... 0

"Go away!" Liang Bing glared at Carl's illusory figure and said, "My mother is the Apocalypse King Liang Bing, and the demon queen Morgana. Even if she dies, she will never escape!"

In tens of thousands of years, no one can compare to Carl in terms of understanding of Liang Bing.

He sighed and said, "Lian Bing, you still chose this wrong path after all."

"Right and wrong, it's my mother's choice. It has nothing to do with you, this Bichi. Go away for my mother."

On the ground, everyone in the Xiongbing Company looked at the sky worriedly.

"I said Lun'er. What is this Morgana trying to do?" Xin Zhao asked in confusion.

Ge Xiaolun shook his head.

"I do not know either."

"She wants to break down her genetic engine and use the power of that moment to destroy the king of scum, Hua Ye. As long as Hua Ye is dead, then we can reverse this desperate situation." Du Qiangwei said with a sad expression.

"Can it be done?" Zhi Xin asked in surprise.

Now, all civilizations in the entire super-god universe are completely withered under the ravages of Hua Ye.

Styx Galaxy, Angel Nebula, Lieyang Tiandao... All the famous gods and powerful civilizations were all conquered and destroyed by Hua Ye.

Only the last pure land of the Chiwu star system is left.

If not, the company of soldiers and angels would not choose to join forces with demons.

"I don't know." Du Qiangwei shook her head and said, "But I hope I can!" Jiu.

Chapter 312

"Hope? Who doesn't want this! I say big sister Rose. Can you come up with something reliable?"

Liu Chuang scratched his hair and said helplessly: "So what, after Morgana blew up her own genetic engine, if she didn't kill Hua Ye, a shrewd calf, what would you do?"

"No matter how bad the situation is, can it be compared to now?" Du Qiangwei said bitterly.

"That's true." Xin Zhao nodded and said in agreement, "Whether this Liang Bing's plan is successful or not, in short, we can't relax our vigilance. The big deal is to die with the earth. Anyway, we also became superheroes once. What's so scary. You say so, daughter-in-law?"

The heroic company and the angels gathered on the earth, the survivors of the Lieyang Tiandao galaxy, when they were having fun.

In the sky, Hua Ye didn't seem to really want to see Liang Bing die like this.

Just when she was about to break through the black cloud's blockade on Earth, Hua Ye's figure finally appeared.

The moment he saw Hua Ye's image, Lian Bing couldn't help showing a look of disgust.

"Hua Ye, what evil thing did you install on yourself, Bi Chi? Are you still you now?"

At this moment, Hua Ye in front of him, there was still a little bit of a stubborn look on his face, and he clearly turned into a little fresh meat like a creamy niche.

With that immature face, even Carl was much more mature than him.

That's why, when he saw Hua Ye, Lian Bing felt extraordinarily unaccustomed.

"Hahaha..." Hua Ye laughed, opened his hands indifferently, and said, "What do you think? Although my appearance has changed now, I don't think it's evil. After all, I'm not tens of thousands of years old. The former Lord of the Heavenly Palace. You have to learn to grow. And the price of growth is to kill the past self. From the corpse of the past self, a new self is born. The current me, you can still call me Hua Ye , of course, if you are not used to it, you can also call me Jehovah! All the same!!"

"Damn! How dare you, Bichi?!" While mobilizing all of his energy to carry out the plan to collapse the gene engine, Liang Bing said in a disdainful tone: "How come the myths about angels on the planet Earth come from? Yes, don't you know? That's just what Sumary blew. You really think you're omnipotent!"

"Okay!" Hua Ye shrugged and said, "Since you are not used to these two names, then call me Dr. Lu!"

Dr. Lu?

This name has never appeared before, which made Liang Bing's heart move, and inexplicably sprouted a guess that even he felt whimsical.

This guess immediately made Lian Bing horrified.He blurted out in shock and said, "You are not Hua Ye!!"

Hua Ye was taken aback for a moment, and a playful smile appeared on his cheeks.

"Can you see it? In your perception, maybe I am not Hua Ye. But I was indeed born from Hua Ye's body. Or, I was born from Hua Ye's consciousness. In short It doesn't matter, you only need to know that Hua Ye is me, but I am not the Hua Ye I used to be."

After a slight pause, Hua Ye looked at Lian Bing with interest and said, "Lian Bing, whether it's me now or Hua Ye in the past, I always miss you. Your intoxicating body fragrance. The lingering voice just makes me want to stop. Come on, don't play any resistance tricks with me. When I resurrect Keisha and put your sisters on the bed together, we'll have a good time together. How about it?"

"No matter who you are, you make me feel sick! Want to play with the old lady? In the next life!!"

Finally made all preparations, the genetic engine in Liang Bing shrank suddenly, and the next moment, it was a supernova that was countless times more terrifying and terrifying than when Kaisha was blown up. exploded in the body.

"Yoyoyo!! Look how powerful you are now. You want to explode the genetic engine, have you asked me?" Hua Ye smiled evilly and snapped his fingers.

Leng Bing, who was all ready to die, suddenly changed his face.

Because in her body, the gene engine that was exploding unexpectedly suddenly shrank back as if time had flown backwards.

Even more frightening, she found that she had lost her ability to manipulate the genetic engine.

Obviously, you can clearly feel the existence of the genetic engine in the body, but it can't mobilize the power of the genetic engine at all.

Lian Bing at this moment is simply inferior to a generation of angel warriors.

In addition to the fact that her body is still a fourth-generation divine body that is almost indestructible, and she can use the wings of time and space behind her to fly out, she even loses the ability to resist.

Hua Ye grinned, and his figure slowly flew towards Liang Bing...  

During the flight, Hua Ye opened his arms, as if he was about to take Liang Bing into his arms.

"Lang Bing, I've said it just now. You should just wait for me to start with your sister. Why are you so disobedient? Look, now, aren't you just waiting for me?"

"Queen!!" The wings behind him have long been torn off by violence, and even the wounds are no longer bleeding, leaving only the pale bones of Atuo, whose eyes are instantly congested.

As Morgana's loyal warrior, how could Atto watch his queen be humiliated in front of everyone's eyes?

Even if he lost his wings, Ato is still a god now, and the genetic engine in his body is not restricted.

He jumped up and rose into the sky.

He rushed straight towards Hua Ye's selflessness.

"Little gangsters must have the consciousness of little gangsters."

His eyes suddenly looked at Atto who was flying.

Hua Ye said contemptuously: "When did the conversation between the king and the king, it's your turn to intervene?"

At the moment when the voice fell, Atuo, who was flying up, exploded with a bang, and even the data on the dark plane was erased in an instant.


Cold Bing's eyes cracked.

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