It also constantly adjusts the parameters in its own core computing engine.Retrieve any abnormal reactions in the room.

You must know that even if the current core computing engine cannot be compared with the demon wings [-] years later, as the King of Apocalypse, Liang Bing's dark plane computer has reached the top level in the universe at this stage.

Hexi can use it as she wants, so she doesn't believe that she can't figure out the principle.

In terms of time and space genes, Liang Bing will never admit that he is worse than anyone else.

Even Carl, in terms of time and space genes, only helped Liang Bing.The leader is still Leng Bing.

"Cold ice!!"

Just when Lian Bing was at a loss, a familiar voice suddenly rang.

"what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, he came back to his senses, and Liang Bing glanced at Kaisha who woke up, and immediately looked happy, and said, "Sister, are you awake? Do you know that Hexi didn't know when he developed a kind of A very profound time-space transfer method. She was in front of me just now, and disappeared in a swish, I didn't even notice the reaction of the time-space wormhole! What the hell is going on?"

"What's going on?" Keisha squeezed her eyebrows and said, "I reminded you before, don't be too close with the people at the super seminary. You don't seem to listen to my advice at all!"

"Oh! I'll talk about this later." Lian Bing didn't have the heart to quarrel with Kaisha at this time, she said eagerly: "I just want to know how Hexi disappeared before."

"If you want to know, you can ask me directly, it's useless to pester Queen Keisha!"

Hexi's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Lian Bing was shocked and turned around abruptly.His eyes were full of horror as he looked at Hexi who appeared out of thin air, and said in horror: "Did you see it? Sister, Hexi is like this, he is so elusive. If you master this method, in the future, who else will be our angels in the whole universe? opponent?"

Even Keisha couldn't help being shocked by Hexi's methods at this time.

After all, although Liang Bing said a lot before, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, Kaisha didn't feel deeply.

But now, she really understood why Lian Bing's previous reaction was so frenetic.

As an older sister, how could Kaisha not know that her younger sister, Lian Bing, is obsessed with time and space genes?

In Keisha's view, it doesn't matter if you are obsessed with time and space genes, but you must not promote the ultimate fear...  

And Lian Bing, who has been bewitched by the Super Seminary, began to embark on a wrong path.

"Hexi." Sitting up slowly, Kaisha said with a slightly solemn expression: "I'm also curious now, what exactly is your technology that appears out of thin air? I'm afraid it's not a time-space wormhole technology, right?"

"Yes, this is indeed not space-time wormhole technology!"

Hexi directly confirmed Keisha's guess.

Then he said: "This is a method that we cannot achieve at this stage. Well, let's not talk about this for now. Queen Keisha, what happened when you were in a coma before?"

Compared with the technical breakthrough, Hexi obviously still cares more about Keisha's body.

Even Lian Bing, at this time, put down the exploration and research of time and space, and looked at Keisha with a bit of concern in his eyes.

"I don't know!" Keisha said with a bit of solemnity on her face: "I have no memory of what happened before. After I woke up, I checked my dark plane and found nothing. ...even if I didn't know I was in a coma, I would feel like I just slept."

"Where's your treasure house of sacred knowledge?" Liang Bing pondered for a moment, and said, "Have you found anything useful through the treasure house of sacred knowledge?"

"No! The treasure house of divine knowledge is business as usual!"

While answering Lian Bing, Kaisha was keenly aware of Hexi's relieved look.

"Hexi, do you know something?"

Lian Bing moved in his heart.Immediately react.

Indeed, Hexi had a confident look before.No one could do anything about Keisha's coma, but she had the chance to win.

And after Hexi disappeared for a while, Keisha did wake up.

At this time, if Hexi didn't know the reason, no one would believe it.

His eyes swept across the faces of Lian Bing and Kaisha, Hexi took a deep breath and said, "I have something I want to tell you, but I hope you don't get excited after hearing it."

After getting the affirmative reply from Liangbing and Keisha.

In front of Hexi, fluctuations of dark energy suddenly flickered.

A vast and boundless model of the universe gradually unfolded in front of the three of them. .

Chapter 328

"This is... a computer-simulated universe operation on the dark plane?" Keisha just glanced at it and understood the whole story.She asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by showing us this?"

Even the future Ge Xiaolun, after being taught by Zhi Xin for a period of time, can grope himself to create a small universe using Xiongxin.

Not to mention the three angel kings right now.

If nothing else, at this stage, even the Super Seminary, in front of the three angel kings, needs to face it with an equal attitude.

Even when Keisha disdained the idea of ​​the Super Seminary and wanted to drive the Super Seminary away from the Merlot Heavenly Court, the Super Seminary did not resist, but left Angel Nebula obediently.

At the current stage, the Super Seminary has already developed the three major God-creation projects.Otherwise, the future Ge Xiaolun will not have angel wings.

Even at the time point of [-] years ago, the three angel kings already possessed the ability to develop a small universe.

The big clock of the Super Seminary can simulate the operation of the entire universe.

Right now, what Hexi showed in front of Kaisha and Liang Bing was not worthy of surprise and admiration at all.

"Don't worry." He Xi smiled and dialed 19.

The time line in this universe model immediately began to regress rapidly.

Of course, it is not the real illusory universe that is going backwards.

He made a promise that he would not manipulate this universe casually, and Hexi would never violate it.

At this moment, the scene of time going backwards is more like a form of watching videos, and it will not have any impact on the supernatural universe after dimensionality reduction.

As the time line continued to regress, soon, it was followed by Hexi.

In the picture, the scene of Merlot's Heavenly Court began to appear.

"Let's see the future of our universe with me!" Hexi is indeed Pipixi.After a narrow smile, he began to slowly speed up the time progress.

Each of the three angel kings has its own dark plane computing engine, so even in a small universe, the speed of time has been accelerated by hundreds of times, thousands of times.Keisha, Lian Bing and others still saw it clearly.

Soon, the faces of the two became strange.

Because in the picture, he has already reached the stage where Lian Bing pierced Kaisha's lower abdomen with a sword from behind.

"Damn it!!" Lian Bing suddenly jolted and said angrily, "Hexi, what are you doing? These must have been made on purpose!"

He Xi laughed more and more mischievously, and said, "Don't worry, take your time! This is just the beginning, and there are still nearly [-] years!"

No matter how flustered his heart was, at this time, Lian Bing could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart, endured his temper, and continued to watch.

As time passed, and soon, the picture had progressed to the stage where the Super Seminary appeared on Earth.

Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Xin Zhao, Di Leina, Qi Lin and other members of the Xiongbing Company appeared one after another in the picture.

When the explosion of the Emerald Star Territory supernova completely transformed Keisha into countless sacred atoms, and was sent to all parts of the universe by the big clock.

Keisha glanced meaningfully at Lian Bing beside her, and said, "I didn't expect that my curtain would end like this."

Seeing Kaisha horrified, Lian Bing gave a dry laugh and said uneasily: "No? Kaisha, you don't really believe this, do you? This is what Hexi deliberately made to mess with me. You are my sister, what should I do? Might do this to you?"

"Why not?" Keisha said with a half-smile: "In these pictures, I have been chasing and killing you for more than [-] years. The hatred for [-] years!! Sisters between us. No matter how deep the love is, it will be completely turned into hatred because of the nearly [-] years of war. However, I am very satisfied with the ending you arranged for me!"

"I said it all! This is not true, this is Hexi..."

Although Liang Bing has now started the pursuit of the ultimate fear, she has no real idea of ​​self-reliance, and she has never thought of betraying the City of Angels.

What really made Liang Bing turn against Kaisha completely was Kaisha who cut off her hope of research and did not allow her to start promoting her ideas.

"Don't worry, keep watching!" Interrupting Liang Bing's thoughts of explaining, Kaisha's eyes returned to the screen.

As time went on, when Angel Yan ascended the throne and made a series of arrangements, Kaisha's brows began to wrinkle deeper and deeper.

"Is this the disciple I've chosen in the future? It doesn't take angels seriously at all? No matter how powerful the power of the galaxy is, it is still in the future. If you can't grow up, what future is there to talk about? I didn't expect it. I also lost my mind!" Keisha sighed faintly.

Father, like son.

From the perspective of [-] years ago, let Kaisha judge a series of decisions after Angel Yan became the king, her only judgment is unqualified.

Angel Yan's approach is purely to take the future of the angel family and bet on the future of Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy.

Not to mention, just to give Ge Xiaolun the No.[-] Sky Blade, the angel of death is enough to make Keisha feel distressed.

Finally, when the time came to an end.

Kaisha and Liang Bing looked at each other with different thoughts, and then they both looked at Hexi in unison.

"Hexi, what do you mean?" Liang Bing asked with an extremely ugly face: "Why do you believe so strongly that I will betray the city of angels in the future and go to establish a shitty demon civilization, am I sick? Do this?"

"Then ask yourself. Haven't you been pursuing the ultimate fear?" Hexi said indifferently.

"Tell me!" Keisha closed her eyes and pondered for a moment, then said, "I don't believe that you will be free to do the math and calculate the future in [-] years!"

"As expected of Queen Keisha, you are right. But the future after [-] years is not calculated by me using a space-based computing engine. It is the future that truly belongs to our cosmic parallel world."

"Wait!" Keisha's eyes narrowed, and she said with surprise: "Parallel universe?"

"That's right! A world exactly like ours. In that universe, all of this happened for real. Liang Bing's betrayal, your fall, and my death all really happened."

"Evidence!" Keisha still couldn't believe it after closing her eyes and pondering.

"Remember your previous coma?" He Xi explained: "I believe you should have noticed that the reason for your coma is very strange, and you can't detect anything unusual at all. The real reason for all this is because of our The universe is gradually colliding with another parallel universe. In that universe, the sacred atoms spread to you in the entire universe, and for some reason I don’t know, it caused you in our universe to faint.”

"If what you said is true. That is to say, the universe has really been reduced in dimension. From a real world, it has fallen to a virtual level?" Keisha could no longer maintain her calmness at this moment.

What a terrible truth this is! ! .

Chapter 329

Reduce a real and unreal material universe into an illusory existence.

Not to mention the current angel civilization, even with the concerted efforts of the Super Seminary, it cannot do such a thing.

This is simply beyond the limits of what science can interpret at this stage.

Completely stepped into an unscientific level.

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