"Da Shan, Junior Brother can be called Zhunti Buddha Mother!"

As soon as Daoist Receiver's voice fell, he and Daoist Zhunti looked at each other, and the two of them burst into laughter.

After laughing, the two Western Saints lined up left and right, bowing towards the sky.The sage looks like a mighty and wanton unfolding.

"Buddha! Awakening! I teach in the West, show mercy to all living beings, and today I will be renamed Buddha! May all beings be saved and free from suffering. Enjoy great freedom!! May the way of heaven be perfected! Starting today, I will be named Amitabha Buddha!"

"Zhun Ti vows to be the mother of Buddha!!"

The two saints swore an oath to Heaven at the same time.

In the Zixiao Palace, the figure of Daozu Hongjun suddenly flashed.With a bit of unpredictable mystery in his tone, he said: "Variable! Variable!!"

Although he sighed with emotion, Daozu Hongjun had no intention of attacking Luo Fu, the initiator.

After all, although the Western teaching reform claimed that Buddhism came a little earlier than the order of heaven, it did not really change the general trend.

Moreover, Hongjun Daozu seems to be planning something on Luo Fu.

Above the boundless sky, suddenly it seemed as if a pair of ruthless eyes were split open, staring at the entire prehistoric land.

Afterwards, a voice resounded in the hearts of all souls.


Accompanied by the sound of a quasi-word, the memory and consciousness of the monks under the Great Luo Jinxian in the vast land and the great Luo Jinxian seemed to be modified in an instant.

They can no longer recall the previous Western religion. In their memory, it seems that from the beginning to the end, there is no such name as the Western religion. From the very beginning, Buddhism appeared.

The two Western sages, the Daoist Receiver and the Daoist Zhunti, were completely replaced by the concepts of Amitabha and the mother of the Buddha.

Kunlun Mountain, inside Yuxu Palace.

"Humph!" Hearing the oath of the two Western saints, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was extremely dark and ugly, and said with a cold snort: "The two junior brothers are really impatient. Could it be that they want to plan the great prosperity of this Western religion now? ?wishful thinking!"

Chaos outside the territory, in the palace of Tusita.

The kind face of the Taiqing sage was full of laughter, like a child, innocent and flawless.It's as if he doesn't care about the plans of the two Western saints at all.

Jinao Island in the East China Sea.

"." Change a name, just want to prosper under the sect?" Tongtian sect master sneered, and then closed his eyes.

As for the last sage, Empress Nuwa, she didn't care about disputes between other sages at all.

Among the six saints, only Nuwa can be so high.

Who created the human race, the protagonist destined by heaven, that she single-handedly created it?

No matter how other saints compete for qi, in short, as long as the human race survives, then there will be Nuwa's qi luck.Not to mention, while Nuwa is the Virgin of the Human Race, she is also the Saint of the Monster Race.

Maybe it's inappropriate to say that, but to a certain extent, Nuwa is stepping on the human race with one foot and the demon race with one foot.Unless both clans die, no one can shake her merit and luck.

Con Dao.

Zheng (Wang Liaozhao) was analyzing the laws of heaven, the ancestor of Ming He, and when he heard the oath of the two Western saints, Rao had the cultivation base and state of mind of a quasi-sage, and he couldn't help shaking his hands.

The birth of Buddhism was definitely not good news for him.

Who made the asuras and killing sects under his sect, in the eyes of Buddhism, all of them are aliens that should be saved?

Even Luo Fu was a little caught off guard at this time.

After all, among the fixed number of heavens that have not been changed by his demons, the Western religion has not changed its name to Buddha until the end of the consecration.

For saints, the unexpectedly unexpected variables are a bit annoying in themselves.

This is especially true of Luo Fu, he is still a quasi-saint, not a saint.In addition to his own strength, the most important reason for being able to do well in the Conferred God Tribulation is that he knew a lot.

But the Second Sage of the West suddenly changed the Western religion, which is equivalent to cutting off the ability of Luofu to predict the future. .

Chapter 415

Not being able to use the ability of one's transmigrators to know the future is undoubtedly a considerable disadvantage for Luo Fu, a quasi-sage.

Next, if he wants to complete his plan and preserve the Dao Lineage of Intercepting Sect, I am afraid that he can only rely on his own strength.

I'm afraid it's impossible to imagine what it is now.

It is indeed a big event that Western religion suddenly became Buddhism.

But to the monks under the Great Luo Jinxian, they are completely unaware, who made them even have their memories changed?

When many quasi-sages, Daluo Jinxian heard that the two Western saints changed their sects' inheritance, they became more and more afraid to be affected by cause and effect.For fear of being involved in this increasingly terrifying doom.

At this time, almost all the cultivators could see that, next, in the battle of Shang and Zhou Dingding, a terrible war in the true sense of the abnormality was about to break out.

This is not a war between mortals in the ordinary sense, but a battle in which many big Luos, quasi-sages, and even saints end up in person.

In addition to the six saints, I am afraid that they are quasi-sages. If one is not easy to be involved in, I am afraid that there will be only one ending of death.

Let me ask, under such a premise, who would dare to take the lead?

When the Second Sage in the West felt that the Western religion, which had been renamed Buddhism, suddenly surged, and a mysterious qi was connected with somewhere in the East.

The two saints looked at each other and smiled in unison.

"Hahaha... Junior Brother, I teach the World Honored to appear soon. Why don't you and my brother greet you in person!" Daoist Receiver said with a hearty smile.

"Senior brother." The eyes of Daoist Receiver and Yin were a little weird, and he said, "I teach the future World Honored One, but it will be him? I am afraid that if you and my brother go there in person, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve!"

"It's okay! It's okay!" The Daoist, or should be called Amitabha now.He said nonchalantly: "I believe that Senior Brother Taiqing will also stand by you and me! Junior Brother doesn't need to say more, just come with me!"

The Western religion changed its name to Buddhism, and the Taiqing sage didn't care much, but when he felt that there was a majestic force in Buddhism, it was actually connected with Kunlun Island, and the Taiqing sage suddenly felt something.

On the cheeks that looked old, but showed an innocent smile, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

"Hey... It seems that this matter still needs me to do it myself!" Taiqing sage said, after packing up a magic weapon, he disappeared in the Tusita Palace in a flash.

Jinao Island.

The Tongtian Sect Master, who had just closed his eyes, suddenly widened his eyes and said angrily, "Accept! Zhunti, you two shameless people, you actually want to plot against my disciple!"

Accompanied by such as Lei Zha drink.

The figure of Tongtian Sect Master suddenly disappeared in Biyou Palace.

The four swords of execution, slaughter, trapping, and extermination, carrying the terrifying majestic murderous aura and sword energy, came straight towards Kunlun Island.

Although Luo Fu quietly returned to the great land.

However, under the premise that Western religion has become Buddhism ahead of time, it should have a huge cause and effect with Buddhism, and even turn Hu into Buddha to become the Buddha of Treasures. .On the contrary, it was Luo Fu who suddenly formed a connection with Buddhism that even a saint might not be able to sever.

In other words, the news that Luo Fu returned was exposed! !

Of course, these are no longer important now, and what is more important is that the two sages of the West came in person to invite Luo Fu to go to the West, abandon the Tao and become a Buddha, and become the future master of Buddhism.

Conlun Island.

Luo Fu also felt that he suddenly had a huge causal relationship with the Buddhism that had just changed its face.Even the number of qi in oneself is closely related to Buddhism.The degree of its harmony directly surpasses the relationship between Luofu himself and the teachings.

Nominally, Luo Fu is still the second-generation direct disciple of Intercept Cult.But under the karma of heaven, he should be the master of Buddhism.

"How could this be?" Luo Fu was shocked.There was a slight dignified look in his eyes.

Although Luo Fu had already noticed that this uncle had a plan in his own body when he was relieved from the Taiqing Sage, he even guessed that the Taiqing Sage's plan was most likely related to Western religion.

But it all came so suddenly!

It simply caught Luo Fu by surprise! !

With such a sudden change, many of Luo Fu's previous plans have to be rearranged.

"Acceptance, quasi mention! You two are arrogant!!"

Accompanied by a roar of shaking Jiuxiao.

A figure in a green shirt, with four divine swords behind him, piercing the void.Endless sword energy, splitting time and space, smashing everything.Out of thin air will come to the sky over Kunlun Island.

Looking at the two Western Saints standing in the clouds.

Before the Second Saint of the West came into contact with Luo Fu, the Tongtian Sect Master, who had arrived in advance, said angrily, "You two are so shameless. You want to take away my disciple by using such sleazy means. It's totally unreasonable!! Today , I must compete with you two shameless people, lest you think that the sword in my brother's hand is not good!"

"Amitabha, how good! How good!" The Daoist Zhunti smiled mercifully, put his hands together, and stepped forward and said, "Brother Tongtian, you should enter my empty door, and be my Buddhist World Honored One! , how can we go against the sky. Let me wait to meet the World Honored One, and enter my Buddhism!"


There is nothing wrong with what the Daoist said.

The matter of Luofu becoming the World Honored Buddha has completely become the destiny of heaven.

This was arranged step by step by the sage of Taiqing and the two western sages.

If there was no Luofu, the person who would have become the Buddha's World Honored One would naturally be a Taoist of the Many Treasures.But now, everything has changed.

When the two Western sages changed the Western religion to Buddhism, Luo Fu became the World Honored One of Buddhism, and it became the fixed number of the heaven and the fixed number that cannot be changed.

Even Daozu Hongjun said that the small situation can be changed, but the general situation cannot be changed.

And Luo Fu becomes the World Honored Buddha, that is the general trend!

"You are delusional!!" Tongtian Sect Master's eyes were all red.

He really did not expect that the calculations of the Western Second Sage would be so unexpected.It is completely forcibly binding the opportunity for the future prosperity of the Western religion to be tied to Luo Fu's body.

"Junior brother! Why are you obsessed?" A leisurely advice came down from the sky.

Wearing a black and white robe and holding a flat crutch, the Taiqing sage stepped out of the space and appeared in front of the three sages.

"I've seen Senior Brother Taiqing!" The Western Second Saint bowed and saluted the Taiqing Saint with a smile on his face.

"Are you even plotting against me?" Tongtian Sect Master was completely cold.

Yuanshi Tianzun teamed up with the Western Second Sage to plot against his sect and his disciples, and now even the Taiqing Sage, who is known as Qingjing Wuwei, has been plotted against Luo Fu.

For a time, Tongtian Sect Master actually felt a little bit of betrayal and separation. .

Chapter 416

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