Not long after Nezha left, when he returned again.A woman dressed in luxurious clothes, dressed in gold and silver, with a great demeanor, followed Nezha step by step and appeared in Luo Fu's line of sight.

"Su Daji, I have seen the real Luo Fu!!"

The silver bell rang crisply, and the sound of jade beads falling on a plate contained a charm that made the bones soft and soft.

Just by opening his mouth, the nine-tailed fox does not know how much attention it can attract.

A flash of divine light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Luo Fu said in a cold voice: "Presumptuous! Nine-tailed fox, don't you think that this mere charm method can show off in front of me?"

"Su Daji doesn't dare!" Jiu Tai Hu was shocked and quickly admitted his mistake.

Although the Yin and Shang are now getting thinner and thinner.

But the nine-tailed fox is Di Xin's most beloved concubine, and has someone to protect her from luck.

Therefore, during this period of time, even Daluo Jinxian did not dare to take the risk of offending the human race against her.

The long-term complacency even made the Nine-Tailed Fox almost forget how humble he was when he saw Luo Fu when he took over Su Daji.

To put it simply, the nine-tailed fox in front of him could no longer recognize himself and was completely blown away.

Looking at the nine-tailed fox indifferently, Luo Fu said in a cold voice, "Now that Yin Shang is about to destroy the country. You are not accompanying Di Xin with Chao Ge, why did you come to visit me?"

"The real person!" The nine-tailed fox said with a low brow and a pleasing look, with a strong grievance in his tone: "The little demon is now desperate. Please accept the real person!"

As he spoke, the nine-tailed fox knelt before Luo Fu with a plop.

Between the lightning and flint in his mind, Luo Fu already understood.Why did the nine-tailed fox find him?

Because of Luo Fu's intervention, Fengshen had already ended before the Shang and Zhou wars ended.Daozu Hongjun ended the sage's rule of the world.

This nine-tailed fox, impersonating Su Daji, obeyed Nuwa's orders.Now that Nuwa has sealed the Wa Palace, the little monster from the first Xuanyuan Tomb in the Jiuweihu District has no qualifications to ask Nuwa to see her.

If it is said, the nine-tailed fox used to have a backstage.So now she is completely helpless.

Xiqi determined the world, let alone a cultivator, even a person who knew a little about the general trend of the world could see it.

Being in the Chaoge Palace, the nine-tailed fox knew even more exactly how far the current Yin Shang had fallen.

When Xiqi broke the Chaoge and completely destroyed the Yin-Shang Zong Temple, the human race might leave Emperor Xin's life to save the Yin-Shang Zong-si, but she, Pipa Jing and Pheasant Jing, the three monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb, were sure to die.

With the current cultivation, how could the three demons be willing to die like this.

Unfortunately, under the premise that Nu Wa sealed the Wa Palace, and there was no way to plead.The three demons can only pin their hopes on Luofu.

Although the three demons are not clear, Luo Fu has become a real person who taught the teaching, but Luo Fu rushed to the battle between Xiqi and Yin Shang, killed so many disciples of the teaching, and almost broke the teaching of the teaching, but the three monsters There is no reason not to know.

Even though he knew that there was no causal friendship between himself and Luo Fu, under the threat of life and death, the nine-tailed fox still had the cheek to beg in front of Luo Fu.

"Hehe...' ‖..." Luo Fu smiled coldly and said, "You took my name as a disciple and slandered her reputation, but now you dare to find me in front of me! Do you think that I, Luo Fu, are easy to deceive?"

"The little demon doesn't dare!" The nine-tailed fox said in a trembling voice, "Real Luo Fu. The little demon follows the sky and ruins Yin Shang's arrogance. It was actually ordered by Empress Nuwa. Now the little demon should have succeeded and retire, pitiful The little demon is a humble person, but he doesn't even have the qualifications to ask to see the goddess Nuwa. The little demon knows that since he entered the court song in the name of Su Daji, he is quite jealous of the human race. However, even if the little demon has no credit , there is also hard work!"

Luo Fu said unmoved: "What does this have to do with me? I sent you to wait for the three monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb to step into Chaoge, and it was not me who was angry with Yin and Shang. Even if you complained, you would not be able to tell me. ."

After a slight pause, Luo Fu said coldly and sternly: "As far as I am concerned, you have no merit at all. But what you have done is bad for my disciple's reputation. Today, I will understand the cause and effect with you! Since then, Between you and your disciple Su Daji, the cause and effect are clear, and they are irrelevant!"

The moment the voice fell, Luo Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed the nine-tailed fox.

In the shrill screams of the nine-tailed fox, Luo Fusheng's energy was instantly drawn out by Luo Fusheng.

"This is my merit! This is my merit!" The nine-tailed fox roared like crazy.

The reason why she had the courage to find Luo Fu was because of her own merit.

Although the nine-tailed fox in the name of Su Daji has done a series of things that can be called the anger of people and gods.But it is undeniable that her actions have indeed promoted the development of Fengshen in a certain sense.Nature also has merit.

But the nine-tailed fox is Xuanyuan Tomb's Ye Luzi cultivator, she completely ignored that her own merits and virtues were simply done in the name of Su Daji.

This merit, Su Daji can naturally share.

What Luo Fu has drawn now is the merit that belongs to Su Daji.

As for karma, what's the matter with Su Daji?It was completely the fault of the nine-tailed fox.

When the merit was taken away, a heart-pounding red light instantly appeared on the nine-tailed fox's body.

Nezha's eyes flashed, and his pupils showed obvious surprise.

As the body of a red lotus of karma, he could see at a glance that the flashing red light on the nine-tailed fox was clearly the karma that immortal cultivators feared the most.

The karma condensed into red, and even spontaneously ignited the fire of karma. What a terrible injustice this has caused.

After taking away the merits, Luo Fu directly ignored the meaning of the nine-tailed fox.He instructed Nezha: "." Nezha. Drive this fox demon out of Jin'ao Island for my interception!"

"(Wang Haozhao) Disciple obeys!" Nezha bowed and bowed, Huntian Ling suddenly flew out, and tied the nine-tailed fox firmly.He dragged it down forcefully.

I watched the nine-tailed fox struggle, but was dragged away by Nezha.

Luo Fu glanced at the merit that belonged to Su Daji in his hand with satisfaction.Immediately cut through the space and lost the merit.

As far away as Hezhou, Xiniu, the Buddhist country of Lingshan.The Tathagata World Honored One who is lecturing sutras to his disciples.The tone suddenly stopped, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"World Honored?"

Inside the Daleiyin Temple, just like the Arhats, Jialan, Venerables... many monks who were fascinated and immersed in the wonderful realm of Buddhism, all of them suddenly showed a look of reluctance to blow.

The Tathagata shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, just a fellow Taoist who brought me a little merit to Buddhism."

As he spoke, the Tathagata grabbed at the world behind him that was blooming with immeasurable Buddha light. .

Chapter 425

As a good corpse of Luofu, when he took over the position of the World Honored One, the second sage of the West and the future master of Buddhism, the Tathagata had already shared a lot of good things from Luofu's hands.

Twenty-four Dinghaizhu, in Luofu's hands, have not been able to evolve the twenty-four heavens, but when they fell into the hands of the Tathagata, they opened up the twenty-four heavens in an instant.

Even the world that Luo Fu opened up when he smelted the Deviance Sword has become a world of bliss that blooms with boundless Buddha light after the Tathagata Dharmakaya.

At this moment, the Tathagata seemed to grasp it with ease, but from this blissful world, he pulled out another girl in a holy white robe, with jet-black hair, dark clouds in ink, her skin better than snow, with a thousand demeanor and nine snow-white fox tails behind her back. Come.

The many Buddhist monks sitting in the main hall of Daleiyin Temple couldn't help but stand there when they saw this girl.

Su Daji! ! !

As Di Xin's most favored concubine, she even scourged the entire Yin and Shang dynasties, a woman on the verge of extinction.Even many monks who are not involved in the world know her name and appearance.

Who made the current dynasties on earth represent the protagonists of the world and the orthodox status of the human race?

To a certain extent, Di Xin's emperor character is equivalent to God and Buddha!

Even a saint would not dare to kill a human emperor casually.Who made the emperor of the world condense the arrogance of the human race?

Killing the emperor of the world is equivalent to using one's own power to fight the protagonist of the world.

As the most favored concubine of King Zhou, Su Daji naturally attracted wide attention.

But now, the Tathagata suddenly grabbed a Su Daji, which made the Buddhist monk a little confused.

What's the situation?

Could it be that Su Daji was sent by my Buddhist school to Di Xin to deliberately harm the human race?

In a glance, the Tathagata has already cleared the doubts of many Buddhist monks.

Take over the merits sent by Luo Fu.As the Tathagata threw her to Su Daji, he said: "This woman is Su Daji. She was implicated by the destiny and died innocently. The nine-tailed fox pretended to be her name, ruined her reputation, and even killed her life. I couldn't bear it in my heart, so I secretly accepted her as a disciple. Today, Yin and Shang will die, and this woman should take back her name and surname. She officially converts to my Buddhism and is one of the Bodhisattvas that I attend to!"

With the influx of merit and virtue, Su Daji, a former human girl, is now a congenital soul of the Tathagata Realm of Elysium, and her cultivation level immediately skyrocketed.

The mana fluctuated, breaking through several calms in an instant.Become a Taiyi Jinxian in one leap.It is only one step away from the Daluo Jinxian.

But this one step away, for Su Daji, it is like a moat.

After all, Su Daji's strength basically did not rely on her to cultivate at all. From the very beginning, she entered the newly opened up world of bliss because of her soul, and became a congenital soul of blissful world.Now, because of taking back his former name and surname, he has stolen the merits of the nine-tailed fox for nothing.

Although it has the mana and realm of Taiyi Jinxian, it cannot exert the strength of Taiyi Jinxian.

Unless one day, she can re-consolidate her foundation, otherwise, Taiyi Jinxian is the end of her cultivation journey.

Eyelashes trembled slightly, Su Daji slowly opened her eyes, and looked around with confusion in her eyes.When the sight falls on the Tathagata.

There is a blessing in the heart, and Su Daji suddenly seems to have received an apocalypse.Understand who you are and where you are now.

Wearing a white monk robe, instantly replaced the long skirt.Su Daji bowed and bowed to the Tathagata.

"Disciple Su Daji, see my teacher! World Honored Master Nanwu Rulai!"

Nodding lightly, the Tathagata casually said, "You return to your place now, and you should be the Venerable under my sect. Today, you are enshrined as King Baoyueguang Bodhisattva! Servant for my left, Venerable!"

Accompanied by the seal of the Buddha's mouth and Dharma sound.

Between Su Daji's brows, a relic suddenly lit up.

The light of the relic is neither increased nor decreased, neither dirty nor pure.Purdue the common people, and sympathize with all kinds of people.

For a time, many Buddhist disciples put their hands together and bowed their heads slightly.They praised in unison: "Nanwubao Moonlight King Bodhisattva!"

"Nanwu Rulai World Honored!" Officially joined the Buddhist school and became one of the Buddha's deputies.Su Daji almost didn't cry for a while.

How helpless she was at the beginning, how fortunate she is now.If it weren't for the blessing of the soul at that time, I prayed for the grace of Luo Fu's life.There is now the honor of the Buddha Moonlight King Bodhisattva.

A lotus pedestal was formed out of thin air under Su Daji's feet, lifted it up, and slowly came to the left side of the Tathagata.

This can be regarded as a complete set of Su Daji's identity and status in Buddhism.

Of course, as soon as Su Daji entered Buddhism, she became a Bodhisattva. It was entirely because she was a famous disciple of Luofu, and she was collected by the Good Corpse Tathagata as a personal inheritance.

Completely related.

Even if the Tathagata is in charge of Buddhism now, he can't really just be vague about the past.

After making a decision on Su Daji Baoyueguangwang Bodhisattva, the Tathagata said: "Jaoyueguangwang Bodhisattva listens to the decree!"

"The disciple is here!" Su Daji bowed and bowed.

"The killing calamity is over, and my Buddhism should have the energy to rise for a kalpa. You should hold my decree, go to explain the teachings, and welcome the return of my three Buddhist Bodhisattvas and an ancient Buddha!"

The Tathagata's order made Su Daji a little stunned.

What do you mean?

How can Buddhist bodhisattvas and ancient Buddhas have anything to do with the teachings?And three bodhisattvas all at once?

Not to mention Su Daji, even many Buddhist disciples were surprised at this moment.

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