For the chat group and this world, the battle between good and evil is like a natural disaster, but for the group owner, it is just a fine-tuning, or a game.

Who can guarantee that Tathagata Buddha's backhand suppression of the Son of Blood is not a tacit cooperation with the ancestor Ming He?

After all, Ah Cha would never forget that before Wei Wei joined the chat group, this world was just a world of martial arts.

What's even more tragic is that this world of martial arts is still a nursery targeted by a strong man.All the warriors are the powerful chess pieces, and even this world will inevitably be swallowed by the strong man in the future.

The former War God Temple was indeed destroyed by life.But now, what is the difference between this solitary peak that suppressed the Son of Blood and the Temple of War?

Perhaps, the only difference is that the Lord of the Group, and the three great masters of Ming He, the Tathagata Buddha, will not be so short-sighted.Directly knock out one side of the world and suck the marrow out.

Instead, it will develop a complementary relationship with the world.

Take it in advance, give it first.

Previously, the Son of Blood had spread those strange bloodlines, all kinds of strange magic-modified exercises.It is a gift to the world in itself.

Otherwise, the world would not have the task of upgrading after being transformed by the Blood God Son.

The way the Tathagata is now, on the surface, is indeed magnificent, but in essence, it is no different from the way of the Blood God Son. They all use their own power to invade other worlds.Finally replaced it.

Of course, for this, Ah Cha is happy to see it happen.

As the King of Hades, with so many points on the throne of the Lord of the Underworld, Ah Cha is of course very clear that the only way for those weak forces to survive and survive is to rely on the stronger ones.

Neutral grass on the wall will never end well.

In the business battles in the world's shopping malls, the battle between the boss and the second, can even kill the third.Not to mention the increasingly cruel world and the world.

From the moment of joining the chat group, the group members and the world behind them have been deeply branded as the chat group.

As someone who has experienced betrayal, he has witnessed the existence of the entire long history of mankind.Perhaps in terms of strength, due to the background of the world, Ah Cha is far from being able to compete with the quasi-sage great powers such as Luofu, the ancestors of Minghe, and the Tathagata Buddha.

However, in some thoughts and calculations, Ah Cha is ignorant of the fire.

During so many missions in the chat group, Ah Cha clearly felt that, to a certain extent, the chat group was not fundamentally different from the system host in the mission target and the main god behind the reincarnator.

The difference is that the performance of the system host and the main god is not concealed at all.On the contrary, the eating in the chat group is more gentle and refined.

In the world, the existence that occupies the destiny is pulled into the group.integrated into a large group.

On the surface, it is a performance of reporting to the group to keep warm, but in essence, this is basically extracting the world and supporting the owner of the chat group!

Fortunately, the current chat group owner is Luo Fu.

This is a quasi-sacred power with its own bottom line.Even the corpse Styx Ancestor is just a little more wicked.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the disaster of the chat group will be even more chilling than their repeated mission goals.

With the increasing number of chat group members, to a certain extent, the chat group has become a pan-dimensional alliance headed by the group owner Luo Fu.

Of course, to put it uglier, this is basically the prototype of a circle of co-prosperity among the heavens and the world.

Just when Pluto Acha was thinking about it.

A line of sight suddenly fell on her.

In a trance, Ah Cha subconsciously looked back.

What caught my eye was a pair of eyes shining with infinite compassion and Buddha light.

In these eyes, Ah Cha realized for a moment, the other party has penetrated his current mind.

Immediately stunned in his heart, Ah Cha hurriedly avoided the sight of the other party.

There is no doubt that the only person who can give Ah Cha this kind of feeling is the good corpse of Luofu, the Tathagata Buddha! !

In fact, in the chat group, except for members who are still young, or who say they are members of the daily world, some powerful beings, such as Pipixi, Thanos and others, can penetrate the essence and perceive the meaning of the chat group.

However, no one would be foolish enough to debunk all this.

Compared with the system host or the main god reincarnation and transmigrator, in the chat group, they can protect the interests of their own world and their own interests to the greatest extent?

This is a true win-win! !

Uncover the phenomenon to see the essence, everything is just as it is.

Ah Cha's idea is not an exception at all.

In the chaos outside the realm, Luo Fu, who refines the [-]th-grade black lotus, the ancestor of Ming He, who is Luo Fu's Dharma protector, and the Tathagata Buddha who is in the double (Wang Li's) dragon world of the Tang Dynasty at this moment, are very clear about this.

Even what the Tathagata is doing now is not far from Ah Cha's guess.

Let me ask, with the power spread by the Blood God Son, after completing the upgrade of the world, what is the difference between the world of Datang Shuanglong and the world under his command, except that it was not created by Luo Fu or the Second Corpse of Good and Evil?

After the Tathagata personally took action and dealt with the influence of the Blood God Son's reckless actions, he benefited.

The Tathagata's sight fell on the many warriors who had completely lost their human identities and turned into different bloodlines.

Feeling the gaze of the Buddha, these warriors who had been smashed by the blood god son, squatted on the ground one by one, and kowtowed again and again.

This scene looks like a miracle.

Countless auspicious beasts, beasts, and demons that exist only in mythology, swishing their heads in unison to the golden body of the Tathagata Buddha. .

Chapter 445

These warriors who fell into the deep pit of the Blood God Son Shenzong Demon Gate and could no longer climb out.

The reason why he looks weak now is entirely because the background of this world is too poor.

It can't bear the existence of the level of gods and demons at all.Even if this god and demon are placed in the prehistoric world, they are just small shrimps.But who made the world of Datang Shuanglong, only the world of martial arts before?And it's a martial arts world that has been plagued for a long time.

After experiencing the power of the moment when the bloodline was just transformed, these warriors who have completely lost their human identity, the only feeling is weakness.What is even more frightening is that this weakness continues without end.

After the Tathagata suppressed the Blood God Son with his backhand, he already knew deeply about the warriors who fell into the deep pit.With an inhuman attitude, he began to kowtow to the Tathagata in prayer.

"What you want. This seat knows everything!" The Tathagata said slowly, "This world is only limited to the upper limit, but a warrior of the broken void. However, your bloodline is full of gods and demons. The mud and shallow waters, how can you raise a true dragon? However, under the way of heaven, there must be a glimmer of life! This world is about to be upgraded, and this is what this seat is here for!"

"Whoa, whoa...!"



All kinds of strange cries rang out.

It is because of the bloodline that after incarnating into the bloodline of non-human gods and demons, these warriors can't even speak human language.No matter how bitterly weeping in my heart now, it is just a group of strange creatures, making bursts of incomprehensible cries.

Of course, incomprehension is only relative to members of this side of the world.

For the Tathagata, there is definitely no such problem.

If nothing else, just being one of the six well-known Buddhist psychic powers is enough to solve the gap between language communication.

"You don't need to panic, this matter will be resolved by the deity and the group!"

After the Tathagata comforted him for a while, he said loudly, "Fahai! Shaka!"

When Fahai and Shajia looked at themselves respectfully, the Tathagata instructed: "You two, take care of these warriors who have been poisoned by the Blood God Son. I feel that this world is in contact with chaos outside the territory, and I should go there in person. "

"Get the decree!" Shajia and Fahai bowed to receive the decree.

"Gui, Su Da, Esdes, Ah Cha, Tacheng Black Song!" The Tathagata said decisively: "You wait for the six people to take care of the world, and you must not cause disasters to occur in this world when you are promoted! "

After some orders and arrangements, wait until the group members start to act on their own.

The Tathagata said to the concubine Xuan: "Concubine Xuan, you are the one who preaches the Dharma in this seat and this world, and you should take on this great responsibility! And let my Buddhist disciples protect all sentient beings on their own side. Waiting for the world to upgrade!"

"The disciple leads the order!!"

Wait until everyone follows their instructions and starts to act.The body of the Tathagata suddenly burst out with a burst of golden Buddha light, and the light flashed away.The Tathagata also disappeared.

Datang world, in the chaos outside the territory.

When he appeared in the chaos outside the realm in person, the Tathagata discovered that the so-called Great Tang world, in the chaos outside the realm, was not compared with the worlds comparable to the giants such as the Honghuang.Not even a speck of dust can compare.

Even, if it is not possible to use the power of the chat group to clearly anchor the world of Shuanglong, and appear in the chaos outside the realm, I am afraid that the Tathagata will lose his position in the world of the Tang Dynasty in an instant.

Really, the world of Datang Shuanglong is too bad!

To say that it is dust is equivalent to a compliment.

After all, in the eyes of the Tathagata, a bowl of water can see [-] insects.But in the chaos outside the realm, he could hardly find the location of the Datang World. This shows how humble the Datang World is.

The immeasurable Buddha light burst forth from the Tathagata, instantly displacing everything around him.In the boundless nothingness, a grand space slowly opened.

One after another, the runes containing the infinite laws, condensed into the void, like spiritual things, swirled out, and in an instant, the world of Tang Shuanglong was guarded layer by layer.

Just when the Tathagata finished protecting the world of Tang Dynasty and upgraded it, preventing it from being violated by the outside world at a critical moment.

A low groan that penetrated the boundless void suddenly rang in the Tathagata's ear.

Even the many seals that the Tathagata had blessed in the periphery of the Tang Dynasty trembled slightly in this sudden low voice.

His eyes narrowed, and the Tathagata instantly looked in the direction from which the voice came.

Looking at the sound, I saw a six-headed and twelve-tailed body with scales all over its body. Between the scales opening and closing, there was something like claws and tentacles, a monster that was constantly expanding and contracting, as if it had received the World of Tang Dynasty. The attraction of the upgrade is generally, and they come together.

In addition to seeing the former demon ancestor Rahu in the chaos outside the realm before, this is the first time the Tathagata has seen a living creature.

The demon ancestor Luohu was beaten by Daozu Hongjun and did not dare to stay in the wild, so he had no choice but to escape into the chaos outside the territory.

But the creatures in front of him are different. In the eyes of the Tathagata, this monster is simply like... like a kind of wreckage condensation.The so-called appearance is simply the reaction that the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

As the Buddhist scriptures say, those who have a Buddha in their heart see all beings as Buddhas, and those who have a demon in their hearts see all beings as demons.

The monster in front of him, the reason why it will show such a form, is purely Tathagata ignorance.

I don't know the illusory mind of the conscious mind, and clinging to the truth does not destroy the ego, so I make the Alaya consciousness to set up the branches, rely on the clinging to the ego of Mana and cling to the name and form, and then go to the cycle of birth and death, which is ignorance!

Empty reality has no flowers, the sick person is arrogant, because of the arrogance, it not only confuses the self-nature of this emptiness, but also deceives the place where the actual flowers are born. From this, there is a false existence, and birth and death are cycled, so it is called ignorance!

As the Tathagata sees it, it is not appropriate to call it a monster. Rather, it should be the Tathagata's own ignorance.

Of course, the image of this monster only existed for a moment and then dissipated.

The Tathagata is a quasi-sage, and he is a Buddhist under the two saints in the West. Before, it was just a thought in his heart.

When you think about troubles.Hence there is ignorance.Born this image.

At the moment when the Tathagata understands his mind and sees his nature and does not hold onto his ego, the image of this monster has completely changed.

However, the appearance of the monster after the change made the Tathagata a little surprised.

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