"The world has been upgraded, and the Temple of War has disappeared? What the hell is going on? Could it be that someone has destroyed my plan and layout? No! Impossible, just relying on the superficial background of this world, even if the strength reaches what the world can carry It is absolutely impossible to destroy everything I have arranged! Could it be... that there are other powerhouses who are also eyeing this world?"

Just in the mind of God of War, all kinds of thoughts flashed constantly.

A golden Buddha light suddenly flew from afar.

Between the flickering of the Buddha's light, there was not even a moment of time. Fa Hai, who was holding a whisk in one hand and a bead on his neck with his fingers in the other, had already appeared in front of the God of War.

"The younger generation, how dare you be so bold? If you don't hold your hand, you will be captured!"

The moment he saw Fahai, the God of War's eyes narrowed, as if there were endless heavens evolving in his eyes.Staring at Fa Hai, he said, "You are the guy who took away my War God Temple and interrupted my layout and planning here?"

"The answer is not what you asked, I think you don't take me seriously at all! Dawei Tianlong!!"

The hand that hooked the bead was suddenly released, and one hand quickly formed one Buddhist handprint after another.

A terrifying Buddhist mana surged rapidly on Fahai.

The amazing movement made the God of War startled immediately.

But soon, the God of War seemed to have discovered something, and showed a contemptuous smile.

"A mere little novice who doesn't even have an Arahant cultivation base, with a small skill in carving insects, how dare he make an axe?"

The God of War stood proudly, and there was a sudden wave of evil under his feet.

With the emergence of this wave, the God of War seemed to have turned into a black hole, and began to devour everything around him recklessly.

Even the Buddha's light shot from Fahai's body was swallowed by the God of War.Not the slightest bit soft.

The Datang World, which is being upgraded, is more like a flood that has opened its gates. Energy, matter, and the laws of heaven... are wantonly swallowed up by the black hole of the God of War.


The lines he wanted to say were snatched by the guy in front of him in advance, which was enough to make Fa Hai unhappy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

Now the other party is even more daring, and even wants to swallow the whole world in one bite.

How could Fahai allow such a thing to happen?

The whisk in his hand suddenly flicked.

I don't know what material it was, but the white dust whisk with auspicious Buddha light shone in an instant.

Like a terrifying spider spirit, spinning silk constantly, the boundless white silk threads are constantly entangled towards the God of War.

"Dawei Tianlong! World Honored Ksitigarbha! Vajra flame, thunder and lightning! Kill!"

Accompanied by Fahai's murderous words.

On top of the soaring white whisk, bursts of scarlet flames suddenly burst into flames.

Karma! !

Although the Karma Red Lotus is the half-life treasure of the ancestor Ming He, in terms of the supernatural powers and spells of the ancestor Ming He, the inheritance of the ancestor Ming He, but it is not as proficient in Buddhism.


At least, the red lotus karmic fire that Fahai displayed now did indeed bring a lot of trouble to the god of war.

Being burned by the raging fire of karma, this kind of pain, unless you experience it yourself, I am afraid that no one can imagine how terrible it is.

When the flames ignited on the white whisk, God of War had a premonition in his heart that something was wrong.

But Rao is so, after all, he underestimated the horror of Karma.In particular, this karmic fire was displayed by the violent monk Fahai himself.

The endless white dust whisk, each thread, is like a red-hot blade, constantly destroying all the infuriating energy of the God of War!

The True Qi of the God of War, under the white silk of the whisk, was like a hot knife cutting butter, and in an instant, it was corroded by the whisk.

Just when Fahai's whisk was about to cut the God of War into eight pieces, slashing thousands of pieces.

This God of War, who threw out a Temple of War and almost dragged the entire Tang Dynasty into the abyss, was not a vegetarian after all.

A power mixed with mind and space, silently mixed into the infuriating energy, layer by layer, layer by layer, and even stalemate with Fa Hai's whisk.

Looking at Fa Hai with a gloomy face, a cautious look flashed in the eyes of the God of War. After completely resisting the threat of Fuchen, the surging evil fluctuations around his body suddenly and silently eroded towards Fa Hai.Nine.

Chapter 457

This guy who threw the Temple of War into the world of the Tang Dynasty, although he was known as the God of War.

But the essence of his power is not a battle in the true sense, but a power that is more inclined to the spiritual and spatial level.

After this kind of mind superimposes the space, the fluctuations formed seem to be the essence of his power.

At this moment, on the surface, it seems that the God of War is firmly trapped by the layers of whiskers from Fahai, unable to move at all, and it seems that he has completely fallen into the disadvantage.

But Fahai did not find that the invisible, soundless and colorless fluctuations of the God of War were attacking him, and penetrated deeply into Fahai's heart.

Fahai is indeed a rare genius among Buddhism.A mere twenty years of cultivation is enough to attain bliss and attain the status of an arahant.

But Fahai is also not without shortcomings. There are huge loopholes in his heart.And this is precisely the strength of the God of War.

Just when Fahai was about to continue urging the power of whisk to completely separate the god of war, and the fire of red karma burned to ashes.

Fa Hai's expression suddenly froze, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul and was sluggish there.

When the god of war saw this, he immediately laughed arrogantly.

"The mere thief is bald, although the Buddhist cultivation base is high, but after all, the Zen mind is not firm enough!"


With the movement of God of War spreading his arms, he had also wrapped it tightly before, like a cocoon-like whisk, which exploded at once.

The fire of karma goes out, and the light of Buddha dissipates.

In an instant, the offensive and defensive situation between Fahai and the God of War was completely reversed.

Twisting his neck, the God of War showed a ferocious and cruel smile on his face.Step by step towards Fahai.

"Little monk, if you were not my enemy, in the future of Buddhism, you might not be able to attain a Buddha status. Now... who!"

The villain's iconic death is too much.

Although the God of War is not dead now, he is also caught in such a brain-dead behavior.

Obviously, Fahai was trapped in the depths of his consciousness by his strange mind and space fluctuations.

No matter what the God of War says, it is meaningless to Fahai.Because Fa Hai, who was immersed in his inner world and was fighting against his inner demons, could not hear him at all.

But God of War just wanted to show off like he was courting death, instead of killing Fa Hai directly.His delay for a moment was to let Sagar, who followed closely behind, intervene.

"Amitabha!!" In a golden armor, the Buddha's light illuminating Daqian set off Shaka like a living Buddha.

As a former Saint Seiya, Shaka is obviously not a talkative person.

At the moment of appearance, Shaka immediately started.It didn't even mean to communicate with the God of War at all.

It is not without reason that Shaka is so decisive,

In the world of the soul ferryman, Shaka almost capsized in the gutter. In the end, it was Luo Fu who arrived, and Shaka escaped.

After such a crisis where life was almost at risk.Shaka has deeply realized how dangerous the heavens and the world are.

It is precisely because of this that at the moment of rushing over, he saw that Fa Hai was trapped by the God of War by an unknown method.Shaka immediately started.

"The Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel!!"

The golden little universe exploded in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the God of War was swallowed.

The Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel can be called the strongest mystery of the Virgo Golden Saint Seiya.Even now that Shaka has become the Buddha of the Saint Seiya world, this battle formation is still not outdated in the hands of Shaka. Instead, it has become more and more terrifying because of his own diligence in the practice of Buddhism.

The moment that was encompassed by the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel.The God of War fell into a state of loss of all six senses in an instant.

Eyes do not see color, ears do not hear sounds, nose does not smell fragrances, tongue does not taste flavors, and body does not feel; feelings, thoughts, actions, consciousness, and the five aggregates are all empty! !

This kind of emptiness is not the emptiness in the Buddhist Dharma that one comprehends after taking the initiative to comprehend it, but the emptiness that is passively stripped of all feelings!

It is like falling into the boundless darkness, seeing emptiness, smelling emptiness, smelling emptiness, smelling emptiness, touching emptiness, and knowing emptiness! !

A normal human being, in this state, is afraid that his will will collapse in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when the God of War was trapped by the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel, the voice of Fahai also came from Shajia's ear.

"Bold and evildoer! I want you to reveal your true self!!!"

With the sound of angry shouts, the meat relic in Fahai's eyebrows suddenly burst out with colorful Buddha light! !Like a scorching magical eye, with the power of penetrating all methods, he brazenly moved towards the God of War Xi.

Shaka frowned, keenly aware that Fahai's state seemed to be a little off...  

Not to mention, the irritable and angry emotions in him should not exist in Buddhist disciples, especially a Buddhist monk who can immediately ascend to the Arahant status.

"Fahai!!!" Shaka shouted, his voice like thunder, like the roar of a lion.

A terrifying sound wave, with the power to cleanse people's hearts, slammed through Fa Hai's body.

Holding the whisk, he headed towards Fa Hai, who was smashed by the God of War, and his movements slammed.

The ferocious look on his face gradually dissipated, and he became peaceful again.

"Amitabha! A sin! A sin! The poor monk actually acted ignorantly and anger! Fa Hai, who had regained consciousness, looked like he had lingering fears, and hurriedly recited the scriptures to regain his inner meditation.

hum! ! !

In order to give Fahai a blow, let Fahai regain his rationality.

However, Shaka loosened his control over the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel.

Although the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel is strong, it is absolutely impossible to really kill an existence like the God of War with this move.

Even, the God of War took this opportunity to use his powerful spiritual cultivation in turn to penetrate into the surrounding space of hundreds of miles in a fluctuating situation.

Accompanied by a humming tremor of the earth.Under the stunned gaze of Shaka and Fahai.

The earth is like soft mud, which is gradually rounded and flattened under the manipulation of an invisible big hand.Soon, in the swamp-like land, one after another, giants of several tens of meters in height, made of rock, gravel, and loess, climbed up.

These giants are all more than ten feet tall, with burly bodies, and their cheeks are like mass-produced goods carved out of a mold. They all have the same facial features as the God of War.

In the blink of an eye, Fahai and Shaka were surrounded by a huge number of giants.

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