Hexi and Kaisha came back to their senses instantly.The expressions and postures of the two people instantly became the king of the aloof angel civilization.

"Sorry, it's a little rude to meet you for the first time. I'm the King of Angels, holy Kaisha. Dear Lord of the Group, hello!" Kaisha's body flashed with wormholes, and in a flash, she put on a dress that symbolized her identity as the King of Angels. The dark silver hollow armor, the scarlet plush collar cloak behind it, scattered instantly.

Supporting Keisha, she became more and more sacred and inviolable.

"The group leader's arrival is really a bit sudden!" Hexi also transformed into the disguise of King Tianji.Compared to Keisha, perhaps the only difference is that the cloak behind Hexi is blue.

Luo Fu came too fast, and happened to see the scene between Kaisha and Hexi, which was slightly affectionate. This was obviously a very embarrassing situation.

Whether it is Kaisha, Hexi, or Luofu, they are not ordinary people.They are quite powerful in controlling their own emotions.

Between each other, tacitly skipped this embarrassing topic.

After some chats, the two sides soon began to discuss business affairs.

After all, Luo Fu has now spent his own points to buy the World Legend Talisman to come to the Super God Universe.

Spiritual consciousness spread instantly, and after sweeping the entire super god universe in the blink of an eye, Luo Fu gradually frowned.

Seeing this, Hexi said with some concern: "Master group, is there really any trouble in our universe?"

Luo Fu came back to his senses and shook his head. After denying Hexi's guess, he said strangely, "That's not it. It's just..."

"Just what?" Keisha asked urgently.

The current angel civilization, although it is indeed very powerful.But it is still far from the strength of [-] years later.

Keisha is truly recognized by the entire universe as the king of the gods, and it depends on her chasing and killing Liang Bing again and again.It is the angelic civilization that has been fighting with the demon civilization for [-] years without interruption, and it is the angel's prestige that has truly come out.

If it wasn't for knowing the details of Keisha, Liang Bing and others, I'm afraid everyone would suspect that the so-called war between angels and demons is simply a play directed and performed by the angelic civilization.

Of course, these are the future.

Although Kaisha is still the only king of the angelic civilization, she has made great progress in terms of determination and character, but compared to [-] years later, she does not have the calmness and shrewdness of the future.

"It's just... I didn't find any anomalies in your universe." Luo Fu said strangely: "Everything is normal."

"This is not right!" He Xi frowned and said, "During the time when the Tang World was upgraded, only three days have passed for the rest of the group, but a thousand years have passed in our universe."

"A thousand years!" Numerous thoughts flashed through Luo Fu's mind like lightning. "In the past thousand years, haven't you tried to contact the chat group?"

Hexi was embarrassed for a while.The corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "This..."

"It's up to me!" It was Hexi's good sister after all. Seeing Hexi's embarrassed look, Kaisha simply took the initiative to say, "The reason why Hexi didn't contact you in the chat group is because I and I The reason for the cold ice."

With Kaisha's story, Luo Fu finally understood why Hexi had not contacted the chat group for a thousand years.

Luofu itself has already spoiled the future of the super god universe.

But after Liang Bing still followed his predetermined destiny, he embarked on the road of betraying the angel civilization.

In the past thousand years, it was almost the most brutal stage of war between demons and angel civilizations.

Not to mention Hexi's own responsibilities as the first-generation Holy Right Wing Guard, she was quite busy.Just knowing the future and letting everything develop to this point made Hexi somewhat unable to face the group members in the chat group.

"That's not right! That's not right!" After learning the truth about why Hexi had not been in contact with the chat group members for a thousand years, Luo Fu frowned suddenly, his face full of puzzlement and said: "If it's just because of For this reason, it is absolutely impossible for a thousand years to even sneak a dive into the screen."

Luo Fu's words were like a flash of lightning, instantly awakening Hexi in his guilt.

With a sudden shock, He Xi suddenly realized that the truth of the matter seemed to be exactly what Luo Fu said.

Under normal circumstances, even if he was really ashamed and screwed up his plan to prevent Liang Bing from becoming the king of demons, he would definitely not even peep at the screen for a thousand years.It was as if he had really forgotten the existence of chat groups.

Aware of what must have happened.Hexi's face suddenly became serious.

"Master group owner, are you saying that my consciousness and heart have been manipulated?"

In the current super-divine universe, although technology has not developed to [-] years later, the degree to which other people's memory and consciousness are often defined in the dark plane.But it has already begun to dabble in this direction.

However, in Hexi's view, the protection of the group members' consciousness by the chat group alone cannot be penetrated by ordinary power.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes seemed to have the meaning of penetrating all laws, Luo Fu glanced at Hexi, shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily, at least I haven't found out from you that someone has manipulated your consciousness and mind. sign."

"Then why would I ignore the chat group?" Hexi looked puzzled.

"Our universe certainly has no power that can be compared with your chat group. I think that under the premise of this kind of helpless, it is better to find a clue first, and follow the clues." Keisha said while thinking. : "Maybe, we can start with time.".

Chapter 466

"Time?" Luo Fu's heart moved, and a mysterious light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The eyes that penetrated all the laws, as if brushing away all the appearances of the universe, and directly observed the most essential laws of heaven.

In the super god universe, the essence of Luo Fu Quansheng is already an existence beyond the time axis.

His eyes can even directly penetrate the past and the future.

Get a panoramic view of everything on the timeline.

The past, present, and future of the entire super-divine universe... Whether in space or time, everything has already happened, is happening, and all kinds of things that may happen in the future have all come into Luo Fu's eyes.

"found it!"

Following the timeline, from the past to the future, when Luo Fu's sight reached [-] years later, he finally found the clue at this time.

Nearly [-] years later, before the official opening of the so-called super-divine universe plot, Hexi's existence turned out to be like a high-dimensional existence in an instant, erasing it.

Perhaps it is not appropriate to say that, more precisely, Hexi suddenly disappeared in this universe, at a certain time point in the future, nearly [-] years later.

What is even more bizarre is that in the future observed by Luo Fu, no one in the entire super-divine universe has noticed the difference.

Obviously in Zhixin's mouth, she still has a master, and she even introduced the existence of Hexi, the King of Heaven, to others, but Hexi has become an existence that only exists in his mouth, or memory, and then It didn't show up either.

"Is it really because of time?" Kaisha's eyes flashed, and she felt more and more in her heart that the current technology of Angel Civilization was a bit backward.

Although in this universe, the angel civilization has already stood at the top of the entire known universe civilization, even the super seminary, in the dissolution of the angel civilization, is facing it with an equal attitude.

Even when he was expelled by the angel civilization, he could only leave obediently.

Compared with this universe, the real threat even comes from outside the universe.

Not to mention Keisha's thoughts.

Hexi couldn't wait to know at this time, what was the reason that he had completely ignored the existence of the chat group for a thousand years.

As a party, Hexi is very sure that in this thousand years, he has not forgotten the existence of the chat group.

However, it was like an incomparably mysterious power, constantly urging her inner shame and anger, causing her to deliberately ignore the length of time.

I believe if it wasn't in the chat group, someone suddenly spoke.And it happened to be stuck on the node of this thousand years, I am afraid that Hexi will still ignore the existence of the chat group.

This kind of feeling that even his self-consciousness was distorted was really unacceptable to Hexi.

Luo Fu did not wait for Hexi to ask, and said directly: "It seems that there is indeed some anomaly in your universe. At a certain moment in the future more than [-] years later, you suddenly disappeared in this universe. But Including Angel Civilization, even your disciple Zhi Xin has not forgotten you. But, everyone ignores your existence."

This situation is too much like Hexi's state when he ignores the chat group.

Not forgotten, but ignored.

"More than [-] years later!" After the shock, He Xi suddenly reflected.

After more than [-] years, isn't that the time when the earth is being paid attention to by all the cosmic forces, and the whole super-divine cosmic plot begins?

Could it be that your own universe is really being targeted by the system host, or the transmigrator?

Not right! !

If this is really the case.So why is there no prompt in the chat group at all?

Countless chaotic thoughts flashed through his mind for a while, and Hexi said in surprise: "Master group owner. Is there still no task?"

After opening the task plug-in and taking a look, Luo Fu shook his head and said, "Sorry, still no!"

After a slight pause, Luo Fu continued: "It seems that we need to go there in person after [-] years!!"

"After [-] years?" Keisha said with a bit of envy and surprise: "Is this kind of thing possible? I mean, time travel. From a scientific point of view, time is just the movement process of material change. .It's an irreversible process! To some extent, by accelerating the particle motion, an apparent acceleration of time can be achieved. But it cannot be reversed."

"That's not necessarily true." Luo Fu smiled and said: "The paradox of traveling through time can be explained by parallel universes. But your universe is different!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

The smile on Luo Fu's face gradually disappeared, and he said, "In your universe, there is no probability. At least in the future I observed, for more than [-] years, there is no branch in the entire timeline. In other words, everything is It's doomed!"

"In the microscopic world, although there are uncertainties, probability waves still have stable objective laws, which are not changed by the will of individual life. Individual life is also composed of the most basic particles. In other words, Everything is doomed. The big clock can predict the future of the entire universe by calculating the extreme microscopic particles of the entire universe. Therefore, I will oppose the freedom theory of Liang Bing. Only justice can ensure the stable development of the entire universe. " Keisha seemed to be emotional, but in fact, there was a bit of speechless arrogance in her tone.

...... 0

"It now seems that my justice order is indeed correct."

"So it is." Luo Fu suddenly understood why Keisha and Liang Bing were inseparable.

On the surface, the idea of ​​freedom and degeneration advocated by Liang Bing is diametrically opposed to Keisha's righteous order.But the concept of the sisters is still not an empty concept in essence.Rather, it is a conflict of scientific theories.

Keisha seems to believe in the theory of doom, and she believes that all developments in the universe have laws to follow.This kind of law is the generalization of quantum mechanics that if there is a cause, there must be an effect.

It's just that Keisha's idea was given the title of justice.Its essence is an extreme materialistic view of science.

And Liang Bing obviously does not accept this.She seems to think that the decision of what the consciousness chooses to do is the initiative of the will.The claim is more like a reinforced observer effect.

This is the foundation of the idea of ​​cold ice freedom and depravity.

The life-and-death struggle between the two sisters is fundamentally a conflict between philosophical speculation and scientific ideas.

No matter how advanced the science of the supernatural universe is, there will still be low-level civilizations.

In the eyes of lower civilizations, strong men like Keisha and Liang Bing are no different from gods.

Their ideas are fundamentally understood by those civilizations that have not yet developed.

You can only put on the cloak of justice, freedom, and depravity.Pack it up.Nine.

Chapter 467

Although I understand what is the root cause of the battle between Keisha and Liang Bing for so many years.

But these were questions for Hexi, and they didn't make any sense at all.

Shaking his head, Luo Fu ignored that his face flushed slightly, like Keisha who was immersed in victory.

Luo Fu looked at Hexi and said, "I think it is necessary for us to travel to the future [-] years later!"

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