Lian Bing frowned and said subconsciously, "You have a statement for a while? Didn't you just say that you need to give up your identity as an angel? Why has it changed all of a sudden?"

"It's very simple! If it's just Hexi, Kaisha, or you, any one of the three of you, it means that you will lose your identity as an angel. But when the three of you accept the gift left by Hexi at the same time Then, when you are together, you are still an angel!" Luo Fu glanced at Hexi playfully, and said, "Pipixi can even skin her own body, I think she has developed such a method, you two. There shouldn't be any doubts, right?"

Kaisha didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she shook her head and said, "Hexi... can indeed do such a thing!"

At this time, even Lian Bing didn't know what to say.

In the more than [-] years of war that Kaisha and Liang Bing hated each other, Hexi did not personally intervene in it.

But she was always thinking about making peace.The best thing is to make Lian Bing change his mind, and let Kaisha forgive Lian Bing no matter how bad it is.

But sadly, all Hexi's efforts did not work for the stubborn sisters.

Just based on her character, it is said that she can really do this kind of thing for the sake of this pair of sisters. She has developed a kind of angel gene when the three are together. Once separated, she will completely lose her angel status. 's technology.

"." I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?" For some reason, although he also felt that this kind of thing was in line with his character, Hexi always felt that something was wrong.

"Master group owner, did you hide something on purpose?"

"You are really smart!" Luo Fu laughed and said, "Although you did leave a lot of clues after more than [-] years, (Wang Zhaohao) some of them seem to have been deliberately concealed. Believe in how skinny you are. You should know that now."

"What are you hiding?" He Xi smiled bitterly.

Luo Fu shook his head and said, "Since you have concealed it. Of course, even I know it. However, I believe that after the three of you accept the gift, you will know it!"

After a slight pause, Luo Fu didn't wait for the three to speak, and said directly: "Are you ready? I want to give you these three gifts!"

With a bit of bad taste, Luo Fu suddenly instilled a mysterious power into Hexi and the three of them out of thin air without receiving a clear response.

The invisible power penetrated Hexi, Kaisha and Lian Bing's whole body in an instant.

Under the observation of Louvre, the only bystander and one of the initiators.

The three angel kings who received Hexi's gift [-] years later suddenly showed a shocking change. .

Chapter 475

Apocalypse Wang Liangbing, just like the idea of ​​freedom and depravity she pursues.It has evolved to the fourth generation of gods that can be called immortal and immortal. Under this power, it was disintegrated in an instant.

The whole person seemed to have vanished into ashes, vanishing out of thin air.But the place has left an implication that must be grand and must make people yearn for it.

This implication, free from any restraints and shackles, is the most complete freedom and freedom!

The Heavenly Blade King Kaisha, the sacred body that could not be completely destroyed by a supernova explosion, was also destroyed in an instant, just like Liang Bing.There is also only a trace of majestic meaning left.

Unlike Lian Bing, Keisha's implication is more grand, but it is full of a feeling called Dao.This is the law of the universe, the principle of the universe.It is the law of all phenomena, the operation of all phenomena.

Tianji Wang Hexi, her side had the fewest changes.

Even on the surface, Hexi looked as if nothing had changed.

However, Luo Fu felt in the dark that He Xi was completely different.

He even peeked through the three gifts Hexi left behind and what they represented and symbolized.

Liang Bing pursues free will, so she is one of the three kings of angels, symbolizing the spiritual free and unrestricted.The bigger the heart, the bigger the stage.

But freedom without restraint is equally terrifying.Therefore, what Keisha gets is the Tao and the truth that symbolize the rules.

To a certain extent, after receiving the gift left by Hexi in the future, Kaisha can no longer be called a living being. He is more like a self-conscious Heavenly Dao.

She is the law of the operation of the universe, the rising and falling of the sun, the shifting of stars, the passage of time... The law of all these appearances is Keisha.

Hexi, on the other hand, is the expression of the material level of the universe.It is matter, energy, space, and time, the cornerstone of all existence.

Hexi alone has basic matter, energy, time, time, but it is dead.Only when you have the rules can you be able to operate in an orderly manner.

But if there is no free mind, then all this is meaningless.

But the strength of the heart is the law of mutual growth and mutual restraint.

The mind is unconstrained, but the law is to keep everything within bounds.Between the two, there is both conflict and opposition, and harmony and unity.

And what sets the stage for all this is the foundation of matter in the universe.

When all the transformations were completed, Kesha's laws, Liang Bing's freedom, and Hexi's foundation, seemed to have achieved a resonance reflection in the dark, and began to gradually integrate.

Watching all these changes, Luo Fu couldn't help but sighed: "Real and amazing design! The unity of the three talents, the harmony and opposition of heaven, earth and man. As expected of the king of heaven! Although he is a little skinny, he is really amazing in terms of talent. !!"

The symbol of heaven is Keisha; her rules, like the way of heaven, are cold and ruthless and cannot be profaned.

The symbol of human beings is cold ice; she is freedom, like the mind, free and unrestrained.

And Hexi is the foundation of it all.Because of the existence of the foundation, the way of heaven can have the basis for its operation; only the mind and consciousness can be born.

When these three are integrated, it is not an individual life at all, but a cosmology.It is a simulated star chart.

All the changes seem to be running through the ancient times, but also seem to be completed in a hurry.

When the former three kings of angels perfectly combined the gifts of Hexi [-] years later.Keisha and Lian Bing, who had just disappeared, also reappeared.

The difference is that an invisible opportunity binds the three angel kings firmly together.

Wait until the consciousness of the three people recovers.

Luo Fu couldn't help asking: "How? What do you think of this gift? You are almost like an independent universe now. Angel universe! How about this name?"

"Angel Universe?"

Hexi, Kaisha and Liang Bing looked at each other.

After they really accepted Hexi's gift, they understood why Luo Fu would say that if they accepted this gift, they would give up their status as angels.

Even if Carl is now using the power of the big clock to detect the three kings of angels, I am afraid that they will not be able to study what happened to them and before.

But Hexi, Kaisha, Lian Bing, and Luo Fu, the group owner of the chat group, understood what the change in the three kings meant.

"The pinnacle of rules is the Tao! There is nothing that can transcend the Tao." Kaisha's body, in a trance, actually revealed a bit of the taste of Hongjun Daozu.

Of course, compared to Daozu Hongjun, the current Kaisha is not a star.It's almost like the difference between an entire galaxy and a pebble on Earth.

But the current Kaisha is the symbol of the Tao and the truth of the entire super-god universe.Even the Tao of the universe is Keisha.

"The heart is unrestrained. There is no power that can override the heart." Liang Bing was like a girl in the rebellious period. After giving Keisha a glance, she said tit for tat.

"This is my gift! As expected of me!" He Xi pursed his lips and smiled.Indescribable smugness on his face.

This gift is indeed like her handwriting.Hexi had no doubts, and only she could do such a thing.

The pure mind is based on transcendence and matter, energy, etc.But the mind cannot exist out of thin air until there is no qualitative change. The mind is more like a higher-dimensional concept that has been relegated to the material world.It cannot exist alone, it must rely on the actual material.

Matter and energy have no rules and cannot function.This kind of law is beyond the scope of normalization and description.

To use a more precise description, it is the Tao.Even chaos is a part of Tao itself.

As long as there is movement, there is change, there is passage, there is a contrast between stillness and movement, and there is freedom and freedom, there will be a flow of Tao.Birth, old age, sickness and death, becoming and staying, bad and empty are all like this.

But just the collision of the Tao and the heart is more like the concept of nothingness.cannot exist independently.Therefore, there must be material support.

This substance is a symbol of existence.It is energy, it is matter, it is the essence of time and space.

This is simply a trinity of an alternative view of science.Not only does it perfectly solve the pursuit of freedom and rules between Keisha and Liangbing.It has become a unique view of the universe.

In this cosmology, the foundation of existence, the laws of operation and the freedom of the mind are assembled.When the three come together, it simply redefines everything.

Angels are also among them. The so-called angel genes are simply things that can be freely defined and tampered with after the powers of Kaisha and Hexi are fused!

"It turns out that this is the so-called loss of an angel's identity by Mr. Group Master!" Liang Bing had no qualms about having completely transformed himself into a mind that symbolized freedom.

Even, let's say, this is echoing her mind. .

Chapter 476

The conflict between Liang Bing and Keisha's ideas is definitely not as simple as one side's pursuit of depravity and freedom; the other side's pursuit of justice and order.

But in every aspect, there is a huge conflict.

This conflict has saturated the sisters' outlook on life, values ​​and worldview.

In Keisha's eyes, the genes of angels are sacred, and they are absolutely not allowed to be tampered with at will.

Even the sacred body technology developed by Hexi, to a certain extent, still did not change the underlying genes of the angels.

Lian Bing was different. While he was pursuing freedom and depravity, she decided that angel genes were simply unable to support the level of resistance to ultimate terror.

The only way is to change the angel genes.

Changed angel genes, or are they still angels?

But now, all these disputes have disappeared.

Because after accepting Hexi's gift, Kaisha, Liang Bing, and Hexi, in the state of trinity, have been elevated from a purely genetic level to another dimension.

Under the high-rise buildings, the contradictions in the past will naturally no longer exist.

Of course, the disappearance of the basis for the existence of contradictions does not mean that Liang Bing really has no contradictions with Kaisha.

The corners of his mouth evoked a playful smile.Lian Bing looked at Keisha triumphantly, and said, "Kaisha, what do you say now? It seems that even the gene of your King of Angels is no longer an angel."

"You are wrong!" Keisha shook her head and said indifferently: "I am still an angel! Because the genes of angels are also under my control!"

"Cut!" With a disdainful pouting, Lian Bing said contemptuously: "You are always so self-righteous. Angel's genes are indeed under your control, but do you still have genes? Genes are material. This is clearly a Hexi's power!"

"Hexi is the King of Heaven. It is the foundation of angels." Kaisha's eyes flickered: "But there are no genes in operation, just a pile of basic particles."

"I think, at this level, there is no need for the two of you to be hostile anymore, right?" He Xi twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "The mind is not bound, and the rules also override the material. So, really speaking, Everything you two insisted on before is meaningless now. Only a child will be haunted by the insistence and stance of the past."

"Damn it!" Liang Bing suddenly realized and said, "Why does the old lady care about this with you, Bichi? Cut it! Now the old lady is the freedom of all minds!"

"But I still have to be bound by my rules." Keisha was tit for tat.

"Enough!" He Xi said boldly, "Should we discuss now, what is the future me planning? Also, I still have to go back to [-] years ago with the master of the group, then get With the power I have now, will I really allow everything to continue to develop normally?"

"You have to ask Keisha about this." Liang Bing gave Keisha a white look and said, "I have left Merlot Heaven and am no longer an angel. But in the past [-] years, I heard that you have been It's easy to understand. Even the entire universe has no news of you."

"Kaisha, what do you say?" Hexi asked curiously.

Not to mention Hexi, even Luo Fu had some doubts.

It stands to reason that at the moment Hexi, no one in the super god universe can cause harm to her in a negative sense.

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