Every time, this proving powerhouse manifests an incarnation, and it will perish with the ringing of the Chaos Bell.

It was as if this saint was firmly restrained by the Chaos Bell.

"Damn! Damn!" The image of a white-haired ape appeared again.The ape grinned and said angrily and loudly: "You are embarrassing me like this. When I suppress the timeline, I will definitely let you die without a place to die!!"

"You have no chance!" Luo Fu's eyes flashed coldly.One after another, the big hands began to beat the Chaos Bell without stopping.

He seems to be a superb conductor, using the bell of Chaos Bell to manipulate his opponent as a marionette.


He is obviously a strong preacher, but in the hands of the quasi-sage Luo Fu, he is like a marionette.All of this is not because Luo Fu is really stronger than the other party.But Luo Fu really caught his flaws.

The culprit that caused the other party's clones to continue to dissipate and constantly manifest was the other party's own unstable past timeline.

Every possibility in the past will lead to great changes in the future.

The past remains unchanged, it is only relative to the strong who cannot transcend time.

In the eyes of the powerhouses who truly transcend time, nothing is constant.

Luo Fu is using the power of the Chaos Clock to reverse the time and space of the heavens to constantly interfere with this powerful person on the time line.

Every time, the incarnation he manifests will lose the present due to the changes of the past under the interference of Luo Fu.

Of course, this approach seems refreshing, but once it is played out.Then the next unfortunate is Rover.

But how could Luo Fu really be so unwise?

The incarnations that disappeared due to his interference in the past are all powerful beings that can integrate and bind themselves in the true sense of the other party.

Those who were left behind by Luo Fu were the weak ones.

Under normal circumstances, Luo Fu absolutely cannot influence and interfere with a saint's past as it is now.

But now, the other party took the initiative to open his arms in front of Luo Fu.As if to welcome Luofu to change his past as he pleases.Nine.

Chapter 492

At this moment, the former system host, the current preacher.

The infinite possibilities of the past are all vying for the only present.I hope to create a future that is unique to me.

Compared with Luo Fu, a foreign enemy, there were many possibilities in the past time nodes, and none of them really regarded Luo Fu as a saint. Instead, they regarded their other possibilities as a mortal enemy.

In this way, Luo Fu is like a high-level referee, relying on his own will, to suppress the possibility of the past of this powerful preacher at will.In particular, Luo Fu is not just a referee. With the power of the Chaos Clock, while interfering with the opponent's past, he also has the identity of the opponent.

It can be said that since Luo Fu began to use the Chaos Clock to constantly change the various possibilities of the opponent's own past.

This virtuous, even a little illusory sage, whose aura and connotation became more and more ethereal.

It was as if it had become an illusory existence that seemed to exist.

The gap between a quasi-sage and a saint is indeed like a moat.

Even Luo Fu, a quasi-sage who can be called a bug, cannot really kill an extremely weak saint in a real sense of recklessness.

Under the saint and the saint, it is basically like two species, and the gap between the two has reached an unshakable level.

With quasi-sage strength, go head-to-head with a saint.The odds are almost non-existent.infinitely close to zero.

And now, Luo Fu has run into that unique opportunity.

With Luo Fu hitting the Chaos Bell again and again.

The figure of the sermon in front of him became more and more erratic, and there was a faint feeling of being erased by the timeline.

"Daoist friend! Daoist friend, stop quickly!!"

Once again, a golden-winged Dapeng eagle with a pair of golden wings appeared.

This time, he was no longer as arrogant as before.

"You and I are just a misunderstanding, do you really want to kill me? Besides, I am a saint. Although my fellow Daoist has caught my weakness now, if you want to kill me, you must rely on your fellow Daoist. Means, I am afraid that it may not be possible to do it for ten thousand years.”

These words, Luo Fu judged, the other party did not lie.

How majestic is the possibility of the saint's past?Large numbers are not enough to describe.

That is beyond the boundless terrifying level.

Even Luo Fu, the possibility of the past now does not know how many.Almost incredible.

And Luo Fu firmly anchored his own past timeline.The past remains unchanged, and the meaning is far-reaching.Call it unbreakable.

Under such a premise, I want to use the way to kill the possibility of the opponent's past to kill a saint.Although not absolutely impossible.But it's also pretty slim.

At least, [-] years, millions of years are possible.

Of course, for the existence of Rover that is beyond the timeline in a real sense.The so-called time has completely become a relative concept, not absolute.

Not to mention anything else, Luo Fu can turn the heavens and space at will by using the power of the Chaos Clock.Not to mention, he is now in this absolute void where the concept of time does not even exist.

Luo Fu turned a deaf ear to the other party's begging for mercy, and just kept hitting the Chaos Bell on his own.

Time goes by.

In the eyes of Xiao Huohuo and others, the battle between Luo Fu and this cross-border enemy seemed like a joke.

One stood in the same place, first changed from female to male, and then changed more and more frequently, and even the species showed diversity.

But in the blink of an eye, he was no longer a human being.It would be fine if it just changed into an animal. The most outrageous thing is that there are still plants. Later, even various items appeared.

As living beings in the world of Dou Qi, Xiao Huohuo and others are used to judging everything by Dou Qi.All three views will be shattered.

The world of vindictiveness is not without animals, plants and even medicine pills, and even the birth of wisdom with flames.

But it's definitely not that big! !

"Buddha!" ​​Xiao Huohuo seemed to recognize the Tathagata Buddha, and subconsciously approached Tathagata and said, "What the hell is the group leader doing? A bell keeps ringing, and... and the guy on the opposite side is changing endlessly. No more. When will we be able to decide the winner?"

"It's not as simple as ringing the bell all the time. Even though we can't see what incredible magical powers the group owner has exerted." Yakumo Zi frowned slightly, glanced at Xiao Huohuo, and said: " But we can feel that every time the master of the group strikes the Chaos Bell, the surrounding realm has undergone the most fundamental subversion..."


The members of Dou Qi World looked at each other in dismay.I don't know what the realm is at all.

Not to mention the natives of the Dou Qi world, even Xiao Huohuo, a transmigrator.He also didn't know what happened to Yakumo Zi.

"I know! I know!" The devil boy Nezha, who has almost no sense of existence since he participated in this mission, finally jumped out at this time.

"The realm is a kind of innate magical power of the monster sage. She is a monster born from the realm. She is a realm demon! The so-called realm is the one who divides everything!"

"Dare to ask this little brother, what is the person who divides the universe?" Gu Xun'er asked with a look of help.

"Hmm..." The devil boy Nezha was at a loss for words.

Before joining the chat group, he had been imprisoned at home, and even though he was apprenticed to Taiyi Zhenren, he could not learn much from Taiyi Zhenren.Especially in elaborating this aspect, it is the absolute shortcoming of the devil boy Nezha.

"Let's talk about it. In the end, it's our ability." Yakumo Zi calmly glanced at the many aborigines in the Dou Qi world behind Xiao Huohuo.After pondering for a moment, he said: "The so-called realm is the foundation on which everything is established. Just as the horizon divides the sky and the earth, without a horizon, the heaven and the earth will be confused. The realm also divides everything. Simply put, when you divide When you are around, you are the realm!"

The natives of the Dou Qi world, including Xiao Huohuo, the future Yan Emperor, all understood.

But it was precisely because they understood it that they had a creepy feeling.

Divide the realm of everything! !

How could such an ability be mastered?

Let me ask, if someone really mastered this ability, wouldn't it be invincible?

The enemy's attack can be infinitely weakened by the ability of the realm.His own attack is infinitely strengthened.

Such ability is simply a panacea.Especially the all-rounder! !

"This...how could there be such a race between heaven and earth?" Medusa's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of horror at Yakumo Zi. .

Chapter 493

It is precisely because of understanding the meaning and concept of realm.

Only the indigenous people of the Dou Qi world will understand more and more clearly what kind of terrifying ability this is.

From Xiao Huohuo's point of view, Yakumo Zi is simply mastering the laws of the universe, the existence of the Tao.

The yin and yang move, and they all come out of their own accord! !

This is simply a race that has mastered Tai Chi!

Although Medusa is only an aborigines in the Dou Qi world, she is the queen of the Snake People and a powerhouse at the level of Dou Huang.

Her own knowledge, coupled with Yakumo Zi's explanation, was enough to make her understand the incredible power of the so-called realm.

Everything in the Dou Qi world has always been rude.The pursuit is powerful lethality.

Not so proficient when it comes to subtly general selection.

But that doesn't mean they can't understand.

It's like the existence of a different fire.This kind of innate fire, fueled by the laws of heaven, is a miracle in itself.

But the power of Yakumo Zi's realm, obviously conceptually, far surpasses that of Alien Fire! !

"The power of our realm is indeed very strong. But as far as we know, there are very few members of the realm monster family in the whole world and the realm. At least, there are only 19 monsters who are born naturally from the realm! "Yakumo Zi's tone was somewhat proud and arrogant.

The reason why Yakumo Zi said that she was the only realm demon born from the realm naturally.

That's because the current Yayunzi has clearly understood the miracles of the heavens and the world.

Not to mention the many system hosts.Even in the mall in the chat group, there is a realm demon bloodline that can be exchanged.

From this, it can be seen that Yakumo Zi is not the only one who masters the power of the realm.

However, in Yakumo Zi's heart, those guys who have mastered the power of the realm by exchanging the realm demon bloodline are not considered her Yakumo Zi family at all.

Xiao Huohuo gave Yakumo Zi a resentful look, as if he had eaten a lemon in his tone.

"Cough cough... The power of the realm is obviously extremely special. Besides, the way of heaven can make up for what is lacking. Since the innate masters this kind of powerful power, there must be an unknown other side. Eight Miss Yun Zi, you'd better tell us first, what is going on between the group master and this... this strong man."

"We didn't see it very clearly." Yakumo Zi glanced at Xiao Huohuo with a half-smile, and said, "We just feel that the realm of time around the group master has completely turned into a ball. It's a mess, the past, present, and future have even reversed or even jumped!"

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