But to Luo Fu, it has no meaning, but will pollute his essence.

After all, Daluo Jinxian is immortal!Eternal happiness!

The only way to improve strength is to constantly comprehend the Dao of Law.Everything else is of no benefit to Da Luo Jinxian.

The mana surged slightly, and Luo Fu instantly isolated all the incense power from his body.

But he will not let these incense thoughts dissipate.

As soon as he grabbed it with a big hand, it was invisible and invisible, but the incense belief of humane heart was revealed, and Luo Fu grabbed it in his hand.

He will use these incense mind power to refine into an incense body that sits in the world of Yitian.Nine.

Chapter 72

Those people in the martial arts who only dared to kneel on the ground tremblingly and kept worshipping Luofu.

I don't know what kind of magical scene is happening on the altar at this moment.

Threads and strands of incense mind power that mortals can't see with the naked eye are constantly collected by Luo Fu.Gradually condensed into a small group.

Even if these beliefs are placed in a low-level world, they cannot show any miraculousness.

But for Louvre, the incense was enough.

After all, he is only using these incense thoughts as a guide to refine an incense body.

The amount of incense will only affect the strength of this incarnation of Emperor Ziwei, who stayed in Yitian World, but it has no effect on Luofu itself.

If there are enough people in Yitian World who believe in Emperor Ziwei in the future, then this incense body might not be able to show many miracles and bless the believers.But now, with the foundation of Luofu's appearance, there is no need to worry about the issue of incense in the future.

Moreover, the incense body became the main god worshipped by Wudang, and it was naturally the responsibility of the Wudang faction.I believe that the disciples of the Wudang Sect would never dare to neglect a deity who had the experience of manifesting the Holy Spirit.

From the genius treasures that he collected when he was wandering in the Great Desolation in his early years, the mana surged, and he didn't even need to use real fire to refine it.

This piece is inconspicuous in the prehistoric world, but in the Yitian world, it is a magical material that is priceless, and it was refined by Luofu into a complex talisman that shines with mysterious brilliance.

He wrapped the incense thought power he had collected earlier on this talisman, Luo Fu thought, and stamped his own brand on the talisman. Finally, he lightly branded the talisman on the deepest part of the statue of Emperor Ziwei.

Accompanied by Luo Fu completed the last step of work.

The statue of Emperor Ziwei suddenly burst into a dazzling divine light.

The brilliance of the divine way, like a pillar to the sky, broke through the original Zhenwu Hall and plunged straight into the sky.

In the middle of nowhere, the noble, sacred, and splendid Pillar of Heaven is clearly seen by countless people.Even people who are far away from Wudang Mountain and don't know how far away seem to feel something subconsciously, and look in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

In a side hall not far from the Zhenwu Hall.

"This this……"

Following the master's instructions, Zhang Cuishan, who was honestly staying with his wife Yin Susu in this side hall, suddenly flashed a look of horror in his eyes.

The beam of light that shot straight into the sky, even if there was a window paper blocking the side hall, still made Zhang Cuishan and his wife aware of it.

"What is this?" Zhang Cuishan looked at Yin Susu in shock.

As husband and wife, they have lived together on Ice and Fire Island for more than ten years.

Zhang Cuishan's pedantic personality made him subconsciously hope to get Yin Susu's advice when it comes to non-interference principles.

It's a pity that Yin Susu was also unable to solve his puzzles at this time.

After all, this sudden change was completely the first time since the world of Yitian World, a low-level martial arts world, was created.

No matter how clever Yin Susu was, she would never have thought that a real god appeared in Wudang Mountain.

Without Yin Susu's consolation, Zhang Cuishan became more anxious.Think of the master's special instructions before.He couldn't sit still.

"No! Susu, you stay here, I'm going to see the Zhenwu Hall!"

"Fifth brother!" Yin Susu's heart tightened and she quickly stopped Zhang Cuishan.

Zhang Sanfeng's previous warning has already made Yin Susu guess that the famous Zhang Zhenren must know his secret.

Perhaps in the eyes of the master Zhang Zhenren, Yin Susu, who has married Zhang Cuishan and became husband and wife, naturally cannot pursue his past faults.But Zhang Cuishan was pedantic, but Yin Susu was very clear.

She knew without even guessing that if Zhang Cuishan knew what he had done.I'm afraid that the day when the couple's love ends is just around the corner.

"Susu, why did you stop me?" Zhang Cuishan said anxiously: "Get out of the way. This strange light is coming from the direction of Zhenwu Hall, and there must be something happening there."

Zhenwu Hall?

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Yin Susu's mind.

"Fifth brother, don't go! Don't forget, before the master left, he specially told you that no matter what happens outside, you are absolutely not allowed to go out. Besides, have you forgotten what the master has been preparing for this time?"

Zhang Cuishan was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

He looked at Yin Susu with tears in his eyes, and said, "Susu, the master is making a fool of himself, don't you really believe it? It's nothing but a symbol of comfort. It's even more impossible for Emperor Ziwei to come!"

Yin Susu doesn't care whether Emperor Ziwei will come or not.She is now using this as an excuse to prevent Zhang Cuishan from leaving the side hall.

As for what he has done, how long can he hide.Yin Susu couldn't care less.Anyway, it's good to hide for a moment.

"Fifth brother, no matter what, are you going to go against the master's words?" Yin Susu killed Zhang Cuishan's pedantic character.As long as he dares to go out, he will use Zhang Sanfeng's previous warning.

Looking helplessly at his wife, Zhang Cuishan never knew when his wife had such a day of respecting teachers and respecting teachers.Not even a matter of urgency.

"Okay!" With a sigh, Zhang Cuishan said helplessly, "I'm not going out.... I'll be here with you, waiting for the master to come!"

While talking, Zhang Cuishan walked to the window and pushed it open.

Yin Susu just breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the window that had just been opened, there was another shocking change.

With the Zhenwu Hall as the center, a billowing cloud suddenly rose from the northeast, and there were countless ghosts and monsters looming and looming in the cloud.A graceful figure whose appearance is unclear, like a white jade pillar holding up the sky and a sea of ​​purple gold beams, firmly suppressing all the sneaky demons.

To the northwest, a huge white fox phantom with nine long tails swaying behind it loomed in the air.

In the southeast direction, wearing white clothes and red clothes, holding bows and arrows, the image of a girl who seems to have wiped out all evil and revealed the infinite righteousness, stands in the sky.

In the sky to the southwest, there appeared a girl in a white Hanfu with smooth black hair braided into three vertical braids, overlooking Wanfang.The golden light all over the body shines brightly, like a Dharma protector, firmly guarding the sacred beam of light rising into the sky in the center.

Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu's husband and wife were shocked by this sudden change, and their eyes almost fell.

"Su...Susu, you...you're right. Master...Master actually invited Emperor Ziwei!"

At any rate, Luo Hao and others had already discussed that they would come as Luo Fu, the attendant of Emperor Ziwei.

The mission was completed, but they didn't even have the chance to show up.

Now that Luofu is preparing for the refining of the incense body, of course they have to work hard to show their sense of existence all at once.

Luo Hao, Ah Cha, Kikyo, Su Da, and others, all did the same thing, which really brought out the terrifying and powerful power of Emperor Ziwei.

At least in the eyes of mortals.

But what really caught Luo Fu by surprise happened in the next moment.

The divine beam of light that soared into the sky suddenly seemed to have received the blessing of the divine way.

The beam shrank slightly, and then instantly expanded.

A gigantic phantom that stood on the ground, so that the entire Central Plains could see it, slowly rose up on Wudang Mountain.

Zhou Tianxing Dou shines on it, all the phenomena in the world linger around the body, and the Senluo Difu floats and sinks under his feet.

At this moment, Yitian World, which is only a low-level world, with the appearance of the figure of Emperor Ziwei, it shows a magnificent atmosphere that only the Great World of Immortal Dao can have.

"This is..." Luo Fu's eyes condensed, and then the light in his eyes lit up.

This is Tiandao praying for promotion and feeling the terrifying power of Luofu that far exceeds the origin of the world. .

Chapter 73

In the prehistoric world, the way of heaven is lacking.Therefore, it is necessary for the Taoist ancestors of Hongjun to be in line with the Tao.

But in comparison, the Heavenly Dao of Yitian World is even more unbearable.

Even the limit of Heaven's Dao's accommodation is only Zhang Sanfeng, who is classified as a two-star powerhouse in the division of the main god.

Although in the description of the main god, Zhang Sanfeng belongs to an extremely special and upgradeable existence.But this is caused by Zhang Sanfeng's own perception.Has little to do with the world.

Therefore, the consciousness of Heavenly Dao in Yitian World felt the appearance of Luofu's incense body.He opened up everything about him without hesitation, trying to absorb Luo Fu's incense body.

No matter how random the incense body was created by Luo Fu.

The essence of condensing the incense body comes from the great world of prehistoric wilderness, and contains a trace of the laws of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world.In addition, Luo Fu, the big Luo Jinxian, personally shot.

On the incense body, it naturally has the laws of the great world.If it is absorbed by the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Yitian World, even just a trace of the laws of the prehistoric world will be enough to raise the upper limit of Yitian World.

It is a pity that Yitian World Tiandao, who has only instinct but no consciousness, ignores the most crucial point.

That is, this incense body wearing the Great Emperor Ziwei's vest 19 is behind a big Luo Jinxian.That is an existence that can even burst the world.

To open oneself to the body of incense is to open oneself to Luofu.

With Luofu Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, mana and understanding.In just a short moment, everything in Yitian World had already fallen into Luofu's grasp.It became a resource for him to understand the law.

Of course, because the background of this world itself is too poor, even if the law of heaven is stuffed to Luo Fu, it will not be able to give him much help.But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

To be able to comprehend the law in a low-level world like Yitian Tulong is an unexpected joy in itself.

What's more, as long as Luofu's incense body exists in Yitian World for one day, then he can use the amount of chat group to extract the luck and merit from the incense body!

Under the superposition of multiple parties, Yitian World's harvest is completely beyond Luofu's imagination.

This also provides another way of thinking for Rover.

Can it be like in the world of Yitian now, in the world of other group members, like the gourd painting.

This kind of practice, really speaking, is completely mutual exchange and mutual benefit between Luofu and the world.

"Heaven and man are one? Fit the body with the Tao? Replace the heart with one's own heart?" Ah Cha faintly noticed.

But what kind of wonderful chemical reaction happened between Luofu's incense body and this world, she couldn't understand, and could only make a rough guess.

Luo Fu smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "Neither, it should be a kind of mutual benefit. The world absorbs my incense body, the laws and imprints from the prehistoric world, and enhances my own heritage. I use the incense body to comprehend. The law is wonderful. It's a win-win!"

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