"Miss Kaguya, what's wrong with you? Did someone do something to you in Shuchiin Academy?"

Today is Kaguya Shinomiya's first day as a freshman at Shuchiin Academy.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who had just returned from school, immediately brought Ai Hayasaka to her own hospital.A series of checks were carried out.

This made Hayasaka Ai have to wonder if Kaguya Shinomiya encountered something at school.

Even as an extremely rational person, at this time, Kaguya Shinomiya began to gradually believe in the authenticity of the chat group.

Because neither his own future nor what other people swear by them seems to be fake.

Besides, what kind of technology can create a chat system that can be opened directly in the mind?

As one of the heirs of the Sigong Consortium, Kaguya Sigong can't believe that someone or a force, after inventing such a powerful technological product, is only used to prank him.

Pipixi: "Hey! Isn't this Kaguya Princess a sand sculpture beauty? Why are you still doubting the authenticity of the chat group? Isn't that the case with the remaining two newcomers?"

Saint Hui: "No! I already believe it!"

Black Cat Girl Control: "Meow! I believe it too. I saw the power of the group owner just now. Only when you combine with a strong person like the group owner can you give birth to excellent offspring. It's decided! I must Give birth to a child for the group master!" Nine.

Chapter 77

Iron Man: "At this time, I think I should @Holy Leader. Lord Luo, the black cat is going to rob you of the group leader!"

Holy Sect Master: "It's just a cat demon who was reincarnated as a demon. I, Luo Hao, are not afraid of her challenge. Besides, my elder brother is not a superficial person who can be fooled by monsters."

Sage Hui: "Although I believe that everyone in the chat group is from a different world. But Miss Black Cat, how did you see the group owner?"

Black Cat Girl Control: "Didn't you find it? There are a lot of videos in the group. Among them are the records of the group owner and the enemy fighting. It's terrible!! Only the seeds of the group owner are the most precious. .I must mate with the group owner!"

Holy Sect Master: "No shame! No shame!"

In the chat group, because of Tacheng Heige's bold speech, it instantly turned into a pot of porridge.

As the protagonist of the topic, although Luo Fu has the heart to persuade, he does not know how to speak.Simply looking at the excitement with great interest.

After so many years of retreating and cultivating in Intercept Teaching, he has not seen such interesting things for an unknown time.


Just fun!

If it is an ordinary person, because of so many excellent competitions of the opposite sex, maybe he will be complacent.But Rover has long since passed that stage.

The only person who can make him tempted now is the Taoist companion!

In addition, whether it is a beautiful beauty of a country, or a monster with a beautiful country, relying solely on appearance, it is completely unable to make his heart move.

Just when Luo Fu watched the girls in the group arguing with interest.

Wuming Mountain, outside the cave that Luo Fu had opened up at will, suddenly heard a loud thunder-like noise.

"Fellow Daoist Luofu! Pindao Yuding, come to visit, please come out and see!!"

Terrifying sound waves shook the temporarily opened cave.

Yang Jian, who was cultivating, was interrupted in an instant, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and almost went into trouble.

His face turned pale in an instant.There was a deep hatred in my heart for this uninvited guy.

Slowly withdrawing his work, Yang Jian's eyes flashed with anger, he quickened his pace, and went straight to where Luo Fu was.

"Master! Outside the door..."

"Master knows!" Luo Fu waved his hand and said: "This Taoist has some cause and effect with Master. You stay in the cave, I will send him!"

"Master, be careful!" Although he deeply hated the abomination outside the cave, the abominable Taoist priest who almost got himself into trouble.

But the voice of the other party made Dongtian tremble, and there was a faint strength of collapse, which made Yang Jian feel a little more worried about Luo Fu.

"It's okay!" Luo Fu dropped a confident smile and walked out of the cave.

On the way out of the cave, Luo Fu guessed like lightning in his mind.Master Yuding must have been to Heaven and met Haotian.

Now the sky is messed up.He didn't believe that Master Yuding could figure out the cause and effect of his interception of Hu Yangjian under such circumstances.

The only possibility is that the real person Yu Ding and Haotian have met.

After all, only the saints Haotian and Nuwa knew of Luo Fu's whereabouts.It is obviously impossible for the sage Nuwa to have anything to do with the real person Yuding.

Then, Haotian, who had been in contact with Chan Jiao and Yu Ding Zhenren, became the only choice.What's more, the Haotian Mirror in Haotian's hands can observe the Three Realms.

There is no doubt that the real person of Yuding is not good.

But among them, Haotian's position is somewhat intriguing.

In Luo Fu's view, Haotian did this for a very simple reason, he didn't want to get involved in the sect of saints.

His purpose is very simple, that is, to establish his authority as the new Lord of the Three Realms in the great tribulation of the conferred gods.By the way, recruit the available talents of Heavenly Court.

Among the three religions, it doesn't matter to him who is on the Conferred God List.

Who can accept Yang Jian as a disciple between Yu Ding Zhenren and Luo Fu? At first glance, it seems that they have a great relationship with Haotian.

But in fact, Haotian didn't care.

Even his younger sister Yao Ji and Haotian were able to put their hands under Peach Mountain in person.Not to mention a nephew.

Isn't Yang Jiao also Haotian's nephew?Didn't he die under the pursuers dispatched by Haotian?

Yang Jian is the same.

While thinking about it in his mind, Luo Fu also walked out of the cave.In a flash, he appeared in front of Master Yuding.

"Luo Fu Daoist!" He stared at Luo Fu with hostility in his eyes, Yu Ding Zhenren suppressed the true emotions in his heart, and politely pinched a Dao Jue. "Yuding is polite!"

"Senior Brother Yu Ding is very polite!" Luo Fu laughed and said, "I didn't expect that I was temporarily settled in this nameless mountain, and was found by my brother. I don't know that my brother is trying to find me, but what's the matter?"

It is not unreasonable for Luo Fu to call Yu Ding Zhenren a senior brother.

After all, even though there was a lot of filth among the three Qing Dynasty because of their teachings.

However, before the Sanqing sage did not personally turn his face, the disciples of the same generation of Renjiao, Chanjiao, and Interceptor would still distinguish the order and determine the title based on the length of the entry.

Even if the robbery of the conferred gods is in full swing in the future, when Jiang Ziya visits Biyou Palace, when he sees the Taoist Tongtian, he will obediently call him uncle Shi...  … To address brother or sister.

Play stupid?

Immortal Yu Ding's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth.Said: "Junior Brother Luofu, now the catastrophe is coming, and the secret is in chaos. Brother, I suddenly found out not long ago that there should be a disciple under the door, but it was snatched away by people."

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Luo Fu showed a look of surprise, and said with concern: "Senior brother, who is so bold? Do you need your brother's help?"

Shameless! !

The real person Yu Ding secretly slandered and couldn't help it at all.He simply opened the skylight to speak eloquently, and said, "Junior Brother Luofu, don't play stupid with me. You are a direct disciple of Master Tongtian's disciple, so you should know the number of days. Why do you step in and take away my disciple? Hand over my disciple quickly?"

Luo Fu pretended to be surprised and said, "Brother, what are you talking about? What do you mean by I stole your disciples? If you are short of disciples, even though you are not very skilled, you are willing to help. But you came here for no reason. , I kept saying that if I took your disciple, even if the trouble came to the Yuxu Palace, Master Yuanshi should scold you."

"Luo Fu, you are shameless!" Master Yu Ding really broke his face this time, even omitting the title of Junior Brother.Calling him by his name, he said, "I urge you to change your wrongdoings quickly, and hand over my disciples. Otherwise, it's time for a shortage of places on the list of conferred gods. Once you're on the list, your ten thousand years of practice will be exhausted. By then, it will be too late for you to regret it. !"

"Yuding! You are so shameless!" Luo Fu scolded angrily as if he had suffered a huge grievance: "You and I belong to the two sects of Chan and Intersection. I'm returning your disciple, are you kidding me to stop the teaching? Although I'm a newcomer, I will never succumb to your obscenity! I will never fall into the prestige of my interception!"

Luo Fu intercepted the teachings one by one, making the three corpse gods, who were even more angry, jump into a rage.

But he knew that he had to make it clear at this time, otherwise, once the Tongtian Sect Master misunderstood, it would be a big deal.

"Luo Fu, don't lie here. Let me ask you, have you recruited a new disciple?"

Luo Fu's eyes flashed, and he said plausibly: "I am the direct disciple of the disciple of the sage Tongtian. Do you need the approval of the twelve golden immortals?"

"What you robbed is my disciple." Master Yuding seemed to be a little shy about words.At least in the verbal conflict with Luo Fu, he was completely led by Luo Fu's nose. .

Chapter 78

"Ha? Could it be that all the most talented people are your disciples?" Luo Fu sneered and said tit for tat: "If other people want to accept apprentices in the future, I have to ask you first!"

"You...you..." Yu Ding Zhenzhen's face flushed with anger, and his whole body was shivering.Pointing at Luo Fu, he said, "Luo Fu, I won't spend much time with you. You take away my disciple and ruin my chances. Today, I will capture you and take you back to the Yuxu Palace for questioning! Leave it to the master to deal with! "

As soon as the voice fell, the real person Yu Ding pinched his sword fingers.

A flying sword shone with endless profound light, surrounding it out of thin air.The hissing sound of tearing the air can be heard incessantly.

"You can't do it if you can't say it? Humph! I didn't expect that the real Jade Ding, who teaches the twelve golden immortals, has only so much energy. You think I'm afraid that you won't succeed. You can try it!"

The mouth was arrogant, but Luo Fu suddenly raised caution.

Blue, yellow, red, black, and white halos surround the surroundings.Innate yin and yang, like two dragons, lingering around the body.

The left hand is holding Luobao money, and the right hand is holding the Deviance Sword.

At this moment, Luo Fu is simply armed to the teeth.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!" Immortal Yu Ding snorted coldly, and the natal magic weapon, the Immortal Sword, suddenly flew out.Hidden out of thin air, actually escaped into the void.

Luo Fu couldn't help but change his face after 19 hours.Because he couldn't guess at all, where the Immortal Slaying Sword would fly out in the next moment and attack him.

Although Jade Ding Zhenren's Immortal Slaying Sword was not like the magic weapon used by other immortals, it made a big splash in the great catastrophe of the conferred gods.But don't underestimate the real person Yuding.

If you think about it, you will know that he can cultivate Yang Jian, a strong man who has become a god in the flesh.How could it be so weak?

However, in Luo Fu's memory, it seems that the real person Yuding is indeed a little poor, and there is no magic weapon in his hand except the Sword of Immortal Slaying.

And even this Immortal Slaying Sword is used as both a magic weapon and a weapon.

It's no wonder that when Yang Jian came out of the mountain, he was poor and white, except for his own supernatural powers and a third eye, there was nothing else.The masters are all poor, so how can the disciples become rich when they come out of the mountains?

Concentrated and calm, he was on guard for the possible attack of the Immortal Slaying Sword that escaped into the void and disappeared at any time.

Luo Fu's mouth is not forgiving.

"Yuding, you are also teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals. Why do you only have this flying sword in your hand? Could it be that you are so poor?"

"Luo Fu, you don't want to be rude, I will let you know how powerful you are today!" Yu Ding Zhenren's face was ashen, and he was no longer tempted.

With the change of the sword finger of the real person Yu Ding.

There was a burst of air that could not be traced in Luo Fu's ears, and at the same time, a sharp air suddenly struck.Quick to catch people off guard.

Even Luo Fu didn't even have time to throw out the treasure money.

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